15:31:09 Started by timer 15:31:09 Running as SYSTEM 15:31:09 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. 15:31:09 Building remotely on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-6150 (ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g) in workspace /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based 15:31:09 [ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation... 15:31:09 [ssh-agent] Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine) 15:31:09 $ ssh-agent 15:31:09 SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-ZI5jbS0aHeMX/agent.2136 15:31:09 SSH_AGENT_PID=2138 15:31:09 [ssh-agent] Started. 15:31:09 Running ssh-add (command line suppressed) 15:31:09 Identity added: /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based@tmp/private_key_9754055525321502717.key (jenkins-ssh) 15:31:09 [ssh-agent] Using credentials jenkins (jenkins) 15:31:09 The recommended git tool is: NONE 15:31:11 using credential jenkins 15:31:11 Wiping out workspace first. 15:31:11 Cloning the remote Git repository 15:31:11 Cloning repository ssh://oran-jobbuilder@gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/o-du/l2 15:31:11 > git init /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based # timeout=10 15:31:11 Fetching upstream changes from ssh://oran-jobbuilder@gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/o-du/l2 15:31:11 > git --version # timeout=10 15:31:11 > git --version # 'git version 2.17.1' 15:31:11 using GIT_SSH to set credentials jenkins 15:31:11 > git fetch --tags --progress -- ssh://oran-jobbuilder@gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/o-du/l2 +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 15:31:14 > git config remote.origin.url ssh://oran-jobbuilder@gerrit.o-ran-sc.org:29418/o-du/l2 # timeout=10 15:31:14 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 15:31:14 Avoid second fetch 15:31:14 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/sch_slice_based^{commit} # timeout=10 15:31:14 Checking out Revision fc9632ea69082c495f32509c2bc1c4744cb38a86 (refs/remotes/origin/sch_slice_based) 15:31:14 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 15:31:14 > git checkout -f fc9632ea69082c495f32509c2bc1c4744cb38a86 # timeout=10 15:31:14 Commit message: "Adding Bimo Fransiscus Asisi as commiter" 15:31:14 > git rev-list --no-walk fc9632ea69082c495f32509c2bc1c4744cb38a86 # timeout=10 15:31:18 provisioning config files... 15:31:18 copy managed file [npmrc] to file:/home/jenkins/.npmrc 15:31:18 copy managed file [pipconf] to file:/home/jenkins/.config/pip/pip.conf 15:31:18 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins9777266019500670993.sh 15:31:18 ---> python-tools-install.sh 15:31:18 Setup pyenv: 15:31:18 * system (set by /opt/pyenv/version) 15:31:18 * 3.8.13 (set by /opt/pyenv/version) 15:31:18 * 3.9.13 (set by /opt/pyenv/version) 15:31:18 * 3.10.6 (set by /opt/pyenv/version) 15:31:22 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Creating python3 venv at /tmp/venv-VCI4 15:31:22 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Save venv in file: /tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:31:26 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: lftools 15:31:54 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:31:54 Generating Requirements File 15:32:14 Python 3.10.6 15:32:14 pip 24.1.2 from /tmp/venv-VCI4/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10) 15:32:15 appdirs==1.4.4 15:32:15 argcomplete==3.4.0 15:32:15 aspy.yaml==1.3.0 15:32:15 attrs==23.2.0 15:32:15 autopage==0.5.2 15:32:15 beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 15:32:15 boto3==1.34.141 15:32:15 botocore==1.34.141 15:32:15 bs4==0.0.2 15:32:15 cachetools==5.3.3 15:32:15 certifi==2024.7.4 15:32:15 cffi==1.16.0 15:32:15 cfgv==3.4.0 15:32:15 chardet==5.2.0 15:32:15 charset-normalizer==3.3.2 15:32:15 click==8.1.7 15:32:15 cliff==4.7.0 15:32:15 cmd2==2.4.3 15:32:15 cryptography==3.3.2 15:32:15 debtcollector==3.0.0 15:32:15 decorator==5.1.1 15:32:15 defusedxml==0.7.1 15:32:15 Deprecated==1.2.14 15:32:15 distlib==0.3.8 15:32:15 dnspython==2.6.1 15:32:15 docker==4.2.2 15:32:15 dogpile.cache==1.3.3 15:32:15 email_validator==2.2.0 15:32:15 filelock==3.15.4 15:32:15 future==1.0.0 15:32:15 gitdb==4.0.11 15:32:15 GitPython==3.1.43 15:32:15 google-auth==2.32.0 15:32:15 httplib2==0.22.0 15:32:15 identify==2.6.0 15:32:15 idna==3.7 15:32:15 importlib-resources==1.5.0 15:32:15 iso8601==2.1.0 15:32:15 Jinja2==3.1.4 15:32:15 jmespath==1.0.1 15:32:15 jsonpatch==1.33 15:32:15 jsonpointer==3.0.0 15:32:15 jsonschema==4.23.0 15:32:15 jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 15:32:15 keystoneauth1==5.7.0 15:32:15 kubernetes==30.1.0 15:32:15 lftools==0.37.10 15:32:15 lxml==5.2.2 15:32:15 MarkupSafe==2.1.5 15:32:15 msgpack==1.0.8 15:32:15 multi_key_dict==2.0.3 15:32:15 munch==4.0.0 15:32:15 netaddr==1.3.0 15:32:15 netifaces==0.11.0 15:32:15 niet==1.4.2 15:32:15 nodeenv==1.9.1 15:32:15 oauth2client==4.1.3 15:32:15 oauthlib==3.2.2 15:32:15 openstacksdk==3.2.0 15:32:15 os-client-config==2.1.0 15:32:15 os-service-types==1.7.0 15:32:15 osc-lib==3.1.0 15:32:15 oslo.config==9.5.0 15:32:15 oslo.context==5.5.0 15:32:15 oslo.i18n==6.3.0 15:32:15 oslo.log==6.1.0 15:32:15 oslo.serialization==5.4.0 15:32:15 oslo.utils==7.2.0 15:32:15 packaging==24.1 15:32:15 pbr==6.0.0 15:32:15 platformdirs==4.2.2 15:32:15 prettytable==3.10.0 15:32:15 pyasn1==0.6.0 15:32:15 pyasn1_modules==0.4.0 15:32:15 pycparser==2.22 15:32:15 pygerrit2==2.0.15 15:32:15 PyGithub==2.3.0 15:32:15 PyJWT==2.8.0 15:32:15 PyNaCl==1.5.0 15:32:15 pyparsing==2.4.7 15:32:15 pyperclip==1.9.0 15:32:15 pyrsistent==0.20.0 15:32:15 python-cinderclient==9.5.0 15:32:15 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 15:32:15 python-heatclient==3.5.0 15:32:15 python-jenkins==1.8.2 15:32:15 python-keystoneclient==5.4.0 15:32:15 python-magnumclient==4.6.0 15:32:15 python-novaclient==18.6.0 15:32:15 python-openstackclient==6.6.0 15:32:15 python-swiftclient==4.6.0 15:32:15 PyYAML==6.0.1 15:32:15 referencing==0.35.1 15:32:15 requests==2.32.3 15:32:15 requests-oauthlib==2.0.0 15:32:15 requestsexceptions==1.4.0 15:32:15 rfc3986==2.0.0 15:32:15 rpds-py==0.19.0 15:32:15 rsa==4.9 15:32:15 ruamel.yaml==0.18.6 15:32:15 ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.8 15:32:15 s3transfer==0.10.2 15:32:15 simplejson==3.19.2 15:32:15 six==1.16.0 15:32:15 smmap==5.0.1 15:32:15 soupsieve==2.5 15:32:15 stevedore==5.2.0 15:32:15 tabulate==0.9.0 15:32:15 toml==0.10.2 15:32:15 tomlkit==0.12.5 15:32:15 tqdm==4.66.4 15:32:15 typing_extensions==4.12.2 15:32:15 tzdata==2024.1 15:32:15 urllib3==1.26.19 15:32:15 virtualenv==20.26.3 15:32:15 wcwidth==0.2.13 15:32:15 websocket-client==1.8.0 15:32:15 wrapt==1.16.0 15:32:15 xdg==6.0.0 15:32:15 xmltodict==0.13.0 15:32:15 yq==3.4.3 15:32:15 provisioning config files... 15:32:15 copy managed file [global-settings] to file:/w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based@tmp/config81756508281237543tmp 15:32:15 copy managed file [o-du-l2-settings] to file:/w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based@tmp/config508273066473303948tmp 15:32:15 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins11497129817285493807.sh 15:32:15 ---> docker-login.sh 15:32:15 nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10001 15:32:15 WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. 15:32:15 WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/jenkins/.docker/config.json. 15:32:15 Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See 15:32:15 https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store 15:32:15 15:32:15 Login Succeeded 15:32:15 nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002 15:32:15 WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. 15:32:15 WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/jenkins/.docker/config.json. 15:32:15 Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See 15:32:15 https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store 15:32:15 15:32:15 Login Succeeded 15:32:15 nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10003 15:32:15 WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. 15:32:15 WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/jenkins/.docker/config.json. 15:32:15 Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See 15:32:15 https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store 15:32:15 15:32:15 Login Succeeded 15:32:15 nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004 15:32:15 WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin. 15:32:15 WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/jenkins/.docker/config.json. 15:32:15 Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See 15:32:15 https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store 15:32:15 15:32:15 Login Succeeded 15:32:15 ---> docker-login.sh ends 15:32:15 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins13871047215567750979.sh 15:32:15 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins16640237624793914142.sh 15:32:15 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. 15:32:15 [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 15:32:15 DOCKER_ROOT=$WORKSPACE 15:32:15 CONTAINER_TAG_YAML_DIR= 15:32:15 CONTAINER_TAG_METHOD=yaml-file 15:32:15 15:32:15 [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. 15:32:15 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash -l /tmp/jenkins2166744443650595843.sh 15:32:16 ---> docker-get-container-tag.sh 15:32:16 Setup pyenv: 15:32:16 system 15:32:16 3.8.13 15:32:16 3.9.13 15:32:16 * 3.10.6 (set by /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/.python-version) 15:32:16 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Reuse venv:/tmp/venv-VCI4 from file:/tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:32:17 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: yq 15:32:18 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:32:18 ---> Docker image tag found: 8.0.1 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties file path 'env_docker_inject.txt' 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 15:32:18 DOCKER_ARGS=--network=host -f Dockerfile-cu-stub 15:32:18 DOCKER_ROOT=/w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based 15:32:18 CONTAINER_PULL_REGISTRY=nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10001 15:32:18 CONTAINER_PUSH_REGISTRY=nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004 15:32:18 DOCKER_NAME=o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub 15:32:18 15:32:18 [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. 15:32:18 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins7424325904561754079.sh 15:32:18 ---> docker-build.sh 15:32:18 Docker version 24.0.2, build cb74dfc 15:32:18 Building image: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:8.0.1 15:32:18 docker build --network=host -f Dockerfile-cu-stub -t nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:8.0.1 . 15:32:19 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile-cu-stub 15:32:19 #1 transferring dockerfile: 327B done 15:32:19 #1 DONE 0.1s 15:32:19 15:32:19 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore 15:32:19 #2 transferring context: 2B done 15:32:19 #2 DONE 0.1s 15:32:19 15:32:19 #3 [internal] load metadata for nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/bldr-ubuntu18-c-go:1.9.0 15:32:19 #3 DONE 0.1s 15:32:19 15:32:19 #4 [1/5] FROM nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/bldr-ubuntu18-c-go:1.9.0@sha256:f9c41a15dc8d55b758a9ff3886426099e616b9a83ec5fe09ed9b07f1d7fab6cd 15:32:19 #4 resolve nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/bldr-ubuntu18-c-go:1.9.0@sha256:f9c41a15dc8d55b758a9ff3886426099e616b9a83ec5fe09ed9b07f1d7fab6cd 0.0s done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:f9c41a15dc8d55b758a9ff3886426099e616b9a83ec5fe09ed9b07f1d7fab6cd 3.06kB / 3.06kB done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:cdcad96bd1285535e6d19ea758ef1f9c16d7d79e61845e5cd76aef5185a6a90d 8.76kB / 8.76kB done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:3cf8fb62ba5ffb221a2edb2208741346eb4d2d99a174138e4afbb69ce1fd9966 850B / 850B 0.1s done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 9.44MB / 26.71MB 0.2s 15:32:19 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 3.15MB / 227.37MB 0.2s 15:32:19 #4 sha256:e80c964ece6a3edf0db1cfc72ae0e6f0699fb776bbfcc92b708fbb945b0b9547 162B / 162B 0.1s done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:2d489c440bae7a0ad69b4c46418838c2093a6ffe5d28c8999e6f60ee31c65355 144B / 144B 0.1s done 15:32:19 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 0B / 126.73MB 0.2s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 15.73MB / 26.71MB 0.3s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 23.07MB / 26.71MB 0.4s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 14.68MB / 227.37MB 0.4s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 26.71MB / 26.71MB 0.5s done 15:32:20 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 29.36MB / 227.37MB 0.6s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 16.78MB / 126.73MB 0.6s 15:32:20 #4 extracting sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 15:32:20 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 4.01MB / 120.16MB 0.6s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 44.04MB / 227.37MB 0.8s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 28.63MB / 126.73MB 0.8s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 16.78MB / 120.16MB 0.8s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 36.70MB / 126.73MB 0.9s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 25.17MB / 120.16MB 0.9s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 59.77MB / 227.37MB 1.0s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 32.51MB / 120.16MB 1.0s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 53.48MB / 126.73MB 1.1s 15:32:20 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 40.89MB / 120.16MB 1.1s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 81.79MB / 227.37MB 1.2s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 63.96MB / 126.73MB 1.2s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 49.14MB / 120.16MB 1.2s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 94.37MB / 227.37MB 1.3s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 77.19MB / 126.73MB 1.3s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 56.62MB / 120.16MB 1.3s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 116.39MB / 227.37MB 1.5s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 99.61MB / 126.73MB 1.5s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 75.50MB / 120.16MB 1.5s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 128.97MB / 227.37MB 1.6s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 111.15MB / 126.73MB 1.6s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 84.93MB / 120.16MB 1.6s 15:32:21 #4 ... 15:32:21 15:32:21 #5 [internal] load build context 15:32:21 #5 transferring context: 62.04MB 0.9s done 15:32:21 #5 DONE 1.7s 15:32:21 15:32:21 #4 [1/5] FROM nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/bldr-ubuntu18-c-go:1.9.0@sha256:f9c41a15dc8d55b758a9ff3886426099e616b9a83ec5fe09ed9b07f1d7fab6cd 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 142.61MB / 227.37MB 1.7s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 123.73MB / 126.73MB 1.7s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 92.27MB / 120.16MB 1.7s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 155.19MB / 227.37MB 1.8s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 101.71MB / 120.16MB 1.8s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 173.02MB / 227.37MB 1.9s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 112.20MB / 120.16MB 1.9s 15:32:21 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 204.47MB / 227.37MB 2.1s 15:32:21 #4 extracting sha256:f22ccc0b8772d8e1bcb40f137b373686bc27427a70c0e41dd22b38016e09e7e0 1.5s done 15:32:21 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 120.16MB / 120.16MB 2.1s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 227.37MB / 227.37MB 2.3s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 126.73MB / 126.73MB 2.2s done 15:32:22 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 0B / 123.71MB 2.6s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 120.16MB / 120.16MB 2.7s done 15:32:22 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 33.55MB / 123.71MB 2.8s 15:32:22 #4 extracting sha256:3cf8fb62ba5ffb221a2edb2208741346eb4d2d99a174138e4afbb69ce1fd9966 done 15:32:22 #4 sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 227.37MB / 227.37MB 2.9s done 15:32:22 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 53.48MB / 123.71MB 2.9s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 69.21MB / 123.71MB 3.0s 15:32:22 #4 extracting sha256:e80c964ece6a3edf0db1cfc72ae0e6f0699fb776bbfcc92b708fbb945b0b9547 done 15:32:22 #4 extracting sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 15:32:22 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 6.29MB / 37.93MB 3.0s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 5.24MB / 71.95MB 3.0s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 101.71MB / 123.71MB 3.2s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 17.34MB / 37.93MB 3.2s 15:32:22 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 19.92MB / 71.95MB 3.2s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 115.34MB / 123.71MB 3.3s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 24.12MB / 37.93MB 3.3s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 30.53MB / 71.95MB 3.3s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 123.71MB / 123.71MB 3.4s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 28.31MB / 37.93MB 3.4s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 37.75MB / 71.95MB 3.4s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 37.93MB / 37.93MB 3.5s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 53.48MB / 71.95MB 3.5s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 123.71MB / 123.71MB 3.5s done 15:32:23 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 70.25MB / 71.95MB 3.6s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 37.93MB / 37.93MB 3.6s done 15:32:23 #4 sha256:1710cd1faa0ec501b5c0bd2318172a7948d74afb988b77613cb50801c4d5a0d4 3.15MB / 8.47MB 3.7s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 131.07kB / 42.84MB 3.7s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 71.95MB / 71.95MB 3.8s done 15:32:23 #4 sha256:1710cd1faa0ec501b5c0bd2318172a7948d74afb988b77613cb50801c4d5a0d4 8.47MB / 8.47MB 3.8s done 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 20.97MB / 42.84MB 3.9s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:d44308ed4b3eb5b7d7d582498af31150059a91afbe0c7aa1347c5685e158f055 14.68MB / 24.34MB 3.9s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 32.51MB / 42.84MB 4.0s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:d44308ed4b3eb5b7d7d582498af31150059a91afbe0c7aa1347c5685e158f055 24.34MB / 24.34MB 4.0s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 42.84MB / 42.84MB 4.1s 15:32:23 #4 sha256:d44308ed4b3eb5b7d7d582498af31150059a91afbe0c7aa1347c5685e158f055 24.34MB / 24.34MB 4.0s done 15:32:24 #4 sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 42.84MB / 42.84MB 4.1s done 15:32:27 #4 extracting sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 5.0s 15:32:29 #4 extracting sha256:d4194511dbdcaa8b4bfe8a395779a5b2b6bb59f5c8ba01e0544252d93632df3d 7.0s done 15:32:30 #4 extracting sha256:2d489c440bae7a0ad69b4c46418838c2093a6ffe5d28c8999e6f60ee31c65355 done 15:32:30 #4 extracting sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 0.1s 15:32:33 #4 extracting sha256:33ee3c77506bacdd07b62e2cbf90927011ff369570afee73c9a9f05a0901e20b 3.6s done 15:32:33 #4 extracting sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 15:32:37 #4 extracting sha256:7cdf3f1d17d0bb689ca6c429a9440a26a5b24d6bf7bcd566656f3c47fff772c2 3.7s done 15:32:37 #4 extracting sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 15:32:41 #4 extracting sha256:cf153de296b0dcc6cbb9046bf9b7bce5a4e0cd6b5b767a3b9a2badd5f7446cbf 3.8s done 15:32:41 #4 extracting sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 15:32:43 #4 extracting sha256:e1920709a3af0671bb3c78e12cb007099b6b9552ba6f0754466d69a16fa388ec 1.4s done 15:32:43 #4 extracting sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 15:32:44 #4 extracting sha256:6cdcae3380c6eef4a6b0d59f6ddcc1df6c0dd8414da85067b82df062e966102c 1.6s done 15:32:45 #4 extracting sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 15:32:45 #4 extracting sha256:6dbdb1c3e5fdc1fb01f94c9df7186bd321d10f00ca9e05c6e9fbaaeed7eb3570 0.8s done 15:32:45 #4 extracting sha256:1710cd1faa0ec501b5c0bd2318172a7948d74afb988b77613cb50801c4d5a0d4 15:32:46 #4 extracting sha256:1710cd1faa0ec501b5c0bd2318172a7948d74afb988b77613cb50801c4d5a0d4 0.1s done 15:32:46 #4 extracting sha256:d44308ed4b3eb5b7d7d582498af31150059a91afbe0c7aa1347c5685e158f055 15:32:50 #4 extracting sha256:d44308ed4b3eb5b7d7d582498af31150059a91afbe0c7aa1347c5685e158f055 3.9s done 15:32:50 #4 DONE 30.8s 15:32:50 15:32:50 #6 [2/5] ADD . /opt/o-du-l2 15:32:57 #6 DONE 7.5s 15:32:58 15:32:58 #7 [3/5] WORKDIR /opt/o-du-l2 15:32:58 #7 DONE 0.1s 15:32:58 15:32:58 #8 [4/5] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpcap-dev 15:32:59 #8 0.829 Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease 15:32:59 #8 0.829 Get:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [102 kB] 15:32:59 #8 0.884 Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease [102 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.181 Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease [102 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.224 Get:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/restricted amd64 Packages [1688 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.338 Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages [3786 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.641 Get:7 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [23.8 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.642 Get:8 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/main amd64 Packages [3373 kB] 15:32:59 #8 1.762 Get:9 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/universe amd64 Packages [1637 kB] 15:33:00 #8 1.789 Get:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [30.8 kB] 15:33:00 #8 1.790 Get:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [1728 kB] 15:33:00 #8 1.814 Get:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/universe amd64 Packages [2411 kB] 15:33:00 #8 1.882 Get:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports/universe amd64 Packages [20.6 kB] 15:33:00 #8 1.882 Get:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports/main amd64 Packages [64.0 kB] 15:33:00 #8 2.495 Fetched 15.1 MB in 2s (8229 kB/s) 15:33:00 #8 2.495 Reading package lists... 15:33:01 #8 3.768 Reading package lists... 15:33:03 #8 4.824 Building dependency tree... 15:33:03 #8 5.049 Reading state information... 15:33:03 #8 5.194 The following additional packages will be installed: 15:33:03 #8 5.195 libpcap0.8 libpcap0.8-dev 15:33:03 #8 5.217 The following NEW packages will be installed: 15:33:03 #8 5.218 libpcap-dev libpcap0.8 libpcap0.8-dev 15:33:03 #8 5.580 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 147 not upgraded. 15:33:03 #8 5.580 Need to get 339 kB of archives. 15:33:03 #8 5.580 After this operation, 1066 kB of additional disk space will be used. 15:33:03 #8 5.580 Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 libpcap0.8 amd64 1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2 [118 kB] 15:33:04 #8 6.158 Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 libpcap0.8-dev amd64 1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2 [218 kB] 15:33:04 #8 6.359 Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 libpcap-dev amd64 1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2 [3480 B] 15:33:04 #8 6.630 debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed 15:33:04 #8 6.671 Fetched 339 kB in 1s (300 kB/s) 15:33:04 #8 6.726 Selecting previously unselected package libpcap0.8:amd64. 15:33:04 #8 6.726 (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading database ... 15% (Reading database ... 20% (Reading database ... 25% (Reading database ... 30% (Reading database ... 35% (Reading database ... 40% (Reading database ... 45% (Reading database ... 50% (Reading database ... 55% (Reading database ... 60% (Reading database ... 65% (Reading database ... 70% (Reading database ... 75% (Reading database ... 80% (Reading database ... 85% (Reading database ... 90% (Reading database ... 95% (Reading database ... 100% (Reading database ... 24853 files and directories currently installed.) 15:33:05 #8 6.794 Preparing to unpack .../libpcap0.8_1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2_amd64.deb ... 15:33:05 #8 6.810 Unpacking libpcap0.8:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 6.893 Selecting previously unselected package libpcap0.8-dev:amd64. 15:33:05 #8 6.896 Preparing to unpack .../libpcap0.8-dev_1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2_amd64.deb ... 15:33:05 #8 6.906 Unpacking libpcap0.8-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 6.982 Selecting previously unselected package libpcap-dev:amd64. 15:33:05 #8 6.986 Preparing to unpack .../libpcap-dev_1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2_amd64.deb ... 15:33:05 #8 6.994 Unpacking libpcap-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 7.061 Setting up libpcap0.8:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 7.084 Setting up libpcap0.8-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 7.105 Setting up libpcap-dev:amd64 (1.8.1-6ubuntu1.18.04.2) ... 15:33:05 #8 7.125 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1.3) ... 15:33:05 #8 7.564 Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ... 15:33:06 #8 DONE 7.9s 15:33:06 15:33:06 #9 [5/5] RUN cd build/odu && make clean_cu cu_stub NODE=TEST_STUB MACHINE=BIT64 MODE=FDD 15:33:06 #9 0.248 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.250 -e Cleaning CU STUB 15:33:06 #9 0.253 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub/ /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm 15:33:06 #9 0.254 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.258 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.259 -e Cleaning ASN 15:33:06 #9 0.260 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm 15:33:06 #9 0.262 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.268 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.269 -e Cleaning ASN 15:33:06 #9 0.270 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm 15:33:06 #9 0.273 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.281 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.282 -e Cleaning ASN 15:33:06 #9 0.283 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm 15:33:06 #9 0.287 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.291 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.291 -e Cleaning CPUH CM 15:33:06 #9 0.293 -e   15:33:06 #9 0.294 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.298 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.299 -e Cleaning SSI from /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/obj/cu_stub 15:33:06 #9 0.300 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.307 -e ***** CU STUB CLEAN COMPLETE ***** 15:33:06 #9 0.308 -e Preparing directories for build... 15:33:06 #9 0.316 -e Directories are successfully prepared 15:33:06 #9 0.322 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:06 #9 0.325 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c  15:33:06 #9 0.325 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c  15:33:06 #9 0.325 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c  15:33:06 #9 0.326 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c  15:33:06 #9 0.330 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c  15:33:06 #9 0.668 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:24:0: 15:33:06 #9 0.668 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:137:0: warning: "SERV_CELL_IDX" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.668 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 0 15:33:06 #9 0.668 15:33:06 #9 0.668 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.668 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 3 15:33:06 #9 0.668 15:33:06 #9 0.669 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c:23:0: 15:33:06 #9 0.669 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:137:0: warning: "SERV_CELL_IDX" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.669 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 0 15:33:06 #9 0.669 15:33:06 #9 0.669 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.669 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 3 15:33:06 #9 0.669 15:33:06 #9 0.670 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1AP-PDU.h:58:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.670 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:24: 15:33:06 #9 0.670 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.670 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:06 #9 0.670 15:33:06 #9 0.670 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.671 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:24:0: 15:33:06 #9 0.671 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:137:0: warning: "SERV_CELL_IDX" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.671 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 0 15:33:06 #9 0.671 15:33:06 #9 0.671 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.671 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 3 15:33:06 #9 0.671 15:33:06 #9 0.674 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c: In function 'cuEgtpSrvOpenReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.674 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c: In function 'sctpStartReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.674 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:173:17: warning: unused variable 'destIdx' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.674 uint8_t ret, destIdx; 15:33:06 #9 0.674 ^~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.674 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c:224:18: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] 15:33:06 #9 0.674 else if(ret = cmInetListen(&sctpCb.xnLstnSockFd, 1) != ROK) 15:33:06 #9 0.674 ^~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.675 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c:296:15: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] 15:33:06 #9 0.675 else if(ret = cmInetListen(&sctpCb.f1LstnSockFd, 1) != ROK) 15:33:06 #9 0.675 ^~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.675 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c:207:13: warning: unused variable 'sockFd' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.675 CmInetFd sockFd; 15:33:06 #9 0.675 ^~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c: In function 'cuEgtpDecodeHdr': 15:33:06 #9 0.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:537:13: warning: variable 'msgLen' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.676 MsgLen msgLen = 0; /* Holds the msgLen from the Hdr */ 15:33:06 #9 0.676 ^~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:536:18: warning: variable 'version' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.676 uint8_t version = 0; /* Holds the version type, decoded */ 15:33:06 #9 0.676 ^~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c: In function 'cuEgtpDatReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:670:23: warning: unused variable 'cnt' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.677 uint8_t ret = ROK, cnt = 0; 15:33:06 #9 0.677 ^~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.677 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:25:0: 15:33:06 #9 0.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:137:0: warning: "SERV_CELL_IDX" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.677 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 0 15:33:06 #9 0.677 15:33:06 #9 0.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.677 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 3 15:33:06 #9 0.677 15:33:06 #9 0.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c: In function 'startDlData': 15:33:06 #9 0.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:406:19: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sleep' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.677 sleep(1); 15:33:06 #9 0.677 ^~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.678 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c: In function 'cuConsoleHandler': 15:33:06 #9 0.678 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:494:18: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 2 has type 'HandoverType * {aka enum *}' [-Wformat=] 15:33:06 #9 0.678 scanf("%d", &hoType); 15:33:06 #9 0.678 ~^ ~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.678 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:526:18: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 2 has type 'uint8_t * {aka unsigned char *}' [-Wformat=] 15:33:06 #9 0.678 scanf("%d", &duId); 15:33:06 #9 0.678 ~^ ~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.678 %hhd 15:33:06 #9 0.679 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:545:18: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 2 has type 'uint8_t * {aka unsigned char *}' [-Wformat=] 15:33:06 #9 0.679 scanf("%d", &duId); 15:33:06 #9 0.679 ~^ ~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.679 %hhd 15:33:06 #9 0.679 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.h:33:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.679 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:20: 15:33:06 #9 0.679 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'BuildAndSendXnSetupReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.679 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub.c:547:18: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 2 has type 'uint8_t * {aka unsigned char *}' [-Wformat=] 15:33:06 #9 0.679 scanf("%d", &ueId); 15:33:06 #9 0.679 ~^ ~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.679 %hhd 15:33:06 #9 0.680 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:56:36: warning: passing argument 1 of 'oduUnpackUInt8' makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] 15:33:06 #9 0.680 CMCHKPK(oduUnpackUInt8,(Data *)CU_ID, mBuf); 15:33:06 #9 0.680 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.680 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ssi.h:879:9: note: in definition of macro 'CMCHKPK' 15:33:06 #9 0.680 func(val, mBuf); 15:33:06 #9 0.680 ^~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.680 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.h:45:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.680 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:20: 15:33:06 #9 0.680 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ssi.x:939:5: note: expected 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}' but argument is of type 'Data * {aka unsigned char *}' 15:33:06 #9 0.680 S16 oduUnpackUInt8 ARGS((uint8_t val,Buffer *mBuf)); 15:33:06 #9 0.680 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.681 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c: In function 'processPolling': 15:33:06 #9 0.681 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_sctp.c:621:13: warning: implicit declaration of function 'XNAPMsgHdlr'; did you mean 'F1APMsgHdlr'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.681 XNAPMsgHdlr(&assocCb->destId, pollParams->mBuf); 15:33:06 #9 0.681 ^~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.681 F1APMsgHdlr 15:33:06 #9 0.683 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.h:253:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.683 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Field.h:15, 15:33:06 #9 0.683 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:24: 15:33:06 #9 0.683 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.683 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:06 #9 0.683 15:33:06 #9 0.683 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.686 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:59:16: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sendOnSctpAssoc'; did you mean 'cmInetAbortSctpAssoc'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.686 if(sendOnSctpAssoc(assocCb, mBuf) != ROK) 15:33:06 #9 0.686 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.686 cmInetAbortSctpAssoc 15:33:06 #9 0.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'XNAPProcXnSetupReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:93:4: warning: implicit declaration of function 'BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendXnSetupReq'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.688 BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp(*destId); 15:33:06 #9 0.688 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.688 BuildAndSendXnSetupReq 15:33:06 #9 0.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: At top level: 15:33:06 #9 0.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:111:6: warning: conflicting types for 'BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp' 15:33:06 #9 0.688 void BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp(uint32_t destId) 15:33:06 #9 0.688 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:93:4: note: previous implicit declaration of 'BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp' was here 15:33:06 #9 0.688 BuildAndSendXnSetupRsp(*destId); 15:33:06 #9 0.688 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.693 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'XNAPProcHandoverReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.693 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:265:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'F1APDecodeMsg' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.693 if(F1APDecodeMsg(f1apMsg, mBuf, &recvBuf, &recvBufLen) != ROK) 15:33:06 #9 0.693 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:271:4: warning: implicit declaration of function 'procUeContextModificationResponse'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendUeContextModificationReq'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.697 procUeContextModificationResponse(duDb->duId, f1apMsg, NULL, 0); 15:33:06 #9 0.697 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.697 BuildAndSendUeContextModificationReq 15:33:06 #9 0.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:259:23: warning: unused variable 'copyLen' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.697 MsgLen recvBufLen, copyLen; 15:33:06 #9 0.697 ^~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'XNAPProcHandoverReqAck': 15:33:06 #9 0.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:377:26: warning: passing argument 2 of 'SFndLenMsg' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 15:33:06 #9 0.697 ODU_GET_MSG_LEN(mBuf, &rrcCont.size); 15:33:06 #9 0.697 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.697 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.h:45:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.697 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:20: 15:33:06 #9 0.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ssi.x:1119:5: note: expected 'MsgLen * {aka short int *}' but argument is of type 'size_t * {aka long unsigned int *}' 15:33:06 #9 0.697 S16 SFndLenMsg ARGS((Buffer *mBuf,MsgLen *lngPtr)); 15:33:06 #9 0.697 ^~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:391:4: warning: implicit declaration of function 'extractDuToCuRrcCont' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.702 extractDuToCuRrcCont(ueCb, rrcCont); 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:335:21: warning: unused variable 'duId' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.702 uint8_t duIdx, duId, ueIdx; 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'XNAPProcUeContextRel': 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:455:21: warning: unused variable 'duId' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.702 uint8_t duIdx, duId, ueIdx; 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.h:33:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.702 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:20: 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'XNAPMsgHdlr': 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:508:28: warning: passing argument 1 of 'oduPackUInt8' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 15:33:06 #9 0.702 CMCHKUNPK(oduPackUInt8, &event, mBuf); 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ssi.h:931:9: note: in definition of macro 'CMCHKUNPK' 15:33:06 #9 0.702 func(val, mBuf); 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.702 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.h:45:0, 15:33:06 #9 0.702 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_xnap_msg_hdl.c:20: 15:33:06 #9 0.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ssi.x:950:5: note: expected 'uint8_t * {aka unsigned char *}' but argument is of type 'XnEventType * {aka enum *}' 15:33:06 #9 0.702 S16 oduPackUInt8 ARGS((uint8_t *val,Buffer *mBuf)); 15:33:06 #9 0.702 ^~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.703 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c: In function 'cuEgtpHdlRecvMsg': 15:33:06 #9 0.703 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_stub_egtp.c:514:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type] 15:33:06 #9 0.703 } 15:33:06 #9 0.703 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.739 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:148:0: 15:33:06 #9 0.739 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:137:0: warning: "SERV_CELL_IDX" redefined 15:33:06 #9 0.739 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 0 15:33:06 #9 0.739 15:33:06 #9 0.739 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:06 #9 0.739 #define SERV_CELL_IDX 3 15:33:06 #9 0.739 15:33:06 #9 0.744 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'fillRrcReconfigIE': 15:33:06 #9 0.744 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.h:32:14: warning: passing argument 1 of 'fillSrbCfg' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] 15:33:06 #9 0.744 #define SRB2 2 15:33:06 #9 0.744 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.744 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:1360:20: note: in expansion of macro 'SRB2' 15:33:06 #9 0.744 ret = fillSrbCfg(SRB2, rrcReconfigMsg->radioBearerConfig->srb_ToAddModList); 15:33:06 #9 0.744 ^~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.744 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:921:9: note: expected 'CuUeCb * {aka struct cuUeCb *}' but argument is of type 'int' 15:33:06 #9 0.744 uint8_t fillSrbCfg(CuUeCb *ueCb, SRB_ToAddModList_t *bearerCfg) 15:33:06 #9 0.744 ^~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.748 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'BuildQOSInfo': 15:33:06 #9 0.748 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:2569:20: warning: comparison of constant '2' with boolean expression is always false [-Wbool-compare] 15:33:06 #9 0.748 if(hoInProgress == Inter_DU_HO) 15:33:06 #9 0.748 ^~ 15:33:06 #9 0.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'BuildDRBSetup': 15:33:06 #9 0.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:3099:36: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 15:33:06 #9 0.750 drbSetItem->iE_Extensions = drbToBeSetupExt; 15:33:06 #9 0.750 ^ 15:33:06 #9 0.756 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'FreeUeContextSetupReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.756 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:3496:25: warning: implicit declaration of function 'FreeCuToDuInfo'; did you mean 'FreeULTnlInfo'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.756 FreeCuToDuInfo(&ueSetReq->protocolIEs.list.array[idx]->value.choice.CUtoDURRCInformation); 15:33:06 #9 0.756 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.756 FreeULTnlInfo 15:33:06 #9 0.765 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'BuildRlcConfig': 15:33:06 #9 0.765 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:6189:4: warning: enumeration value 'RLC_Config_PR_NOTHING' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] 15:33:06 #9 0.765 switch(rlcConfig->present) 15:33:06 #9 0.765 ^~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.765 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:6189:4: warning: enumeration value 'RLC_Config_PR_um_Uni_Directional_UL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] 15:33:06 #9 0.765 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:6189:4: warning: enumeration value 'RLC_Config_PR_um_Uni_Directional_DL' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] 15:33:06 #9 0.776 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: At top level: 15:33:06 #9 0.776 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:9165:6: warning: conflicting types for 'FreeCuToDuInfo' 15:33:06 #9 0.776 void FreeCuToDuInfo(CUtoDURRCInformation_t *rrcMsg) 15:33:06 #9 0.776 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.776 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:3496:25: note: previous implicit declaration of 'FreeCuToDuInfo' was here 15:33:06 #9 0.776 FreeCuToDuInfo(&ueSetReq->protocolIEs.list.array[idx]->value.choice.CUtoDURRCInformation); 15:33:06 #9 0.776 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.785 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'procUeContextSetupResponse': 15:33:06 #9 0.785 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:9784:10: warning: implicit declaration of function 'BuildAndSendHOReqAck'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendDUUpdateAck'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.785 BuildAndSendHOReqAck(ueCb, duToCuRrcContainer->buf, duToCuRrcContainer->size); 15:33:06 #9 0.785 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.785 BuildAndSendDUUpdateAck 15:33:06 #9 0.793 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'procUlRrcMsg': 15:33:06 #9 0.793 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:9876:22: warning: implicit declaration of function 'BuildAndSendUeContextRelease'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendUeContextSetupReq'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.793 BuildAndSendUeContextRelease(&duDb->ueCb[duUeF1apId-1]); 15:33:06 #9 0.793 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.793 BuildAndSendUeContextSetupReq 15:33:06 #9 0.797 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'FillDrbItemToSetupMod': 15:33:06 #9 0.797 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:10437:81: warning: backslash and newline separated by space 15:33:06 #9 0.797 choice_extension->value.choice.DRB_Information.flows_Mapped_To_DRB_List,\ 15:33:06 #9 0.797 15:33:06 #9 0.804 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'FreeDrbToBeReleasedList': 15:33:06 #9 0.805 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:11020:38: warning: unused variable 'drbItemIe' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.805 struct DRBs_ToBeReleased_ItemIEs *drbItemIe; 15:33:06 #9 0.805 ^~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.816 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'procGnbDuUpdate': 15:33:06 #9 0.817 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:11660:23: warning: unused variable 'ueIdx' [-Wunused-variable] 15:33:06 #9 0.817 uint8_t ieIdx = 0, ueIdx = 0, duIdx = 0, cellIdx=0; 15:33:06 #9 0.817 ^~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.826 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'procUeContextModificationResponse': 15:33:06 #9 0.826 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:11997:23: warning: implicit declaration of function 'BuildAndSendHOReq'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendF1ResetReq'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.826 BuildAndSendHOReq(ueCb, recvBuf, recvBufLen); 15:33:06 #9 0.826 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.826 BuildAndSendF1ResetReq 15:33:06 #9 0.831 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'procF1SetupReq': 15:33:06 #9 0.832 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:12117:7: warning: implicit declaration of function 'BuildAndSendXnSetupReq'; did you mean 'BuildAndSendF1SetupRsp'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 15:33:06 #9 0.832 BuildAndSendXnSetupReq(); 15:33:06 #9 0.832 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15:33:06 #9 0.832 BuildAndSendF1SetupRsp 15:33:06 #9 0.843 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c: In function 'fillDlCcchRrcMsg': 15:33:06 #9 0.843 /opt/o-du-l2/src/cu_stub//cu_f1ap_msg_hdl.c:1166:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type] 15:33:06 #9 0.843 } 15:33:06 #9 0.843 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.297 -e Creating Archive  /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/lib/cu_stub/libcu.a  15:33:07 #9 1.310 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:07 #9 1.315 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:07 #9 1.316 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeEnumerated.c  15:33:07 #9 1.319 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_tlv_tag.c  15:33:07 #9 1.319 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OPEN_TYPE.c  15:33:07 #9 1.319 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE_OF.c  15:33:07 #9 1.320 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BIT_STRING.c  15:33:07 #9 1.322 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_TYPE.c  15:33:07 #9 1.323 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_CHOICE.c  15:33:07 #9 1.324 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeInteger_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.325 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_tlv_tag.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.325 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.325 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.325 15:33:07 #9 1.325 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeEnumerated.c:12:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.325 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.325 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.325 15:33:07 #9 1.325 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.326 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_decoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.326 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.327 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BIT_STRING_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.327 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/INTEGER_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.328 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_codecs_prim.c  15:33:07 #9 1.329 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeEnumerated_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.330 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_encoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.330 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeInteger.c  15:33:07 #9 1.334 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_CHOICE_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.334 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_SET_OF.c  15:33:07 #9 1.335 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ANY.c  15:33:07 #9 1.336 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/der_encoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.337 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF.c  15:33:07 #9 1.340 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_random_fill.c  15:33:07 #9 1.340 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OCTET_STRING_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.341 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/xer_encoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.344 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_support.c  15:33:07 #9 1.345 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BOOLEAN.c  15:33:07 #9 1.346 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_encoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.346 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE.c  15:33:07 #9 1.348 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OPEN_TYPE.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.348 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.348 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.348 15:33:07 #9 1.348 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.348 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_opentype.c  15:33:07 #9 1.349 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.349 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OCTET_STRING.c  15:33:07 #9 1.351 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constraints.c  15:33:07 #9 1.352 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.c  15:33:07 #9 1.353 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/INTEGER_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.353 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.353 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.353 15:33:07 #9 1.353 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OPEN_TYPE_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.354 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_TYPE.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.354 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.354 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.354 15:33:07 #9 1.354 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.360 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE_OF.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.360 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.360 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.360 15:33:07 #9 1.364 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_decoder.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.364 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.364 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.364 15:33:07 #9 1.366 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_CHOICE.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.366 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.366 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.366 15:33:07 #9 1.366 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.372 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_encoder.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.372 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.372 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.372 15:33:07 #9 1.372 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.373 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BIT_STRING.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.373 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.373 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.373 15:33:07 #9 1.373 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.374 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeInteger.c:13:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.374 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.374 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.374 15:33:07 #9 1.374 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.375 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BIT_STRING_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.375 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.375 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.375 15:33:07 #9 1.375 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.376 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeEnumerated_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.376 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.376 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.376 15:33:07 #9 1.376 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.376 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.379 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OCTET_STRING_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.379 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.379 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.379 15:33:07 #9 1.381 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/INTEGER.c  15:33:07 #9 1.384 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_SEQUENCE_OF.c  15:33:07 #9 1.385 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_tlv_length.c  15:33:07 #9 1.386 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/odu_common_codec.c  15:33:07 #9 1.387 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.390 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ANY.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.390 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.390 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.390 15:33:07 #9 1.392 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_decoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.392 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_decoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.395 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/xer_decoder.c  15:33:07 #9 1.396 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.396 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.396 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.396 15:33:07 #9 1.396 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_bit_data.c  15:33:07 #9 1.397 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c  15:33:07 #9 1.397 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.400 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_SET_OF.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.400 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.400 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.400 15:33:07 #9 1.401 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_support.c  15:33:07 #9 1.401 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/NativeInteger_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.401 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.401 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.401 15:33:07 #9 1.401 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.402 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.403 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/xer_encoder.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.403 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.403 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.403 15:33:07 #9 1.403 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.403 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/der_encoder.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.403 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.403 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.403 15:33:07 #9 1.403 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.403 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/xer_support.c  15:33:07 #9 1.404 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.405 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_application.c  15:33:07 #9 1.409 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.c:1:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.409 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.409 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.409 15:33:07 #9 1.409 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.415 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_random_fill.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.415 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.415 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.415 15:33:07 #9 1.421 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OPEN_TYPE_oer.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.421 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.421 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.421 15:33:07 #9 1.423 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_opentype.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.423 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.423 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.423 15:33:07 #9 1.423 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.426 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_codecs_prim.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.426 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.426 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.426 15:33:07 #9 1.435 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constraints.c:1:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.435 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.435 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.435 15:33:07 #9 1.435 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.445 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.447 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.447 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.453 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.463 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.463 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.463 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.463 15:33:07 #9 1.469 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SEQUENCE_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.469 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.469 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.469 15:33:07 #9 1.470 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/OCTET_STRING.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.470 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.470 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.470 15:33:07 #9 1.470 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_CHOICE_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.470 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.470 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.470 15:33:07 #9 1.473 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.481 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:8:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.481 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.481 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.481 15:33:07 #9 1.481 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.484 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_tlv_length.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.484 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.484 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.484 15:33:07 #9 1.484 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.485 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.494 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/INTEGER.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.494 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.494 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.494 15:33:07 #9 1.501 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_encoder.c:2:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.501 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.501 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.501 15:33:07 #9 1.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.516 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_application.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.516 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.516 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.516 15:33:07 #9 1.523 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/BOOLEAN.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.523 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.523 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.523 15:33:07 #9 1.538 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.544 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_SEQUENCE_OF.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.544 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.544 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.544 15:33:07 #9 1.544 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.544 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.545 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.545 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.558 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.558 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.587 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/ber_decoder.c:5:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.587 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.587 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.587 15:33:07 #9 1.587 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.623 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/oer_support.c:7:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.623 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.623 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.623 15:33:07 #9 1.637 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.649 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c: In function 'SET_OF_decode_oer': 15:33:07 #9 1.688 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_bit_data.c:7:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.688 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.688 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.688 15:33:07 #9 1.688 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.697 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/xer_decoder.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.697 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.697 15:33:07 #9 1.701 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_support.c:6:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.701 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.701 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.701 15:33:07 #9 1.710 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/per_decoder.c:2:0: 15:33:07 #9 1.710 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:07 #9 1.710 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:07 #9 1.710 15:33:07 #9 1.713 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.725 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.727 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:07 #9 1.733 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.733 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.733 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.733 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:131:13: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.733 RETURN(RC_FAIL); 15:33:07 #9 1.733 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.733 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.733 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.733 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.734 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:152:13: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.734 RETURN(RC_WMORE); 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.734 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.734 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:154:13: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.734 RETURN(RC_FAIL); 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.734 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.734 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.734 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.739 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.739 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.739 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.739 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:182:21: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.739 RETURN(RC_FAIL); 15:33:07 #9 1.739 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:197:17: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.749 RETURN(RC_WMORE); 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:202:17: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.749 RETURN(RC_FAIL); 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:212:9: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.749 RETURN(RC_OK); 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.749 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.749 ^~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:48:24: warning: declaration of 'rval' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] 15:33:07 #9 1.750 asn_dec_rval_t rval; \ 15:33:07 #9 1.750 ^ 15:33:07 #9 1.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:215:9: note: in expansion of macro 'RETURN' 15:33:07 #9 1.750 RETURN(RC_FAIL); 15:33:07 #9 1.750 ^~~~~~ 15:33:07 #9 1.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/common/constr_SET_OF_oer.c:115:20: note: shadowed declaration is here 15:33:07 #9 1.750 asn_dec_rval_t rval = {RC_OK, 0}; 15:33:07 #9 1.750 ^~~~ 15:33:08 #9 1.912 -e Creating Archive  /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/lib/cu_stub/libasn_common.a  15:33:08 #9 1.923 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:08 #9 1.932 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:08 #9 1.932 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SpectrumSharingGroupID.c  15:33:08 #9 1.933 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.934 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BearerTypeChange.c  15:33:08 #9 1.935 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.935 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AllocationAndRetentionPriority.c  15:33:08 #9 1.937 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.938 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCReconfigurationCompleteIndicator.c  15:33:08 #9 1.940 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity.c  15:33:08 #9 1.942 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1AP-PDU.c  15:33:08 #9 1.948 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TriggeringMessage.c  15:33:08 #9 1.949 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRC-Version.c  15:33:08 #9 1.951 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QCI.c  15:33:08 #9 1.951 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Exponent.c  15:33:08 #9 1.952 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AveragingWindow.c  15:33:08 #9 1.953 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 1.953 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseRadioNetwork.c  15:33:08 #9 1.954 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.954 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEInactivityNotification.c  15:33:08 #9 1.954 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.954 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 1.955 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.955 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReqAck-Container.c  15:33:08 #9 1.956 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseProtocol.c  15:33:08 #9 1.956 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLRRCMessageTransfer.c  15:33:08 #9 1.961 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Name.c  15:33:08 #9 1.962 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.c  15:33:08 #9 1.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 1.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics.c  15:33:08 #9 1.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingIdentity.c  15:33:08 #9 1.964 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowIdentifier.c  15:33:08 #9 1.965 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SibtypetobeupdatedListItem.c  15:33:08 #9 1.976 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 1.976 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 1.976 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 1.976 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 1.976 15:33:08 #9 1.976 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 1.978 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PriorityLevel.h:54:0, 15:33:08 #9 1.978 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AllocationAndRetentionPriority.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 1.978 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AllocationAndRetentionPriority.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 1.978 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 1.978 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 1.978 15:33:08 #9 1.980 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 1.980 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCellIdentity.c  15:33:08 #9 1.985 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.c  15:33:08 #9 1.985 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-LongCycleStartOffset.c  15:33:08 #9 2.002 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.007 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.011 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.012 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/IgnoreResourceCoordinationContainer.c  15:33:08 #9 2.013 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationEUTRACellInfo.c  15:33:08 #9 2.018 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.018 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.019 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.025 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.026 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellBarred.c  15:33:08 #9 2.026 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.026 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.027 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NonDynamic5QIDescriptor.c  15:33:08 #9 2.027 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.c  15:33:08 #9 2.027 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.028 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.028 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIB1-message.c  15:33:08 #9 2.028 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NotificationControl.c  15:33:08 #9 2.029 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-EUTRA-Cells-Information.c  15:33:08 #9 2.030 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningRequest.c  15:33:08 #9 2.044 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.044 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtectedEUTRAResourceIndication.c  15:33:08 #9 2.051 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BearerTypeChange.h:53:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.051 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BearerTypeChange.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.051 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.051 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.051 15:33:08 #9 2.060 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseMisc.c  15:33:08 #9 2.060 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.061 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DUConfigurationQuery.c  15:33:08 #9 2.062 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.062 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.062 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.062 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.062 15:33:08 #9 2.062 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.062 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.065 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.072 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SpectrumSharingGroupID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.072 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SpectrumSharingGroupID.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.072 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.072 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.072 15:33:08 #9 2.072 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.073 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Cell-ID.c  15:33:08 #9 2.083 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.083 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.083 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.083 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.083 15:33:08 #9 2.083 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.092 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCReconfigurationCompleteIndicator.h:54:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.092 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCReconfigurationCompleteIndicator.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.092 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.092 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.092 15:33:08 #9 2.092 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEAssistanceInformation.c  15:33:08 #9 2.093 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.096 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCFailureIndication.c  15:33:08 #9 2.097 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-State.c  15:33:08 #9 2.100 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SUL-Information.c  15:33:08 #9 2.100 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.101 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SuccessfulOutcome.c  15:33:08 #9 2.104 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.104 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.104 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.104 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.104 15:33:08 #9 2.105 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QosInformation.c  15:33:08 #9 2.105 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity.h:53:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.105 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.105 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.105 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.105 15:33:08 #9 2.107 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.109 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.109 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEInactivityNotification.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEInactivityNotification.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.109 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.109 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.109 15:33:08 #9 2.109 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRC-Version.h:42:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRC-Version.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.109 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.109 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.109 15:33:08 #9 2.110 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.111 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SibtypetobeupdatedListItem.h:51:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.111 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SibtypetobeupdatedListItem.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.111 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.111 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.111 15:33:08 #9 2.111 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.111 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.112 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelRequest.c  15:33:08 #9 2.112 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransmissionActionIndicator.c  15:33:08 #9 2.113 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.h:72:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.113 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.113 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.113 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.113 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.113 15:33:08 #9 2.113 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.121 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.122 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.122 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferContainer.c  15:33:08 #9 2.125 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.129 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.129 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Transmission-Bandwidth.c  15:33:08 #9 2.130 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencySelectionPriority.c  15:33:08 #9 2.133 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.134 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionVulnerability.c  15:33:08 #9 2.137 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.138 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.c  15:33:08 #9 2.139 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationIndication.c  15:33:08 #9 2.141 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedP-MaxFR2.c  15:33:08 #9 2.142 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseTransport.c  15:33:08 #9 2.143 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.149 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULConfiguration.c  15:33:08 #9 2.150 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ContainerPair.c  15:33:08 #9 2.150 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PriorityLevel.c  15:33:08 #9 2.151 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.152 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationFailure.c  15:33:08 #9 2.152 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedBandCombinationIndex.c  15:33:08 #9 2.157 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Paging.c  15:33:08 #9 2.158 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.158 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixDL.c  15:33:08 #9 2.159 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.162 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.162 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-UE-F1AP-ID.c  15:33:08 #9 2.164 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.164 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANUEPagingIdentity.c  15:33:08 #9 2.165 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCMode.c  15:33:08 #9 2.165 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.166 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServingCellMO.c  15:33:08 #9 2.175 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.175 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.175 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.175 15:33:08 #9 2.175 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.185 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-ID.c  15:33:08 #9 2.193 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.202 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NotificationControl.h:56:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.202 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NotificationControl.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.202 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.202 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.202 15:33:08 #9 2.202 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.225 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningResponse.c  15:33:08 #9 2.230 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtectedEUTRAResourceIndication.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.230 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtectedEUTRAResourceIndication.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.230 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.230 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.230 15:33:08 #9 2.230 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.236 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseRadioNetwork.h:71:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.236 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseRadioNetwork.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.236 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.236 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.236 15:33:08 #9 2.236 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.269 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.284 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1AP-PDU.h:58:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.284 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1AP-PDU.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.284 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.284 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.284 15:33:08 #9 2.284 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.286 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateFailure.c  15:33:08 #9 2.293 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.312 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TriggeringMessage.h:54:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.312 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TriggeringMessage.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.312 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.312 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.312 15:33:08 #9 2.312 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.314 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.314 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.314 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.314 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.314 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.314 15:33:08 #9 2.314 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.319 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AveragingWindow.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.319 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AveragingWindow.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.319 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.319 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.319 15:33:08 #9 2.319 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.320 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Name.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.320 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Name.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.320 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.320 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.320 15:33:08 #9 2.320 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.326 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.326 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.326 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.326 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.326 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.326 15:33:08 #9 2.326 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.328 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QCI.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.328 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QCI.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.328 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.328 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.328 15:33:08 #9 2.328 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.337 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LongDRXCycleLength.c  15:33:08 #9 2.338 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframePatterns.c  15:33:08 #9 2.338 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.339 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.346 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReq-Container.c  15:33:08 #9 2.349 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Latest-RRC-Version-Enhanced.c  15:33:08 #9 2.366 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Exponent.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.366 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Exponent.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.366 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.366 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.366 15:33:08 #9 2.366 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.400 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.400 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.400 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.400 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.400 15:33:08 #9 2.400 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.402 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.402 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLRRCMessageTransfer.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.402 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLRRCMessageTransfer.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.402 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.402 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.402 15:33:08 #9 2.402 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.406 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AveragingWindow.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.406 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NonDynamic5QIDescriptor.h:16, 15:33:08 #9 2.406 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NonDynamic5QIDescriptor.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.406 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.406 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.406 15:33:08 #9 2.406 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.411 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/IgnoreResourceCoordinationContainer.h:53:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.411 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/IgnoreResourceCoordinationContainer.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.411 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.411 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.411 15:33:08 #9 2.411 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.414 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitialULRRCMessageTransfer.c  15:33:08 #9 2.414 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.415 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-System-Information.c  15:33:08 #9 2.420 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.420 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.420 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.420 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.420 15:33:08 #9 2.420 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingOrigin.c  15:33:08 #9 2.421 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedFeatureSetEntryIndex.c  15:33:08 #9 2.421 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.422 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRNRB.c  15:33:08 #9 2.422 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.423 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferInformation.c  15:33:08 #9 2.423 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SNSSAI.c  15:33:08 #9 2.426 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.427 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List.h:44:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.427 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.427 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.427 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.427 15:33:08 #9 2.427 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.427 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTPTunnel.c  15:33:08 #9 2.430 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingDRX.c  15:33:08 #9 2.432 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TypeOfError.c  15:33:08 #9 2.433 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SubframeAssignment.c  15:33:08 #9 2.435 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.435 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.435 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.435 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.435 15:33:08 #9 2.437 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrintableString.c  15:33:08 #9 2.438 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.438 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellULConfigured.c  15:33:08 #9 2.439 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.443 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.443 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.443 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.443 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.443 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.443 15:33:08 #9 2.447 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.447 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.447 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.447 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.447 15:33:08 #9 2.452 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LCID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.452 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCFailureIndication.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.452 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCFailureIndication.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.452 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.452 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.452 15:33:08 #9 2.459 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.459 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.459 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.459 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.459 15:33:08 #9 2.459 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-Status.c  15:33:08 #9 2.460 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.460 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.460 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.460 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.460 15:33:08 #9 2.476 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIB1-message.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.476 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIB1-message.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.476 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.476 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.476 15:33:08 #9 2.476 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.478 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.478 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowIdentifier.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.478 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.478 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.478 15:33:08 #9 2.478 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.478 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.480 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BitRate.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.480 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QosInformation.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.480 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QosInformation.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.480 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.480 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.480 15:33:08 #9 2.480 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.481 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.485 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.492 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.492 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.492 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.492 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.492 15:33:08 #9 2.493 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.493 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.493 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.493 15:33:08 #9 2.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.502 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.502 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.502 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.502 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.502 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.502 15:33:08 #9 2.503 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.503 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.517 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.520 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.520 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.521 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.529 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.533 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransmissionActionIndicator.h:54:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.533 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransmissionActionIndicator.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.533 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.533 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.533 15:33:08 #9 2.533 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.549 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.561 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.562 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-Mode-Info.h:61:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.562 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationEUTRACellInfo.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.562 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationEUTRACellInfo.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.562 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.562 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.562 15:33:08 #9 2.574 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Mode-Info.h:58:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.574 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-EUTRA-Cells-Information.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.574 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-EUTRA-Cells-Information.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.574 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.574 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.574 15:33:08 #9 2.574 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.589 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DUConfigurationQuery.h:53:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.589 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DUConfigurationQuery.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.589 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.589 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.589 15:33:08 #9 2.589 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.597 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PriorityLevel.h:54:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.597 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PriorityLevel.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.597 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.597 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.597 15:33:08 #9 2.597 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.600 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCMode.h:58:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.600 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLCMode.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.600 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.600 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.600 15:33:08 #9 2.600 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.603 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.603 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.603 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.603 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.603 15:33:08 #9 2.603 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.608 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-UE-F1AP-ID.h:47:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.608 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-UE-F1AP-ID.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.608 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.608 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.608 15:33:08 #9 2.608 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.611 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUEConfiguration.h:57:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.611 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULConfiguration.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.611 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULConfiguration.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.611 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.611 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.611 15:33:08 #9 2.611 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.611 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.612 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANAC.c  15:33:08 #9 2.613 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dynamic5QIDescriptor.c  15:33:08 #9 2.613 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxPacketLossRate.c  15:33:08 #9 2.621 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServingCellMO.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.621 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServingCellMO.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.621 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.621 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.621 15:33:08 #9 2.621 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.623 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestType.c  15:33:08 #9 2.627 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.627 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.627 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.627 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.627 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.627 15:33:08 #9 2.627 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.630 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionItem.c  15:33:08 #9 2.632 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedP-MaxFR2.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.632 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedP-MaxFR2.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.632 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.632 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.632 15:33:08 #9 2.632 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.632 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notification-Cause.c  15:33:08 #9 2.633 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetType.c  15:33:08 #9 2.634 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.635 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.635 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringResponse.c  15:33:08 #9 2.635 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.636 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSFailureIndication.c  15:33:08 #9 2.638 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationConfirm.c  15:33:08 #9 2.638 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:08 #9 2.638 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.639 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.c  15:33:08 #9 2.643 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.643 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.643 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.643 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Setup-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.643 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.643 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.643 15:33:08 #9 2.643 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.649 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRFreqInfo.c  15:33:08 #9 2.649 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberOfBroadcasts.c  15:33:08 #9 2.652 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCellIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.652 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCellIdentity.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.652 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.652 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.652 15:33:08 #9 2.652 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixUL.c  15:33:08 #9 2.653 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-List.c  15:33:08 #9 2.656 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrintableString.c:6:0: 15:33:08 #9 2.656 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.656 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.656 15:33:08 #9 2.656 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.677 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-ID.h:53:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.677 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-ID.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.677 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.677 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.677 15:33:08 #9 2.677 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.678 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.c  15:33:08 #9 2.691 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.c  15:33:08 #9 2.702 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixDL.h:56:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.702 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixDL.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.702 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.702 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.702 15:33:08 #9 2.702 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.717 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.717 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.717 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.717 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.717 15:33:08 #9 2.717 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.720 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.h:41:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.720 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.720 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.720 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.720 15:33:08 #9 2.720 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.721 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.721 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.721 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.721 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.721 15:33:08 #9 2.721 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.735 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencySelectionPriority.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.735 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencySelectionPriority.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.735 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.735 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.735 15:33:08 #9 2.744 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingIdentity.h:55:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.744 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingIdentity.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.744 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.744 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.744 15:33:08 #9 2.746 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseMisc.h:59:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.746 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseMisc.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.746 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.746 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.746 15:33:08 #9 2.746 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.749 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.749 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:08 #9 2.749 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.749 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.749 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.749 15:33:08 #9 2.753 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedBandCombinationIndex.h:45:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.753 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedBandCombinationIndex.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.753 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.753 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.753 15:33:08 #9 2.753 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:08 #9 2.760 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellBarred.h:56:0, 15:33:08 #9 2.760 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellBarred.c:8: 15:33:08 #9 2.760 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:08 #9 2.760 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:08 #9 2.760 15:33:08 #9 2.781 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.c  15:33:08 #9 2.801 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframe-Info.c  15:33:08 #9 2.834 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.835 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CUSystemInformation.c  15:33:09 #9 2.839 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CNUEPagingIdentity.c  15:33:09 #9 2.844 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRSCS.h:58:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.844 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Transmission-Bandwidth.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.844 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SUL-Information.h:16, 15:33:09 #9 2.844 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SUL-Information.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.844 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.844 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.844 15:33:09 #9 2.844 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.844 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.857 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LongDRXCycleLength.h:74:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.857 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LongDRXCycleLength.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.857 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.857 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.857 15:33:09 #9 2.860 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Field.c  15:33:09 #9 2.862 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.862 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.862 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.862 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.862 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.862 15:33:09 #9 2.862 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.865 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequired.c  15:33:09 #9 2.866 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseProtocol.h:61:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.866 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseProtocol.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.866 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.866 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.866 15:33:09 #9 2.871 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionVulnerability.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.871 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionVulnerability.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.871 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.871 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.871 15:33:09 #9 2.877 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.877 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.877 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.877 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.877 15:33:09 #9 2.877 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.877 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 2.884 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.884 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.884 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.884 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.884 15:33:09 #9 2.889 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedFeatureSetEntryIndex.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.889 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestedFeatureSetEntryIndex.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.889 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.889 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.889 15:33:09 #9 2.889 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.890 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.890 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.890 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.890 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.890 15:33:09 #9 2.893 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.893 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-LongCycleStartOffset.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.893 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-LongCycleStartOffset.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.893 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.893 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.893 15:33:09 #9 2.903 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.903 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningRequest.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.903 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningRequest.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.903 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.903 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.903 15:33:09 #9 2.903 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.907 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SubframeAssignment.h:61:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.907 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SubframeAssignment.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.907 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.907 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.907 15:33:09 #9 2.907 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.909 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReqAck-Container.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.909 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReqAck-Container.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.909 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.909 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.909 15:33:09 #9 2.909 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.909 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.909 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.909 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.909 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.909 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.909 15:33:09 #9 2.910 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.911 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.911 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.917 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.920 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.920 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.920 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.920 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.920 15:33:09 #9 2.920 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.923 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MIB-message.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.923 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-System-Information.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.923 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-System-Information.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.923 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.923 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.923 15:33:09 #9 2.923 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.924 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.924 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.924 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.924 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeRemoved-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.924 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.924 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.924 15:33:09 #9 2.924 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.924 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.927 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TypeOfError.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.927 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TypeOfError.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.927 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.927 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.927 15:33:09 #9 2.927 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.928 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Cell-ID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.928 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Cell-ID.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.928 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.928 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.928 15:33:09 #9 2.928 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.934 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAcknowledge.c  15:33:09 #9 2.945 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-State.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.945 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-State.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.945 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.945 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.945 15:33:09 #9 2.945 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.945 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.949 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.949 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.949 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.949 15:33:09 #9 2.953 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEIdentityIndexValue.c  15:33:09 #9 2.953 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List-item.c  15:33:09 #9 2.955 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DCBasedDuplicationConfigured.c  15:33:09 #9 2.956 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.956 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningResponse.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.956 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/WriteReplaceWarningResponse.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.956 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.956 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.956 15:33:09 #9 2.959 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.959 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationFailure.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.959 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationFailure.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.959 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.959 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.959 15:33:09 #9 2.959 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowMappingIndication.c  15:33:09 #9 2.960 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.961 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleLength.c  15:33:09 #9 2.963 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ContainerPair.h:23:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.963 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ContainerPair.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.963 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.963 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.963 15:33:09 #9 2.963 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.963 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 2.974 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.974 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.974 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.974 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.974 15:33:09 #9 2.977 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.977 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.977 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.977 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.977 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.977 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.977 15:33:09 #9 2.977 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.979 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReq-Container.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.979 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-NR-CellResourceCoordinationReq-Container.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.979 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.979 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.979 15:33:09 #9 2.979 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.982 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.982 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.982 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.982 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.982 15:33:09 #9 2.984 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Latest-RRC-Version-Enhanced.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.984 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Latest-RRC-Version-Enhanced.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.984 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.984 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.984 15:33:09 #9 2.984 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.985 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.h:44:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.985 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.985 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.985 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.985 15:33:09 #9 2.988 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SNSSAI.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.988 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SNSSAI.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.988 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.988 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.988 15:33:09 #9 2.988 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.988 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.989 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 2.997 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.997 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Paging.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 2.997 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Paging.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.997 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.997 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.997 15:33:09 #9 2.997 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.h:72:0, 15:33:09 #9 2.997 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 2.997 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 2.997 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 2.997 15:33:09 #9 2.997 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.003 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.005 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.005 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.005 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.005 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.005 15:33:09 #9 3.005 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.005 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.009 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.009 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.009 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.009 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.009 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.009 15:33:09 #9 3.009 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.010 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.010 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.010 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.010 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.010 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.010 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.010 15:33:09 #9 3.010 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.010 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.010 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedBandCombinationIndex.c  15:33:09 #9 3.012 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseTransport.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.012 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseTransport.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.012 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.012 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.012 15:33:09 #9 3.012 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.021 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.021 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.026 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframePatterns.h:65:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.026 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframePatterns.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.026 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.026 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.026 15:33:09 #9 3.026 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.038 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationIndication.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.038 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationIndication.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.038 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.038 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.038 15:33:09 #9 3.038 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.044 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.044 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.044 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.044 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.044 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.044 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.044 15:33:09 #9 3.044 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.048 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UPTransportLayerInformation.h:55:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.048 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.048 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.048 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.048 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.048 15:33:09 #9 3.048 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.055 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferContainer.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.055 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferContainer.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.055 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.055 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.055 15:33:09 #9 3.060 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.060 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTPTunnel.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.060 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTPTunnel.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.060 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.060 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.060 15:33:09 #9 3.060 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.065 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UplinkTxDirectCurrentListInformation.c  15:33:09 #9 3.069 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.078 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRNRB.h:83:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.078 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRNRB.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.078 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.078 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.078 15:33:09 #9 3.083 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEAssistanceInformation.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.083 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEAssistanceInformation.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.083 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.083 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.083 15:33:09 #9 3.083 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.083 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.084 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.c  15:33:09 #9 3.085 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitiatingMessage.c  15:33:09 #9 3.091 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExecuteDuplication.c  15:33:09 #9 3.094 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-list.c  15:33:09 #9 3.100 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.100 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.100 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.100 15:33:09 #9 3.100 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.107 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellULConfigured.h:58:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellULConfigured.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.107 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.107 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.107 15:33:09 #9 3.107 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.108 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Scalar.c  15:33:09 #9 3.108 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCContainer.c  15:33:09 #9 3.109 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateFailure.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateFailure.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.109 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.109 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.109 15:33:09 #9 3.109 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.110 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxDataBurstVolume.c  15:33:09 #9 3.110 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.112 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.112 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Modified-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.112 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.112 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.112 15:33:09 #9 3.112 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.121 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.131 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.131 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelRequest.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.131 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelRequest.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.131 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.131 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.131 15:33:09 #9 3.131 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.137 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.145 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.145 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitialULRRCMessageTransfer.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.145 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitialULRRCMessageTransfer.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.145 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.145 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.145 15:33:09 #9 3.145 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.148 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-PRACH-Configuration.c  15:33:09 #9 3.153 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reset.c  15:33:09 #9 3.155 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.h:72:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.155 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SuccessfulOutcome.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.155 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SuccessfulOutcome.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.155 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.155 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.155 15:33:09 #9 3.162 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingOrigin.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.162 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingOrigin.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.162 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.162 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.162 15:33:09 #9 3.162 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.175 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.175 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.175 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.175 15:33:09 #9 3.178 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANUEPagingIdentity.h:44:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.178 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANUEPagingIdentity.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.178 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.178 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.178 15:33:09 #9 3.178 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.188 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SpectrumSharingGroupID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.188 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.188 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.188 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.188 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.188 15:33:09 #9 3.216 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelResponse.c  15:33:09 #9 3.218 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.218 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.218 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.218 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.218 15:33:09 #9 3.230 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.230 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.230 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.230 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.230 15:33:09 #9 3.230 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.241 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TDD-Info.c  15:33:09 #9 3.241 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.257 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.273 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.275 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List.h:44:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.275 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.275 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.275 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.275 15:33:09 #9 3.281 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Transmission-Bandwidth.h:60:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.281 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Transmission-Bandwidth.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.281 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.281 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.281 15:33:09 #9 3.283 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingDRX.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.283 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingDRX.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.283 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.283 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.283 15:33:09 #9 3.283 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.289 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.312 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.312 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.312 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.312 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.312 15:33:09 #9 3.317 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.327 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-List.h:44:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.327 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.327 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.327 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.327 15:33:09 #9 3.327 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.359 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.359 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.359 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.359 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.359 15:33:09 #9 3.359 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.359 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.361 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.393 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxPacketLossRate.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.393 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxPacketLossRate.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.393 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.393 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.393 15:33:09 #9 3.395 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.395 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.395 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.395 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.395 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.395 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.395 15:33:09 #9 3.395 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.396 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.396 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.396 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.396 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.396 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.396 15:33:09 #9 3.396 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.398 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRFreqInfo.h:59:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.398 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRFreqInfo.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.398 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.398 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.398 15:33:09 #9 3.398 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.399 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UPTransportLayerInformation.h:55:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.399 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.399 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.399 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.399 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.399 15:33:09 #9 3.399 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.405 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionID.c  15:33:09 #9 3.406 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupResponse.c  15:33:09 #9 3.406 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.413 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SupportedSULFreqBandItem.c  15:33:09 #9 3.427 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.427 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.427 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.427 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.427 15:33:09 #9 3.435 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberOfBroadcasts.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.435 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberOfBroadcasts.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.435 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.435 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.435 15:33:09 #9 3.435 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.437 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringResponse.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringResponse.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.437 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.437 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.437 15:33:09 #9 3.441 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.441 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.441 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.441 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.441 15:33:09 #9 3.441 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.442 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SULAccessIndication.c  15:33:09 #9 3.446 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLC-Status.c  15:33:09 #9 3.446 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCellIndex.c  15:33:09 #9 3.447 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseRequest.c  15:33:09 #9 3.447 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.448 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListRes.c  15:33:09 #9 3.448 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXConfigurationIndicator.c  15:33:09 #9 3.449 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Container.c  15:33:09 #9 3.449 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.449 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.449 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.449 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.449 15:33:09 #9 3.449 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.450 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.450 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionContainer.c  15:33:09 #9 3.451 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCContainer.c  15:33:09 #9 3.453 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.453 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.454 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.454 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.454 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.454 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.454 15:33:09 #9 3.454 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.454 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.454 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.455 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Cell-ID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.455 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferInformation.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.455 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResourceCoordinationTransferInformation.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.455 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.455 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.455 15:33:09 #9 3.455 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.455 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-TDD-Info.c  15:33:09 #9 3.457 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.459 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.461 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-State.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.461 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-Status.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.461 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Service-Status.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.461 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.461 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.461 15:33:09 #9 3.462 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaskedIMEISV.c  15:33:09 #9 3.469 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.470 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.475 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.475 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.475 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.475 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.475 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.475 15:33:09 #9 3.480 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANAC.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.480 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RANAC.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.480 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.480 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.480 15:33:09 #9 3.483 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixUL.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.483 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-CyclicPrefixUL.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.483 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.483 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.483 15:33:09 #9 3.491 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestType.h:54:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.491 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RequestType.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.491 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.491 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.491 15:33:09 #9 3.496 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.496 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.496 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.496 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.496 15:33:09 #9 3.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.505 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.505 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.505 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.505 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.505 15:33:09 #9 3.505 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.509 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.h:253:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.509 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.509 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.509 15:33:09 #9 3.509 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.510 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExecuteDuplication.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.510 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExecuteDuplication.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.510 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.510 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.510 15:33:09 #9 3.510 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.512 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAll.h:55:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetType.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetType.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.512 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.512 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.512 15:33:09 #9 3.512 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.512 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.513 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.513 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.513 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.513 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.513 15:33:09 #9 3.513 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.517 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSSystemInformation.c  15:33:09 #9 3.520 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransactionID.c  15:33:09 #9 3.520 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.521 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.530 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.546 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.547 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringRequest.c  15:33:09 #9 3.547 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketDelayBudget.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.547 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dynamic5QIDescriptor.h:16, 15:33:09 #9 3.547 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dynamic5QIDescriptor.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.547 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.547 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.547 15:33:09 #9 3.547 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.563 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.563 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.563 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.563 15:33:09 #9 3.566 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.566 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.566 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.566 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.566 15:33:09 #9 3.566 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.566 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationConfirm.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.566 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationConfirm.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.566 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.566 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.566 15:33:09 #9 3.566 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.566 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.575 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.581 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.581 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-UE-F1AP-ID.h:47:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.581 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionItem.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.581 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionItem.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.581 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.581 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.581 15:33:09 #9 3.581 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.582 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.587 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notification-Cause.h:56:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.587 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notification-Cause.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.587 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.587 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.587 15:33:09 #9 3.587 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.592 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleLength.h:77:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.592 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleLength.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.592 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.592 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.592 15:33:09 #9 3.592 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.601 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.601 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.601 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.601 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.601 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.601 15:33:09 #9 3.605 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframePatterns.h:65:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.605 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframe-Info.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.605 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-SpecialSubframe-Info.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.605 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.605 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.605 15:33:09 #9 3.615 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.615 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequired.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.615 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequired.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.615 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.615 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.615 15:33:09 #9 3.615 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.619 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.619 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.619 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.619 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.619 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.619 15:33:09 #9 3.619 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.619 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.623 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedBandCombinationIndex.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.623 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedBandCombinationIndex.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.623 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.623 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.623 15:33:09 #9 3.623 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.627 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.627 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.627 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.627 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.627 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.627 15:33:09 #9 3.632 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.632 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.632 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.632 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.632 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.632 15:33:09 #9 3.636 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DCBasedDuplicationConfigured.h:54:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.636 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DCBasedDuplicationConfigured.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.636 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.636 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.636 15:33:09 #9 3.637 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Endpoint-IP-address-and-port.c  15:33:09 #9 3.648 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.652 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Cell-ID.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.652 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List-item.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.652 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRACells-List-item.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.652 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.652 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.652 15:33:09 #9 3.653 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEIdentityIndexValue.h:52:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.653 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEIdentityIndexValue.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.653 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.653 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.653 15:33:09 #9 3.653 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.654 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.655 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.h:72:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.655 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitiatingMessage.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.655 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InitiatingMessage.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.655 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.655 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.655 15:33:09 #9 3.655 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.656 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.656 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSFailureIndication.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.656 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSFailureIndication.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.656 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.656 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.656 15:33:09 #9 3.668 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-ID.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.668 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Field.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.668 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Field.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.668 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.668 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.668 15:33:09 #9 3.671 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CNUEPagingIdentity.h:55:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.671 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CNUEPagingIdentity.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.671 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.671 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.671 15:33:09 #9 3.685 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.691 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupFailure.c  15:33:09 #9 3.709 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.709 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelResponse.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.709 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSCancelResponse.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.709 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.709 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.709 15:33:09 #9 3.709 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.712 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCContainer.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.712 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCContainer.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.712 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.712 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.712 15:33:09 #9 3.713 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionCapability.c  15:33:09 #9 3.713 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cancel-all-Warning-Messages-Indicator.c  15:33:09 #9 3.722 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRFreqInfo.h:59:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.722 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.722 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.722 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.722 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.722 15:33:09 #9 3.722 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.723 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CUSystemInformation.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.723 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CUSystemInformation.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.723 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.723 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.723 15:33:09 #9 3.723 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.726 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Configured-EPS-TAC.c  15:33:09 #9 3.727 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-Name.c  15:33:09 #9 3.727 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FullConfiguration.c  15:33:09 #9 3.728 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequest.c  15:33:09 #9 3.729 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportList.c  15:33:09 #9 3.730 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.731 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUStatusIndication.c  15:33:09 #9 3.733 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionField.c  15:33:09 #9 3.734 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MIB-message.c  15:33:09 #9 3.734 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.735 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.743 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-PRACH-Configuration.h:53:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.743 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-PRACH-Configuration.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.743 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.743 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.743 15:33:09 #9 3.745 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Scalar.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.745 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Scalar.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.745 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.745 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.745 15:33:09 #9 3.749 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FDD-Info.c  15:33:09 #9 3.754 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-List.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.754 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-List.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.754 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.754 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.754 15:33:09 #9 3.754 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.766 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-list.h:41:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.766 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-list.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.766 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.766 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.766 15:33:09 #9 3.772 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowMappingIndication.h:54:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.772 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowMappingIndication.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.772 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.772 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.772 15:33:09 #9 3.773 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.790 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleTimer.c  15:33:09 #9 3.795 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.801 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-List.c  15:33:09 #9 3.801 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.802 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.803 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-TDD-Info.c  15:33:09 #9 3.803 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.804 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UplinkTxDirectCurrentListInformation.h:45:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.804 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UplinkTxDirectCurrentListInformation.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.804 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.804 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.804 15:33:09 #9 3.808 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencyPriorityInformation.c  15:33:09 #9 3.808 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cause.c  15:33:09 #9 3.818 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.819 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.819 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.819 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.819 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.819 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.819 15:33:09 #9 3.819 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.826 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.833 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.834 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.843 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.843 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxDataBurstVolume.h:46:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.843 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaxDataBurstVolume.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.843 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.843 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.843 15:33:09 #9 3.848 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.848 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.848 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.860 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-Item.c  15:33:09 #9 3.865 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.866 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:09 #9 3.866 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAcknowledge.h:15, 15:33:09 #9 3.866 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAcknowledge.c:8: 15:33:09 #9 3.866 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:09 #9 3.866 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:09 #9 3.866 15:33:09 #9 3.866 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:09 #9 3.866 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAll.c  15:33:09 #9 3.873 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.885 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 3.885 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reset.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.885 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reset.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 3.885 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 3.885 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 3.885 15:33:10 #9 3.888 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.901 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.c  15:33:10 #9 3.902 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 3.905 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULRRCMessageTransfer.c  15:33:10 #9 3.913 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRPCI.c  15:33:10 #9 3.953 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 3.953 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.953 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Setup-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 3.953 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 3.953 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 3.953 15:33:10 #9 3.953 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.960 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 3.960 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.960 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.960 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Candidate-SpCell-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 3.960 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 3.960 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 3.960 15:33:10 #9 3.960 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRSCS.c  15:33:10 #9 3.963 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BitRate.c  15:33:10 #9 3.965 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ErrorIndication.c  15:33:10 #9 3.969 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FreqBandNrItem.c  15:33:10 #9 3.980 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIBType-PWS.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 3.980 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSSystemInformation.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.980 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSSystemInformation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 3.980 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 3.980 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 3.980 15:33:10 #9 3.980 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.982 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupRequest.c  15:33:10 #9 3.983 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.c  15:33:10 #9 3.984 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedFeatureSetEntryIndex.c  15:33:10 #9 3.985 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSInformation.c  15:33:10 #9 3.991 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 3.991 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.991 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 3.991 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 3.991 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 3.991 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 3.991 15:33:10 #9 3.991 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 3.991 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-FDD-Info.c  15:33:10 #9 3.992 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.000 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.019 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXConfigurationIndicator.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.019 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXConfigurationIndicator.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.019 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.019 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.019 15:33:10 #9 4.019 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.020 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.021 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList.c  15:33:10 #9 4.024 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.025 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasurementTimingConfiguration.c  15:33:10 #9 4.025 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.035 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.035 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.035 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.035 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.035 15:33:10 #9 4.035 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.054 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cell-Information.c  15:33:10 #9 4.055 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UPTransportLayerInformation.c  15:33:10 #9 4.059 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Container.h:44:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.059 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Container.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.059 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.059 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.059 15:33:10 #9 4.059 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.065 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.065 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.065 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.065 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.065 15:33:10 #9 4.065 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.067 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedEARFCN.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.067 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-TDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.067 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-TDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.067 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.067 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.067 15:33:10 #9 4.067 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.076 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransactionID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.076 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransactionID.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.076 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.076 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.076 15:33:10 #9 4.076 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.082 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCContainer.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.082 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCContainer.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.082 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.082 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.082 15:33:10 #9 4.082 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.088 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionCapability.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.088 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Pre-emptionCapability.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.088 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.088 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.088 15:33:10 #9 4.088 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.094 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedEARFCN.c  15:33:10 #9 4.094 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketErrorRate.c  15:33:10 #9 4.096 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCellIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.096 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCellIndex.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.096 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.096 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.096 15:33:10 #9 4.096 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.097 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.097 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.097 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.097 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.097 15:33:10 #9 4.097 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.099 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.099 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionID.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.099 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.099 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.099 15:33:10 #9 4.099 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.102 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MIB-message.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.102 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MIB-message.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.102 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.102 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.102 15:33:10 #9 4.102 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.111 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.111 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.111 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.111 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.111 15:33:10 #9 4.111 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.136 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportList.h:44:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.136 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportList.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.136 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.136 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.136 15:33:10 #9 4.136 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.148 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reestablishment-Indication.c  15:33:10 #9 4.149 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Criticality.c  15:33:10 #9 4.158 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasGapConfig.c  15:33:10 #9 4.161 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.161 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequest.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.161 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRequest.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.161 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.161 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.161 15:33:10 #9 4.161 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.169 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/HandoverPreparationInformation.c  15:33:10 #9 4.172 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-Name.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.172 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-Name.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.172 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.172 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.172 15:33:10 #9 4.172 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.173 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.174 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.177 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FiveGS-TAC.c  15:33:10 #9 4.178 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NeedforGap.c  15:33:10 #9 4.178 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationActivation.c  15:33:10 #9 4.180 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FullConfiguration.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.180 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FullConfiguration.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.180 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.180 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.180 15:33:10 #9 4.180 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.181 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListRes.h:44:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.181 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListRes.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.181 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.181 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.181 15:33:10 #9 4.181 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.185 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.185 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.185 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.185 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingCell-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.185 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.185 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.185 15:33:10 #9 4.185 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.186 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.186 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellGroupConfig.c  15:33:10 #9 4.198 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.198 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.198 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.198 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.198 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.198 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.198 15:33:10 #9 4.198 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.202 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/pdu_collection.c  15:33:10 #9 4.220 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaskedIMEISV.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.220 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MaskedIMEISV.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.220 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.220 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.220 15:33:10 #9 4.229 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Configured-EPS-TAC.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.229 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Configured-EPS-TAC.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.229 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.229 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.229 15:33:10 #9 4.232 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reestablishment-Indication.h:55:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.232 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLC-Status.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.232 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RLC-Status.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.232 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.232 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.232 15:33:10 #9 4.241 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.241 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.241 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Flows-Mapped-To-DRB-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.241 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.241 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.241 15:33:10 #9 4.245 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cancel-all-Warning-Messages-Indicator.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.245 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cancel-all-Warning-Messages-Indicator.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.245 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.245 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.245 15:33:10 #9 4.245 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.258 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseCommand.c  15:33:10 #9 4.263 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoS-Characteristics.c  15:33:10 #9 4.265 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList.c  15:33:10 #9 4.265 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.281 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SupportedSULFreqBandItem.h:48:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.281 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SupportedSULFreqBandItem.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.281 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.281 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.281 15:33:10 #9 4.284 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.285 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationRequest.c  15:33:10 #9 4.292 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.292 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.292 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeReleased-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.292 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.292 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.292 15:33:10 #9 4.300 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.300 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Protected-EUTRA-Resources-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.300 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.300 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.300 15:33:10 #9 4.306 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUEConfiguration.c  15:33:10 #9 4.306 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notify.c  15:33:10 #9 4.310 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatus.c  15:33:10 #9 4.322 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Delete-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.322 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.322 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.322 15:33:10 #9 4.322 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.325 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.325 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.325 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.334 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.334 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Endpoint-IP-address-and-port.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.334 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Endpoint-IP-address-and-port.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.334 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.334 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.334 15:33:10 #9 4.334 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.335 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDUSessionID.c  15:33:10 #9 4.335 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.337 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.337 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.341 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.341 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupFailure.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.341 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupFailure.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.341 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.341 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.341 15:33:10 #9 4.344 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TNLAssociationUsage.c  15:33:10 #9 4.350 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SULAccessIndication.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.350 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SULAccessIndication.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.350 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.350 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.350 15:33:10 #9 4.350 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.355 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.355 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.355 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.355 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.355 15:33:10 #9 4.355 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.362 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.362 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupResponse.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.362 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupResponse.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.362 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.362 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.362 15:33:10 #9 4.362 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.366 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberofBroadcastRequest.c  15:33:10 #9 4.366 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.367 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServCellIndex.c  15:33:10 #9 4.368 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.368 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupFailure.c  15:33:10 #9 4.368 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.369 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-FDD-Info.c  15:33:10 #9 4.369 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.377 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.377 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.377 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.377 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Barred-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.377 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.377 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.377 15:33:10 #9 4.378 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUOverloadInformation.c  15:33:10 #9 4.379 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.379 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionField.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.379 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionField.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.379 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.379 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.379 15:33:10 #9 4.380 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.380 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.381 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatusRequest.c  15:33:10 #9 4.381 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasConfig.c  15:33:10 #9 4.382 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseComplete.c  15:33:10 #9 4.383 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-Mode-Info.c  15:33:10 #9 4.383 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupResponse.c  15:33:10 #9 4.384 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.385 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.385 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.389 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.391 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FreqBandNrItem.h:57:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.391 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FreqBandNrItem.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.391 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.391 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.391 15:33:10 #9 4.391 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.404 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.404 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.404 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.404 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Completed-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.404 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.404 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.404 15:33:10 #9 4.406 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.406 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.407 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SystemInformationDeliveryCommand.c  15:33:10 #9 4.407 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.410 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OffsetToPointA.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.410 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-TDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.410 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-TDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.410 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.410 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.410 15:33:10 #9 4.410 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Ph-InfoSCG.c  15:33:10 #9 4.412 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXCycle.c  15:33:10 #9 4.412 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.416 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleTimer.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.416 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ShortDRXCycleTimer.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.416 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.416 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.416 15:33:10 #9 4.416 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.421 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BitRate.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.421 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BitRate.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.421 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.421 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.421 15:33:10 #9 4.421 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.423 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UnsuccessfulOutcome.c  15:33:10 #9 4.424 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringRequest.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.424 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/InactivityMonitoringRequest.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.424 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.424 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.424 15:33:10 #9 4.424 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.425 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.425 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseRequest.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.425 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseRequest.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.425 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.425 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.425 15:33:10 #9 4.428 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRFreqInfo.h:59:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.428 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.428 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.428 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.428 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.428 15:33:10 #9 4.430 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.430 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUStatusIndication.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.430 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUStatusIndication.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.430 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.430 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.430 15:33:10 #9 4.433 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.433 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.433 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.433 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.433 15:33:10 #9 4.433 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.433 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.437 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencyPriorityInformation.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RAT-FrequencyPriorityInformation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.437 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.437 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.437 15:33:10 #9 4.444 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.444 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.444 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-SetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.444 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.444 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.444 15:33:10 #9 4.444 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.448 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.448 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-Setup-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.448 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.448 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.448 15:33:10 #9 4.448 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.448 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.456 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAll.h:55:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.456 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ResetAll.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.456 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.456 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.456 15:33:10 #9 4.457 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.457 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.457 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.457 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.457 15:33:10 #9 4.457 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.457 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.464 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.464 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.464 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cell-Information.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.464 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.464 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-Served-Cells-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.464 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.464 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.464 15:33:10 #9 4.464 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.465 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.472 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedFeatureSetEntryIndex.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.472 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SelectedFeatureSetEntryIndex.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.472 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.472 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.472 15:33:10 #9 4.472 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.473 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OBJECT_IDENTIFIER.c  15:33:10 #9 4.488 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.488 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ErrorIndication.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.488 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ErrorIndication.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.488 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.488 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.488 15:33:10 #9 4.488 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.489 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCInformation.c  15:33:10 #9 4.490 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRPCI.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.490 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRPCI.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.490 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.490 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.490 15:33:10 #9 4.493 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULRRCMessageTransfer.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULRRCMessageTransfer.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.493 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.493 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.493 15:33:10 #9 4.493 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.493 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.502 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListResAck.c  15:33:10 #9 4.509 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.509 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.509 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.509 15:33:10 #9 4.510 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRSCS.h:58:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.510 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRSCS.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.510 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.510 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.510 15:33:10 #9 4.517 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.527 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/HandoverPreparationInformation.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.527 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/HandoverPreparationInformation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.527 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.527 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.527 15:33:10 #9 4.533 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.533 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.549 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.549 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.550 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.563 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-CGI-List-For-Restart-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.563 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.563 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.563 15:33:10 #9 4.563 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.567 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-UE-F1AP-ID.c  15:33:10 #9 4.573 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.573 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LCID.c  15:33:10 #9 4.574 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.574 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.574 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-SingleContainer.c  15:33:10 #9 4.580 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PER-Scalar.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.580 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketErrorRate.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.580 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketErrorRate.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.580 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.580 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.580 15:33:10 #9 4.580 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.580 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasurementTimingConfiguration.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.580 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasurementTimingConfiguration.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.580 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.580 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.580 15:33:10 #9 4.581 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.581 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.598 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Field.c  15:33:10 #9 4.599 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionContainer.h:1276:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolExtensionContainer.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.599 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.599 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.599 15:33:10 #9 4.644 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.644 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.644 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.644 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.644 15:33:10 #9 4.644 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.644 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.646 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.646 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.646 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.646 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.646 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.646 15:33:10 #9 4.646 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.663 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedEARFCN.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.663 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedEARFCN.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.663 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.663 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.663 15:33:10 #9 4.663 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.663 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.675 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reestablishment-Indication.h:55:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.675 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Reestablishment-Indication.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.675 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.675 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.675 15:33:10 #9 4.675 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.676 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.684 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.684 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Update-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.684 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.684 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.684 15:33:10 #9 4.684 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.686 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedEARFCN.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.686 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-FDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.686 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-FDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.686 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.686 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.686 15:33:10 #9 4.686 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.687 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationResponse.c  15:33:10 #9 4.689 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.689 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Deactivated-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.689 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.689 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.689 15:33:10 #9 4.689 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.694 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NeedforGap.h:53:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.694 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NeedforGap.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.694 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.694 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.694 15:33:10 #9 4.694 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.697 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingPriority.c  15:33:10 #9 4.704 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.704 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeModified-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.704 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.704 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.704 15:33:10 #9 4.704 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.713 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NGRANAllocationAndRetentionPriority.c  15:33:10 #9 4.714 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-ID.c  15:33:10 #9 4.715 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRefuse.c  15:33:10 #9 4.715 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OffsetToPointA.c  15:33:10 #9 4.716 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-Mode-Info.c  15:33:10 #9 4.716 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCP-SN.c  15:33:10 #9 4.731 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.732 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Mode-Info.c  15:33:10 #9 4.733 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.734 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.734 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCPSNLength.c  15:33:10 #9 4.735 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdate.c  15:33:10 #9 4.737 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.741 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasGapConfig.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.741 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasGapConfig.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.741 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.741 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.741 15:33:10 #9 4.747 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Presence.c  15:33:10 #9 4.759 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cell-Information.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cell-Information.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.759 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.759 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.759 15:33:10 #9 4.770 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSInformation.h:55:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.770 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSInformation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.770 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.770 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.770 15:33:10 #9 4.770 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.784 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CauseRadioNetwork.h:71:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.784 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cause.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.784 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cause.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.784 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.784 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.784 15:33:10 #9 4.791 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.791 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupRequest.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.791 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupRequest.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.791 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.791 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.791 15:33:10 #9 4.795 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.795 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationRequest.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.795 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationRequest.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.795 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.795 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.795 15:33:10 #9 4.796 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationActivation.h:56:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.796 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DuplicationActivation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.796 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.796 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.796 15:33:10 #9 4.805 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OBJECT_IDENTIFIER.c:5:0: 15:33:10 #9 4.805 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.805 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.805 15:33:10 #9 4.805 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.813 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.820 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.820 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.820 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.820 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.820 15:33:10 #9 4.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.821 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUEConfiguration.h:57:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.821 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ULUEConfiguration.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.821 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.821 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.821 15:33:10 #9 4.821 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.825 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.831 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.831 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.831 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.831 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Remove-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.831 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.831 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.831 15:33:10 #9 4.831 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.836 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.836 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.836 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.836 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.836 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.836 15:33:10 #9 4.836 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.837 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDUSessionID.h:45:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.837 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDUSessionID.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.837 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.837 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.837 15:33:10 #9 4.837 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.850 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.850 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseCommand.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.850 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseCommand.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.850 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.850 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.850 15:33:10 #9 4.856 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.h:44:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.856 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DLUPTNLInformation-ToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.856 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.856 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.856 15:33:10 #9 4.856 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.861 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.863 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.878 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype.c  15:33:10 #9 4.880 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/C-RNTI.c  15:33:10 #9 4.880 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdate.c  15:33:10 #9 4.882 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTP-TEID.c  15:33:10 #9 4.883 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TimeToWait.c  15:33:10 #9 4.885 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.885 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUOverloadInformation.h:51:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.885 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUOverloadInformation.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.885 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.885 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.885 15:33:10 #9 4.885 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.885 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.886 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Transmission-Bandwidth.c  15:33:10 #9 4.886 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIBType-PWS.c  15:33:10 #9 4.887 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List.c  15:33:10 #9 4.891 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.891 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.891 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-Item.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.891 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-Failed-To-Setup-Item.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.891 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.891 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.891 15:33:10 #9 4.891 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.891 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketDelayBudget.c  15:33:10 #9 4.892 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowLevelQoSParameters.c  15:33:10 #9 4.895 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateMessage.c  15:33:10 #9 4.896 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.896 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SystemInformationDeliveryCommand.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.896 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SystemInformationDeliveryCommand.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.896 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.896 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.896 15:33:10 #9 4.896 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.897 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.903 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LongDRXCycleLength.h:74:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.903 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXCycle.h:15, 15:33:10 #9 4.903 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRXCycle.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.903 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.903 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.903 15:33:10 #9 4.903 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:10 #9 4.904 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-FieldPair.c  15:33:10 #9 4.904 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateFailure.c  15:33:10 #9 4.905 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-Item.c  15:33:10 #9 4.908 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-List.h:41:0, 15:33:10 #9 4.908 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedAvailablePLMN-List.c:8: 15:33:10 #9 4.908 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:10 #9 4.908 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:10 #9 4.908 15:33:11 #9 4.909 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationResponse.c  15:33:11 #9 4.912 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.912 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseComplete.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 4.912 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextReleaseComplete.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.912 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.912 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.912 15:33:11 #9 4.913 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TNLAssociationUsage.h:57:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.913 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TNLAssociationUsage.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.913 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.913 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.913 15:33:11 #9 4.913 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.914 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasConfig.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.914 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/MeasConfig.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.914 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.914 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.914 15:33:11 #9 4.914 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.918 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.918 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeReleased-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.918 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.918 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.918 15:33:11 #9 4.930 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OffsetToPointA.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.930 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-FDD-Info.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 4.930 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-FDD-Info.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.930 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.930 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.930 15:33:11 #9 4.930 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.933 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSRestartIndication.c  15:33:11 #9 4.934 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-Mode-Info.h:61:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.934 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Coex-Mode-Info.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.934 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.934 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.934 15:33:11 #9 4.934 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.935 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.935 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 4.935 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ExtendedServedPLMNs-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.935 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.935 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.935 15:33:11 #9 4.944 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatusRequest.h:53:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.944 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatusRequest.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.944 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.944 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.944 15:33:11 #9 4.955 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.956 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.982 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportItem.c  15:33:11 #9 4.983 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.983 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 4.983 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeSetup-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.983 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.983 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.983 15:33:11 #9 4.983 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 4.986 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.986 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-ToBeSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.986 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.986 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.986 15:33:11 #9 4.988 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Ph-InfoSCG.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 4.988 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Ph-InfoSCG.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 4.988 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 4.988 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 4.988 15:33:11 #9 4.988 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.000 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.c  15:33:11 #9 5.002 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.004 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.010 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.016 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UPTransportLayerInformation.h:55:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.016 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UPTransportLayerInformation.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.016 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.016 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.016 15:33:11 #9 5.016 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.020 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.021 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryReport.c  15:33:11 #9 5.026 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.048 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberofBroadcastRequest.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.048 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NumberofBroadcastRequest.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.048 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.048 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.048 15:33:11 #9 5.060 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellGroupConfig.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.060 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellGroupConfig.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.060 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.060 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.060 15:33:11 #9 5.060 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.063 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.063 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/AvailablePLMNList.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.063 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.063 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.063 15:33:11 #9 5.069 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoS-Characteristics.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.069 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoS-Characteristics.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.069 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.069 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.069 15:33:11 #9 5.069 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.076 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FiveGS-TAC.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.076 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/FiveGS-TAC.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.076 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.076 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.076 15:33:11 #9 5.088 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.088 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-SetupMod-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.088 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.088 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.088 15:33:11 #9 5.100 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupResponse.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/F1SetupResponse.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.100 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.100 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.100 15:33:11 #9 5.102 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServCellIndex.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.102 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServCellIndex.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.102 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.102 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.102 15:33:11 #9 5.107 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupFailure.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupFailure.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.107 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.107 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.107 15:33:11 #9 5.107 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Modify-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.107 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.107 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.107 15:33:11 #9 5.107 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.109 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cell-Information.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Served-Cells-To-Add-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.109 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.109 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.109 15:33:11 #9 5.109 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.113 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.115 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.115 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.119 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.125 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.125 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Information.c  15:33:11 #9 5.137 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-Config.c  15:33:11 #9 5.141 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RepetitionPeriod.c  15:33:11 #9 5.145 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.145 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.145 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.145 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Broadcast-Cancelled-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.145 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.145 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.145 15:33:11 #9 5.145 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.153 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListResAck.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.153 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UE-associatedLogicalF1-ConnectionListResAck.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.153 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.153 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.153 15:33:11 #9 5.153 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.160 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.161 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.177 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.182 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Criticality.h:54:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.182 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Criticality.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.182 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.182 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.182 15:33:11 #9 5.182 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.188 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.189 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.189 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.189 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.189 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.189 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.189 15:33:11 #9 5.189 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.194 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.196 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.196 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Potential-SpCell-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.196 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.196 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.196 15:33:11 #9 5.196 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.202 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.202 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.202 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Required-ToBeModified-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.202 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.202 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.202 15:33:11 #9 5.202 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.203 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.203 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.203 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ToBeModified-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.203 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.203 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.203 15:33:11 #9 5.210 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.210 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notify.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.210 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Notify.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.210 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.210 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.210 15:33:11 #9 5.210 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.247 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CUtoDURRCInformation.c  15:33:11 #9 5.263 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.263 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.274 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.275 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CG-ConfigInfo.c  15:33:11 #9 5.275 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cell-Direction.c  15:33:11 #9 5.276 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-List.c  15:33:11 #9 5.276 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LCID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.276 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/LCID.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.276 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.276 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.276 15:33:11 #9 5.276 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.278 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QoSFlowInformation.c  15:33:11 #9 5.283 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRANQoS.c  15:33:11 #9 5.286 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupRequest.c  15:33:11 #9 5.298 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.301 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProcedureCode.h:72:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.301 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UnsuccessfulOutcome.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.301 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UnsuccessfulOutcome.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.301 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.301 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.301 15:33:11 #9 5.301 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.313 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingPriority.h:60:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.313 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PagingPriority.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.313 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.313 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.313 15:33:11 #9 5.314 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CellGroupConfig.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.314 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCInformation.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.314 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DUtoCURRCInformation.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.314 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.314 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.314 15:33:11 #9 5.314 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.315 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-UE-F1AP-ID.h:47:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.315 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-UE-F1AP-ID.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.315 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.315 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.315 15:33:11 #9 5.315 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.317 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCP-SN.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.317 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatus.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.317 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryStatus.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.317 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.317 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.317 15:33:11 #9 5.338 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.h:253:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.338 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Field.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.338 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Field.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.338 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.338 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.338 15:33:11 #9 5.338 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.338 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.354 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.354 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.354 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Activity-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.354 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.354 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.354 15:33:11 #9 5.360 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TransportLayerAddress.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.360 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CP-TransportLayerAddress.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.360 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.360 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-TNL-Association-To-Add-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.360 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.360 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.360 15:33:11 #9 5.360 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.377 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-Mode-Info.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.377 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NR-Mode-Info.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.377 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.377 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.377 15:33:11 #9 5.381 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCP-SN.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.381 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCP-SN.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.381 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.381 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.381 15:33:11 #9 5.381 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.391 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PriorityLevel.h:54:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.391 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NGRANAllocationAndRetentionPriority.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.391 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NGRANAllocationAndRetentionPriority.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.391 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.391 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.391 15:33:11 #9 5.400 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.400 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Associated-SCell-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.400 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.400 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.400 15:33:11 #9 5.407 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.407 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationResponse.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.407 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationResponse.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.407 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.407 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.407 15:33:11 #9 5.410 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Mode-Info.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.410 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRA-Mode-Info.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.410 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.410 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.410 15:33:11 #9 5.410 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.412 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.412 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.412 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-Modified-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.412 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.412 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.412 15:33:11 #9 5.419 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.419 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdate.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.419 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBCUConfigurationUpdate.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.419 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.419 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.419 15:33:11 #9 5.419 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.429 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.430 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-ID.h:253:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.430 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Field.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.430 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-SingleContainer.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.430 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-SingleContainer.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.430 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.430 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.430 15:33:11 #9 5.430 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.433 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-FieldPair.h:23:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.433 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-FieldPair.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.433 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.433 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.433 15:33:11 #9 5.433 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.437 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OffsetToPointA.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/OffsetToPointA.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.437 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.437 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.437 15:33:11 #9 5.437 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.438 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Presence.h:54:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.438 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Presence.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.438 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.438 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.438 15:33:11 #9 5.443 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.443 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRefuse.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.443 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextModificationRefuse.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.443 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.443 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.443 15:33:11 #9 5.445 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketDelayBudget.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.445 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PacketDelayBudget.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.445 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.445 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.445 15:33:11 #9 5.445 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.447 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-ID.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.447 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-DU-ID.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.447 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.447 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.447 15:33:11 #9 5.453 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TimeToWait.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.453 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/TimeToWait.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.453 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.453 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.453 15:33:11 #9 5.454 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.455 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.455 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.455 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.463 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCPSNLength.h:54:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.463 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PDCPSNLength.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.463 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.463 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.463 15:33:11 #9 5.469 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoS-Characteristics.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.469 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowLevelQoSParameters.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.469 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowLevelQoSParameters.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.469 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.469 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.469 15:33:11 #9 5.469 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.469 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.477 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-Item.c  15:33:11 #9 5.485 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.485 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-To-Be-Broadcast-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.485 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.485 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.485 15:33:11 #9 5.485 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.485 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.491 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-List.h:44:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.491 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.491 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.491 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.491 15:33:11 #9 5.491 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.502 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRSCS.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.502 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Transmission-Bandwidth.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.502 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Transmission-Bandwidth.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.502 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.502 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.502 15:33:11 #9 5.502 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.503 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.518 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/C-RNTI.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.518 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/C-RNTI.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.518 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.518 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.518 15:33:11 #9 5.518 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.519 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.519 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.536 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.536 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.536 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Notify-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.536 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.536 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.536 15:33:11 #9 5.536 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.548 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIBType-PWS.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.548 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SIBType-PWS.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.548 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.548 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.548 15:33:11 #9 5.549 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateIE-Container.h:44:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.549 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateMessage.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.549 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PrivateMessage.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.549 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.549 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.549 15:33:11 #9 5.549 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.552 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.552 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.552 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.552 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Failed-to-be-Activated-List-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.552 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.552 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.552 15:33:11 #9 5.556 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.556 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.556 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ServedPLMNs-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.556 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.556 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.556 15:33:11 #9 5.565 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.565 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.565 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.565 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Broadcast-To-Be-Cancelled-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.565 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.565 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.565 15:33:11 #9 5.565 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.575 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.575 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-to-be-Activated-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.575 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.575 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.575 15:33:11 #9 5.581 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.585 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.585 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.586 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTP-TEID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.586 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GTP-TEID.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.586 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.586 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.586 15:33:11 #9 5.597 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.599 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdate.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdate.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.599 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.599 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.599 15:33:11 #9 5.599 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cells-Status-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.599 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.599 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.599 15:33:11 #9 5.599 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.605 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.606 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.606 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSRestartIndication.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.606 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWSRestartIndication.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.606 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.606 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.606 15:33:11 #9 5.606 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.607 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.607 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.607 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.607 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.607 15:33:11 #9 5.607 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.617 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.617 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.617 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-ModifiedConf-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.617 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.617 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.617 15:33:11 #9 5.625 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.630 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoS-Characteristics.h:58:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.630 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QoSFlowLevelQoSParameters.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.630 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Information.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.630 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRB-Information.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.630 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.630 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.630 15:33:11 #9 5.630 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.630 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.637 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.656 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNB-CU-UE-F1AP-ID.h:47:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.656 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.656 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Dedicated-SIDelivery-NeededUE-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.656 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.656 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.656 15:33:11 #9 5.665 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.665 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateFailure.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.665 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUConfigurationUpdateFailure.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.665 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.665 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.665 15:33:11 #9 5.670 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.670 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationResponse.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.670 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GNBDUResourceCoordinationResponse.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.670 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.670 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.670 15:33:11 #9 5.675 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.675 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.675 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.675 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.675 15:33:11 #9 5.675 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.676 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.676 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.676 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRBs-FailedToBeSetupMod-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.676 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.676 15:33:11 #9 5.676 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.689 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.689 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.697 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CG-ConfigInfo.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.697 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CUtoDURRCInformation.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.697 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CUtoDURRCInformation.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.697 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.697 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.697 15:33:11 #9 5.697 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.697 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.703 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.703 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryReport.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.703 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RRCDeliveryReport.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.703 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.703 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.703 15:33:11 #9 5.708 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SNSSAI.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.708 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportItem.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.708 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SliceSupportItem.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.708 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.708 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.708 15:33:11 #9 5.711 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.722 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-Config.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.722 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/DRX-Config.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.722 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.722 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.722 15:33:11 #9 5.724 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PLMN-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.724 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/NRCGI.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.724 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.724 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/PWS-Failed-NR-CGI-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.724 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.724 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.724 15:33:11 #9 5.729 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.733 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RepetitionPeriod.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.733 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/RepetitionPeriod.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.733 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.733 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.733 15:33:11 #9 5.750 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.750 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.750 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SItype-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.750 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.750 15:33:11 #9 5.758 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.768 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-List.h:41:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.768 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SCell-FailedtoSetup-List.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.768 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.768 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.768 15:33:11 #9 5.773 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.773 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.774 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.777 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/QCI.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.777 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRANQoS.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.777 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/EUTRANQoS.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.777 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.777 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.777 15:33:11 #9 5.777 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.789 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.790 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/BitRate.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.790 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QoSFlowInformation.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.790 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/GBR-QoSFlowInformation.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.790 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.790 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.790 15:33:11 #9 5.803 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.805 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.824 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Criticality.h:54:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.824 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.824 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.824 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.824 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.824 15:33:11 #9 5.824 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.828 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CG-ConfigInfo.h:45:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.828 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/CG-ConfigInfo.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.828 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.828 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.828 15:33:11 #9 5.828 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.830 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBID.h:46:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.830 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.830 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/SRBs-ToBeReleased-Item.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.830 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.830 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.830 15:33:11 #9 5.830 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.844 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cell-Direction.h:51:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.844 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/Cell-Direction.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.844 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.844 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.844 15:33:11 #9 5.844 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:11 #9 5.872 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/ProtocolIE-Container.h:484:0, 15:33:11 #9 5.872 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupRequest.h:15, 15:33:11 #9 5.872 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/UEContextSetupRequest.c:8: 15:33:11 #9 5.872 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/F1AP/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:11 #9 5.872 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:11 #9 5.872 15:33:11 #9 5.872 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.475 -e Creating Archive  /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/lib/cu_stub/libasn_f1ap.a  15:33:12 #9 6.551 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:12 #9 6.563 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:12 #9 6.564 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerListRRC.c  15:33:12 #9 6.565 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfoRrc.c  15:33:12 #9 6.565 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkCommon.c  15:33:12 #9 6.566 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR.c  15:33:12 #9 6.567 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriorities.c  15:33:12 #9 6.568 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestResources.c  15:33:12 #9 6.571 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasReportQuantity.c  15:33:12 #9 6.572 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config.c  15:33:12 #9 6.573 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand.c  15:33:12 #9 6.574 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamManagementSSB-CSI-RS.c  15:33:12 #9 6.577 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityOffset.c  15:33:12 #9 6.578 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure.c  15:33:12 #9 6.578 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity.c  15:33:12 #9 6.579 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL.c  15:33:12 #9 6.579 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.c  15:33:12 #9 6.580 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddMod.c  15:33:12 #9 6.580 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest-IEs.c  15:33:12 #9 6.581 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease.c  15:33:12 #9 6.581 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddModList.c  15:33:12 #9 6.582 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRM-Config.c  15:33:12 #9 6.582 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.c  15:33:12 #9 6.585 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformationRrc.c  15:33:12 #9 6.586 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity-EUTRA-5GC.c  15:33:12 #9 6.586 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest.c  15:33:12 #9 6.588 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SS-RSSI-Measurement.c  15:33:12 #9 6.589 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.c  15:33:12 #9 6.598 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResults.c  15:33:12 #9 6.599 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeToTrigger.c  15:33:12 #9 6.600 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-IEs.c  15:33:12 #9 6.601 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddMod.c  15:33:12 #9 6.601 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigInterRAT.c  15:33:12 #9 6.602 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDU-SessionID.c  15:33:12 #9 6.602 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriority.c  15:33:12 #9 6.604 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerListRRC.h:44:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.604 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerListRRC.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.604 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.604 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.604 15:33:12 #9 6.604 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.608 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerState.c  15:33:12 #9 6.613 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell.c  15:33:12 #9 6.614 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PHR-Config.c  15:33:12 #9 6.614 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysicalCellGroupConfig.c  15:33:12 #9 6.621 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Config.c  15:33:12 #9 6.624 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN.c  15:33:12 #9 6.633 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportFramework.c  15:33:12 #9 6.634 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectNR.c  15:33:12 #9 6.634 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.c  15:33:12 #9 6.637 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.c  15:33:12 #9 6.637 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-IndexList.c  15:33:12 #9 6.638 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfoList.c  15:33:12 #9 6.650 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.c  15:33:12 #9 6.651 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ModulationOrder.c  15:33:12 #9 6.652 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR2.c  15:33:12 #9 6.663 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersCommon.c  15:33:12 #9 6.675 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAT-Type.c  15:33:12 #9 6.676 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfig.c  15:33:12 #9 6.689 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceId.c  15:33:12 #9 6.690 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-NotificationAreaInfo.c  15:33:12 #9 6.691 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionSubPriority.c  15:33:12 #9 6.693 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Message.c  15:33:12 #9 6.694 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellSFTD.c  15:33:12 #9 6.700 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.700 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP.h:16, 15:33:12 #9 6.700 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkCommon.h:15, 15:33:12 #9 6.700 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkCommon.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.700 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.700 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.700 15:33:12 #9 6.700 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.724 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation.c  15:33:12 #9 6.725 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation.c  15:33:12 #9 6.729 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformation.c  15:33:12 #9 6.730 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume.c  15:33:12 #9 6.730 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriorities.h:63:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.730 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriorities.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.730 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.730 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.730 15:33:12 #9 6.730 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.731 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.c  15:33:12 #9 6.750 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-UplinkConfig.c  15:33:12 #9 6.751 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RA-Prioritization.c  15:33:12 #9 6.751 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-RangeEUTRA.c  15:33:12 #9 6.752 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-SpatialRelationInfo.c  15:33:12 #9 6.753 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GapConfig.c  15:33:12 #9 6.766 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellInfo.c  15:33:12 #9 6.766 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure-IEs.c  15:33:12 #9 6.767 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThresholdQ.c  15:33:12 #9 6.768 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config.h:80:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.768 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.768 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.768 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.768 15:33:12 #9 6.768 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.769 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddMod.c  15:33:12 #9 6.769 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-ParametersMRDC.c  15:33:12 #9 6.770 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation-IEs.c  15:33:12 #9 6.770 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndex.c  15:33:12 #9 6.774 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-Identity-EUTRA-5GC.c  15:33:12 #9 6.777 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMOList.c  15:33:12 #9 6.787 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfoRrc.h:80:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.787 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfoRrc.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.787 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.787 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.787 15:33:12 #9 6.787 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.793 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.793 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease.h:15, 15:33:12 #9 6.793 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.793 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.793 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.793 15:33:12 #9 6.803 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamManagementSSB-CSI-RS.h:67:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.803 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamManagementSSB-CSI-RS.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.803 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.803 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.803 15:33:12 #9 6.805 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest.h:63:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.805 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.805 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.805 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.805 15:33:12 #9 6.805 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.808 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDU-SessionID.h:46:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.808 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDU-SessionID.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.808 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.808 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.808 15:33:12 #9 6.808 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.826 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRM-Config.h:117:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.826 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRM-Config.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.826 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.826 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.826 15:33:12 #9 6.828 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.828 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:12 #9 6.828 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.828 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.828 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.828 15:33:12 #9 6.831 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.831 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NextHopChainingCount.c  15:33:12 #9 6.832 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfig.c  15:33:12 #9 6.835 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.c  15:33:12 #9 6.838 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformationRrc.h:63:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.838 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformationRrc.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.838 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.838 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.838 15:33:12 #9 6.838 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.839 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:12 #9 6.839 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.839 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.839 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.839 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.839 15:33:12 #9 6.839 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.846 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex.c  15:33:12 #9 6.846 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ForTracking.c  15:33:12 #9 6.847 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.849 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity-EUTRA-5GC.h:53:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.849 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity-EUTRA-5GC.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.849 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.849 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.849 15:33:12 #9 6.849 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.849 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.856 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SPS-Config.c  15:33:12 #9 6.863 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.863 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL.h:15, 15:33:12 #9 6.863 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.863 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.863 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.863 15:33:12 #9 6.873 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell.c  15:33:12 #9 6.873 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.875 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasReportQuantity.h:42:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.875 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasReportQuantity.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.875 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.875 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.875 15:33:12 #9 6.875 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:12 #9 6.881 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:12 #9 6.881 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN.h:16, 15:33:12 #9 6.881 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN.c:8: 15:33:12 #9 6.881 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:12 #9 6.881 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:12 #9 6.881 15:33:13 #9 6.895 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.c  15:33:13 #9 6.895 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.896 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultEUTRA.c  15:33:13 #9 6.897 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddMod.c  15:33:13 #9 6.898 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 6.901 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB7.c  15:33:13 #9 6.901 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport.c  15:33:13 #9 6.902 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-BlackCell.c  15:33:13 #9 6.903 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceId.c  15:33:13 #9 6.906 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BetaOffsets.c  15:33:13 #9 6.906 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConnEstFailureControl.c  15:33:13 #9 6.907 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1-IEs.c  15:33:13 #9 6.908 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.908 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.908 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.908 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.908 15:33:13 #9 6.909 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTimingList.c  15:33:13 #9 6.913 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-Pattern.c  15:33:13 #9 6.915 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-MultiBandInfo.c  15:33:13 #9 6.916 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.c  15:33:13 #9 6.916 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-CSI-Resource.c  15:33:13 #9 6.916 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombInfoMRDC.c  15:33:13 #9 6.925 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportFramework.h:43:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.925 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportFramework.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.925 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.925 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.925 15:33:13 #9 6.933 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.940 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand.h:80:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.940 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.940 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.940 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.940 15:33:13 #9 6.942 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigInterRAT.h:69:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.942 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigInterRAT.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.942 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.942 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.942 15:33:13 #9 6.955 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.955 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectNR.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 6.955 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectNR.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.955 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.955 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.955 15:33:13 #9 6.959 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.959 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 6.959 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.959 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.959 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.959 15:33:13 #9 6.959 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.962 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR.h:45:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.962 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.962 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.962 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.962 15:33:13 #9 6.962 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.964 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.964 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfoList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.964 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.964 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.964 15:33:13 #9 6.973 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.973 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.973 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.973 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.973 15:33:13 #9 6.975 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestResources.h:42:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.975 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestResources.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.975 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.975 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.975 15:33:13 #9 6.975 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.975 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.976 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 6.982 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.982 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkDedicated.c  15:33:13 #9 6.985 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityOffset.h:54:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.985 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityOffset.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.985 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.985 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.985 15:33:13 #9 6.985 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.988 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAT-Type.h:58:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.988 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAT-Type.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.988 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.988 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.988 15:33:13 #9 6.988 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.988 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.990 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.h:53:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.990 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.990 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.990 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.990 15:33:13 #9 6.990 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 6.992 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PHR-Config.h:87:0, 15:33:13 #9 6.992 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PHR-Config.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 6.992 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 6.992 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 6.992 15:33:13 #9 7.001 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.002 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.009 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.013 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.026 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.026 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Config.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.026 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Config.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.026 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.026 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.026 15:33:13 #9 7.026 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.027 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.027 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.027 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.027 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.027 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.027 15:33:13 #9 7.027 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.037 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.038 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.c  15:33:13 #9 7.044 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.c  15:33:13 #9 7.054 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersCommon.h:226:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.054 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersCommon.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.054 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.054 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.054 15:33:13 #9 7.055 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InitialUE-Identity.h:52:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.055 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.055 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest-IEs.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.055 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.055 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.055 15:33:13 #9 7.055 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.067 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ModulationOrder.h:57:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.067 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ModulationOrder.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.067 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.067 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.067 15:33:13 #9 7.067 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB4.c  15:33:13 #9 7.074 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB1.c  15:33:13 #9 7.077 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset.c  15:33:13 #9 7.079 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.079 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.079 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.079 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.079 15:33:13 #9 7.085 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.088 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.088 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResults.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.088 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResults.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.088 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.088 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.088 15:33:13 #9 7.088 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.092 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.097 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.099 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-IndexList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.099 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-IndexList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.099 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.099 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.099 15:33:13 #9 7.099 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.102 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UCI-OnPUSCH.c  15:33:13 #9 7.116 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriority.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.116 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionPriority.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.116 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.116 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.116 15:33:13 #9 7.116 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.116 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersDL.c  15:33:13 #9 7.117 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.c  15:33:13 #9 7.118 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReducedAggregatedBandwidth.c  15:33:13 #9 7.119 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QCL-Info.c  15:33:13 #9 7.119 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterRAT-Parameters.c  15:33:13 #9 7.121 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSet.c  15:33:13 #9 7.123 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.123 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.123 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.123 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.123 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.123 15:33:13 #9 7.123 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.128 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:13 #9 7.129 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 7.129 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportInterval.c  15:33:13 #9 7.130 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo.c  15:33:13 #9 7.130 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI-EUTRA.c  15:33:13 #9 7.131 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-MultiPanelCodebook.c  15:33:13 #9 7.131 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetId.c  15:33:13 #9 7.135 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingScheme.c  15:33:13 #9 7.141 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-IEs.h:49:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.141 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-IEs.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.141 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.141 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.141 15:33:13 #9 7.141 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.144 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultSCG-Failure.c  15:33:13 #9 7.144 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-CodebookPortSelection.c  15:33:13 #9 7.150 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo.c  15:33:13 #9 7.157 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.157 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.157 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.157 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.157 15:33:13 #9 7.157 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.158 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarResumeMAC-Input.c  15:33:13 #9 7.161 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC.c  15:33:13 #9 7.165 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeToTrigger.h:67:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.165 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeToTrigger.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.165 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.165 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.165 15:33:13 #9 7.165 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.168 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandParameters.c  15:33:13 #9 7.181 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Id.c  15:33:13 #9 7.181 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.c  15:33:13 #9 7.182 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/S-NSSAI.c  15:33:13 #9 7.188 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR2.h:56:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.188 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR2.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.188 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.188 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.188 15:33:13 #9 7.188 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.189 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet.c  15:33:13 #9 7.190 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.190 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.190 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.190 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.190 15:33:13 #9 7.190 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.191 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-Config.c  15:33:13 #9 7.203 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.203 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysicalCellGroupConfig.h:16, 15:33:13 #9 7.203 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysicalCellGroupConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.203 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.203 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.203 15:33:13 #9 7.203 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.206 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.206 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.206 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.206 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.206 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.206 15:33:13 #9 7.206 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.215 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerState.h:53:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.215 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerState.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.215 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.215 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.215 15:33:13 #9 7.215 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.215 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.215 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellSFTD.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.215 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellSFTD.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.215 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.215 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.215 15:33:13 #9 7.215 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.219 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SS-RSSI-Measurement.h:42:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.219 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SS-RSSI-Measurement.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.219 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.219 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.219 15:33:13 #9 7.219 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.225 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.225 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation-IEs.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.225 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.225 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.225 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.225 15:33:13 #9 7.225 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.235 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-Identity-EUTRA-5GC.h:55:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.235 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-Identity-EUTRA-5GC.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.235 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.235 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.235 15:33:13 #9 7.235 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.239 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionSubPriority.h:55:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.239 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellReselectionSubPriority.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.239 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.239 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.239 15:33:13 #9 7.239 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.247 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.247 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellInfo.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.247 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.247 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.247 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.247 15:33:13 #9 7.247 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.251 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMOList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.251 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMOList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.251 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.251 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.251 15:33:13 #9 7.251 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.256 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-ParametersMRDC.h:48:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.256 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-ParametersMRDC.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.256 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.256 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.256 15:33:13 #9 7.256 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.260 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.260 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndex.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.260 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.260 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.260 15:33:13 #9 7.260 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.268 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure-IEs.h:45:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.268 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeFailure-IEs.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.268 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.268 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.268 15:33:13 #9 7.268 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.271 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-UplinkConfig.h:102:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.271 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-UplinkConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.271 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.271 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.271 15:33:13 #9 7.271 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.276 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GapConfig.h:72:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.276 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GapConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.276 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.276 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.276 15:33:13 #9 7.276 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.278 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB6.c  15:33:13 #9 7.283 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.283 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-SpatialRelationInfo.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.283 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-SpatialRelationInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.283 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.283 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.283 15:33:13 #9 7.283 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.287 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.287 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.287 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.287 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.287 15:33:13 #9 7.292 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ForTracking.h:43:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.292 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ForTracking.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.292 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.292 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.292 15:33:13 #9 7.294 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-RangeEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.294 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-RangeEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.294 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.294 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.294 15:33:13 #9 7.299 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-Pattern.h:73:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.299 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-Pattern.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.299 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.299 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.299 15:33:13 #9 7.301 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.304 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-NotificationAreaInfo.h:61:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.304 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-NotificationAreaInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.304 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.304 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.304 15:33:13 #9 7.306 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformation.h:55:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.306 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformation.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.306 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.306 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.306 15:33:13 #9 7.313 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.316 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB7.h:60:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.316 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB7.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.316 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.316 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.316 15:33:13 #9 7.317 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.317 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.317 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.317 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.317 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.317 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.317 15:33:13 #9 7.317 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.323 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementInfo.c  15:33:13 #9 7.324 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 7.325 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete.c  15:33:13 #9 7.325 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.327 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.327 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.327 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.327 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.327 15:33:13 #9 7.327 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.331 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList.c  15:33:13 #9 7.335 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfig.h:60:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.335 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.335 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.335 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.335 15:33:13 #9 7.335 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.346 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-Message.c  15:33:13 #9 7.346 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.370 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-MessageType.c  15:33:13 #9 7.371 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.c  15:33:13 #9 7.372 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport.h:63:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.372 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.372 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.372 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.372 15:33:13 #9 7.372 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfigId.c  15:33:13 #9 7.372 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.373 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEntryIndex.c  15:33:13 #9 7.377 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierInfoNR.c  15:33:13 #9 7.378 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarShortMAC-Input.c  15:33:13 #9 7.379 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-Mapping.c  15:33:13 #9 7.379 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.384 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NextHopChainingCount.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.384 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NextHopChainingCount.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.384 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.384 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.384 15:33:13 #9 7.387 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.387 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.387 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.387 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.387 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.387 15:33:13 #9 7.387 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.433 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.433 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SPS-Config.h:17, 15:33:13 #9 7.433 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SPS-Config.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.433 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.433 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.433 15:33:13 #9 7.440 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaCode.c  15:33:13 #9 7.440 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AMF-Identifier.c  15:33:13 #9 7.441 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-RxLevMin.c  15:33:13 #9 7.452 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TrackingAreaCode.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.452 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaConfig.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.452 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.452 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.452 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.452 15:33:13 #9 7.453 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Resource.c  15:33:13 #9 7.453 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.c  15:33:13 #9 7.454 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation-IEs.c  15:33:13 #9 7.454 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.458 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 7.462 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddModList.c  15:33:13 #9 7.467 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format2.c  15:33:13 #9 7.470 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.470 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfig.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.470 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.470 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.470 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.470 15:33:13 #9 7.470 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.481 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CandidateServingFreqListNR.c  15:33:13 #9 7.482 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Config.c  15:33:13 #9 7.493 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.h:70:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.493 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.493 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.493 15:33:13 #9 7.493 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.501 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.c  15:33:13 #9 7.504 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue.c  15:33:13 #9 7.504 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.508 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.508 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1-IEs.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.508 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1-IEs.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.508 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.508 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.508 15:33:13 #9 7.512 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.512 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.512 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.512 15:33:13 #9 7.512 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.512 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.512 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.512 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.512 15:33:13 #9 7.513 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReportList.c  15:33:13 #9 7.518 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-MessageType.h:74:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.518 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.518 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.518 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.518 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.518 15:33:13 #9 7.518 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.521 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.525 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BetaOffsets.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.525 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BetaOffsets.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.525 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.525 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.525 15:33:13 #9 7.529 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkDedicated.h:112:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.529 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-DownlinkDedicated.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.529 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.529 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.529 15:33:13 #9 7.531 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.540 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-SchedulingInfo.c  15:33:13 #9 7.546 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset.c  15:33:13 #9 7.548 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/S-NSSAI.h:52:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.548 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/S-NSSAI.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.548 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.548 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.548 15:33:13 #9 7.548 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.551 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation.h:63:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.551 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.551 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.551 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.551 15:33:13 #9 7.551 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.552 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReducedAggregatedBandwidth.h:63:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.552 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReducedAggregatedBandwidth.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.552 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.552 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.552 15:33:13 #9 7.552 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.555 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.555 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.555 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.555 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.555 15:33:13 #9 7.559 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatIndicator.c  15:33:13 #9 7.559 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.562 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.562 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI-EUTRA.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.562 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI-EUTRA.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.562 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.562 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.562 15:33:13 #9 7.562 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.563 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DelayBudgetReport.c  15:33:13 #9 7.566 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.566 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.566 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.566 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.566 15:33:13 #9 7.566 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.568 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellConfig.c  15:33:13 #9 7.569 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP.c  15:33:13 #9 7.571 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConnEstFailureControl.h:63:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.571 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConnEstFailureControl.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.571 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.571 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.571 15:33:13 #9 7.579 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Uplink.c  15:33:13 #9 7.584 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-Config.h:186:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.584 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.584 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.584 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.584 15:33:13 #9 7.584 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.590 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.590 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-MultiBandInfo.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.590 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-MultiBandInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.590 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.590 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.590 15:33:13 #9 7.590 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.594 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.594 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.594 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.594 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.594 15:33:13 #9 7.594 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.599 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.604 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.604 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.604 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.604 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.604 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.604 15:33:13 #9 7.604 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTimingList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.604 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTimingList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.604 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.604 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.604 15:33:13 #9 7.604 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.605 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.c  15:33:13 #9 7.615 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.615 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.615 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.615 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.615 15:33:13 #9 7.615 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.620 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.620 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.620 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.620 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.620 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.620 15:33:13 #9 7.625 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.631 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.631 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.631 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.631 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.631 15:33:13 #9 7.631 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.634 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RA-Prioritization.h:61:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.634 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RA-Prioritization.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.634 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.634 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.634 15:33:13 #9 7.634 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.641 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersDL.h:54:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.641 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersDL.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.641 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.641 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.641 15:33:13 #9 7.643 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo.h:61:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.643 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.643 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.643 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.643 15:33:13 #9 7.646 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest-IEs.c  15:33:13 #9 7.647 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.654 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.654 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-CSI-Resource.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.654 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-CSI-Resource.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.654 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.654 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.654 15:33:13 #9 7.655 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.655 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-BlackCell.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.655 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-BlackCell.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.655 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.655 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.655 15:33:13 #9 7.657 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VictimSystemType.h:71:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.657 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombInfoMRDC.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.657 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombInfoMRDC.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.657 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.657 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.657 15:33:13 #9 7.658 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.658 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.658 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.658 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.658 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.658 15:33:13 #9 7.658 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.659 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList.c  15:33:13 #9 7.659 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigDedicated.c  15:33:13 #9 7.660 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.660 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.660 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-Message.c  15:33:13 #9 7.660 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.668 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.668 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.668 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.668 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.668 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.668 15:33:13 #9 7.668 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.668 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.670 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.670 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceId.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.670 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.670 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.670 15:33:13 #9 7.675 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddMod.c  15:33:13 #9 7.675 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.683 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-Parameters.c  15:33:13 #9 7.684 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementInfo.h:60:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.684 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementInfo.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.684 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.684 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.684 15:33:13 #9 7.684 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.685 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterRAT-Parameters.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.685 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterRAT-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.685 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.685 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.685 15:33:13 #9 7.689 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.689 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.689 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.689 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.689 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.689 15:33:13 #9 7.691 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThresholdQ.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.691 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThresholdQ.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.691 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.691 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.691 15:33:13 #9 7.691 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.691 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.699 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig.h:51:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.699 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.699 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.699 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.699 15:33:13 #9 7.699 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.699 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.702 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToRemoveList.c  15:33:13 #9 7.703 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.703 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.704 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersUL.c  15:33:13 #9 7.740 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.740 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.740 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.740 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.740 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.740 15:33:13 #9 7.742 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.743 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.743 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig.h:16, 15:33:13 #9 7.743 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.743 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.743 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.743 15:33:13 #9 7.743 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.750 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.750 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.750 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.750 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.750 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.750 15:33:13 #9 7.750 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.751 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentCause.c  15:33:13 #9 7.755 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB6.h:48:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.755 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB6.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.755 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.755 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.755 15:33:13 #9 7.759 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB1.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.759 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB1.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.759 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.759 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.759 15:33:13 #9 7.761 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig.h:45:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.761 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.761 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.761 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.761 15:33:13 #9 7.761 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.782 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.783 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-MessageType.h:59:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.783 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.783 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.783 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.783 15:33:13 #9 7.783 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.785 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Config.c  15:33:13 #9 7.785 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.785 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.789 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.789 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarShortMAC-Input.h:15, 15:33:13 #9 7.789 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarShortMAC-Input.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.789 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.789 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.789 15:33:13 #9 7.789 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:13 #9 7.827 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxValue.c  15:33:13 #9 7.848 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:13 #9 7.848 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList.c:8: 15:33:13 #9 7.848 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:13 #9 7.848 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:13 #9 7.848 15:33:13 #9 7.848 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.850 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.866 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReconfigurationWithSync.c  15:33:14 #9 7.873 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSet.c  15:33:14 #9 7.874 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigNR.c  15:33:14 #9 7.874 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.c  15:33:14 #9 7.874 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqBlackCellList.c  15:33:14 #9 7.875 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToReleaseList.c  15:33:14 #9 7.875 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC.c  15:33:14 #9 7.875 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff.c  15:33:14 #9 7.875 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkId.c  15:33:14 #9 7.875 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.c  15:33:14 #9 7.876 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OtherConfig.c  15:33:14 #9 7.876 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 7.876 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 7.876 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.c  15:33:14 #9 7.877 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand.c  15:33:14 #9 7.877 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCat.c  15:33:14 #9 7.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpace.c  15:33:14 #9 7.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityNR.c  15:33:14 #9 7.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombination.c  15:33:14 #9 7.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Config.c  15:33:14 #9 7.881 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.881 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA.c  15:33:14 #9 7.884 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlink.c  15:33:14 #9 7.885 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:14 #9 7.889 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.c  15:33:14 #9 7.890 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamFailureRecoveryConfig.c  15:33:14 #9 7.901 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.901 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Resource.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 7.901 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Resource.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.901 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.901 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.901 15:33:14 #9 7.901 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.924 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.924 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.924 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.924 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.924 15:33:14 #9 7.924 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.928 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.928 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfigId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.928 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.928 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.928 15:33:14 #9 7.928 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.931 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqList.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.931 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB4.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 7.931 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB4.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.931 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.931 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.931 15:33:14 #9 7.931 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.935 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-Mapping.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.935 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-Mapping.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.935 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.935 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.935 15:33:14 #9 7.935 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.941 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.h:53:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.941 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfig.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 7.941 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfig.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.941 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.941 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.941 15:33:14 #9 7.941 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.949 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 7.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.949 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.949 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.949 15:33:14 #9 7.949 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.957 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.h:51:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.957 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.957 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.957 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.957 15:33:14 #9 7.964 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaCode.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.964 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAN-AreaCode.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.964 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.964 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.964 15:33:14 #9 7.964 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.968 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEntryIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.968 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEntryIndex.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.968 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.968 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.968 15:33:14 #9 7.968 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.973 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.973 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Id.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.973 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.973 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.973 15:33:14 #9 7.973 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.975 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AMF-Identifier.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.975 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AMF-Identifier.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.975 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.975 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.975 15:33:14 #9 7.975 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.981 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UCI-OnPUSCH.h:75:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.981 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UCI-OnPUSCH.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.981 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.981 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.981 15:33:14 #9 7.981 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.984 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultList2NR.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.984 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultSCG-Failure.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 7.984 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultSCG-Failure.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.984 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.984 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.984 15:33:14 #9 7.984 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 7.991 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-MultiPanelCodebook.h:65:0, 15:33:14 #9 7.991 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-MultiPanelCodebook.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 7.991 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 7.991 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 7.991 15:33:14 #9 7.991 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.003 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.003 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.003 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.003 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.003 15:33:14 #9 8.003 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.004 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RangeToBestCell.c  15:33:14 #9 8.007 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIB.c  15:33:14 #9 8.012 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TxSwitch.c  15:33:14 #9 8.018 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.018 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QCL-Info.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.018 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QCL-Info.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.018 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.018 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.018 15:33:14 #9 8.018 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.019 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSet.h:75:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.019 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSet.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.019 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.019 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.019 15:33:14 #9 8.019 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.025 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResumeCause.c  15:33:14 #9 8.030 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation.c  15:33:14 #9 8.030 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-Parameters.c  15:33:14 #9 8.031 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.031 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP.h:16, 15:33:14 #9 8.031 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.031 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.031 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.031 15:33:14 #9 8.031 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.031 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-Message.c  15:33:14 #9 8.032 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-UM-RLC.c  15:33:14 #9 8.034 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingScheme.h:55:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.034 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingScheme.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.034 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.034 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.034 15:33:14 #9 8.034 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.035 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.c  15:33:14 #9 8.039 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortI-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.039 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.039 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest-IEs.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.039 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.039 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.039 15:33:14 #9 8.039 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.047 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-StateId.c  15:33:14 #9 8.051 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.051 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierInfoNR.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.051 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierInfoNR.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.051 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.051 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.051 15:33:14 #9 8.051 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS.c  15:33:14 #9 8.070 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.070 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarResumeMAC-Input.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.070 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarResumeMAC-Input.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.070 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.070 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.070 15:33:14 #9 8.073 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportInterval.h:65:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.073 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportInterval.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.073 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.073 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.073 15:33:14 #9 8.073 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.073 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset.h:68:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.073 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.073 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.073 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.073 15:33:14 #9 8.073 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.085 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.086 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.086 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandParameters.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.086 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandParameters.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.086 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.086 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.086 15:33:14 #9 8.098 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-CodebookPortSelection.h:62:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.098 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-CodebookPortSelection.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.098 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.098 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.098 15:33:14 #9 8.098 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.109 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.109 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.109 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.109 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.109 15:33:14 #9 8.109 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.113 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.123 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-RxLevMin.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.123 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-RxLevMin.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.123 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.123 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.123 15:33:14 #9 8.133 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.138 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format2.h:42:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.138 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format2.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.138 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.138 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.138 15:33:14 #9 8.138 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.158 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-Identity.c  15:33:14 #9 8.163 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex2.c  15:33:14 #9 8.163 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-Info.c  15:33:14 #9 8.169 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue.h:59:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.169 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.169 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.169 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.169 15:33:14 #9 8.178 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 8.182 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.182 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.182 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.182 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.182 15:33:14 #9 8.189 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.192 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.192 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CandidateServingFreqListNR.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.192 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CandidateServingFreqListNR.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.192 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.192 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.192 15:33:14 #9 8.192 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.195 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.195 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.195 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.195 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.195 15:33:14 #9 8.195 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.206 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.206 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToRemoveList.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.206 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToRemoveList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.206 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.206 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.206 15:33:14 #9 8.206 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.216 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.216 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.216 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.216 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.216 15:33:14 #9 8.216 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.218 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabUE-Identity.c  15:33:14 #9 8.219 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthUM.c  15:33:14 #9 8.219 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.219 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.219 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.219 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.219 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.219 15:33:14 #9 8.219 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.219 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.223 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.223 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellConfig.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.223 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.223 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.223 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.223 15:33:14 #9 8.227 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DelayBudgetReport.h:76:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.227 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DelayBudgetReport.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.227 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.227 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.227 15:33:14 #9 8.227 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.228 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CarrierSwitching.c  15:33:14 #9 8.228 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:14 #9 8.229 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.229 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.229 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.229 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.229 15:33:14 #9 8.229 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.231 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellListSFTD.c  15:33:14 #9 8.233 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultNR.c  15:33:14 #9 8.234 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 8.235 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS.c  15:33:14 #9 8.236 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation-IEs.h:49:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.236 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.236 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.236 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.236 15:33:14 #9 8.254 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType.h:74:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.254 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.254 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.254 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.254 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.254 15:33:14 #9 8.254 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.280 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReportList.h:41:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.280 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReportList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.280 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.280 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.280 15:33:14 #9 8.280 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.281 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.286 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigDedicated.h:48:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.286 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigDedicated.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.286 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.286 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.286 15:33:14 #9 8.286 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.292 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.292 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityNR.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.292 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityNR.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.292 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.292 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.292 15:33:14 #9 8.292 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.294 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.294 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Uplink.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.294 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Uplink.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.294 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.294 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.294 15:33:14 #9 8.296 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-SchedulingInfo.h:74:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.296 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-SchedulingInfo.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.296 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.296 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.296 15:33:14 #9 8.297 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.297 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.298 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.298 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.298 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.298 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.298 15:33:14 #9 8.300 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqBlackCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.300 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqBlackCellList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.300 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.300 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.300 15:33:14 #9 8.300 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.302 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Config.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.302 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Config.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.302 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.302 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.302 15:33:14 #9 8.302 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.302 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.304 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry.c  15:33:14 #9 8.306 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListEUTRA.c  15:33:14 #9 8.306 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.h:70:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.306 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterConfig.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.306 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigRS.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.306 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigNR.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.306 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigNR.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.306 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.306 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.306 15:33:14 #9 8.306 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.310 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC.h:75:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.310 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.310 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.310 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.310 15:33:14 #9 8.310 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.310 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.322 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombinationId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombination.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombination.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.322 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.322 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.322 15:33:14 #9 8.323 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.323 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset.h:83:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.323 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.323 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.323 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.323 15:33:14 #9 8.325 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.325 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatIndicator.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.325 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatIndicator.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.325 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.325 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.325 15:33:14 #9 8.326 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-List.c  15:33:14 #9 8.332 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-Codebook.c  15:33:14 #9 8.332 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentList.c  15:33:14 #9 8.334 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.341 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.344 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkPreemption.c  15:33:14 #9 8.344 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqSeparationClass.h:57:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.344 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlink.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.344 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlink.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.344 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.344 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.344 15:33:14 #9 8.344 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.347 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.347 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer-IEs.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.347 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer-IEs.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.347 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.347 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.347 15:33:14 #9 8.347 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.352 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentCause.h:55:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.352 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentCause.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.352 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.352 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.352 15:33:14 #9 8.374 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.379 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RejectWaitTime.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.379 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject-IEs.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.379 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject-IEs.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.379 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.379 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.379 15:33:14 #9 8.388 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Config.h:49:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.388 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.388 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.388 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.388 15:33:14 #9 8.388 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.390 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.390 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToReleaseList.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.390 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToReleaseList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.390 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.390 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.390 15:33:14 #9 8.390 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.393 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA.h:60:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.393 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.393 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.393 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.393 15:33:14 #9 8.393 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.396 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.396 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpace.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.396 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpace.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.396 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.396 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.396 15:33:14 #9 8.398 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 8.400 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingConfig.c  15:33:14 #9 8.406 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfo.c  15:33:14 #9 8.410 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.410 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.410 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.410 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.410 15:33:14 #9 8.411 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup-IEs.c  15:33:14 #9 8.413 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelConfig.c  15:33:14 #9 8.415 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OtherConfig.h:74:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.415 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OtherConfig.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.415 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.415 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.415 15:33:14 #9 8.417 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxValue.h:41:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.417 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxValue.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.417 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.417 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.417 15:33:14 #9 8.417 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.427 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-Resource.c  15:33:14 #9 8.431 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:14 #9 8.431 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.431 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.431 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.431 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.431 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.431 15:33:14 #9 8.448 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.448 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamFailureRecoveryConfig.h:16, 15:33:14 #9 8.448 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BeamFailureRecoveryConfig.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.448 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.448 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.448 15:33:14 #9 8.454 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.454 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.454 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.454 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.454 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.454 15:33:14 #9 8.456 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.456 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.456 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.456 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.456 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.456 15:33:14 #9 8.458 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.h:62:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.458 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.458 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.458 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.458 15:33:14 #9 8.460 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff.h:90:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.460 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.460 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.460 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.460 15:33:14 #9 8.461 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetsPerBand.c  15:33:14 #9 8.462 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.462 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReconfigurationWithSync.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.462 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReconfigurationWithSync.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.462 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.462 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.462 15:33:14 #9 8.473 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.h:55:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.473 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.473 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.473 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.473 15:33:14 #9 8.478 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.478 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.478 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.478 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.478 15:33:14 #9 8.478 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.479 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.479 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.480 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.480 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.480 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.480 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.480 15:33:14 #9 8.480 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.483 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.484 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.484 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCat.h:16, 15:33:14 #9 8.484 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCat.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.484 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.484 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.484 15:33:14 #9 8.484 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.484 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.489 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.493 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.497 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersUL.h:54:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.497 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-LayersUL.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.497 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.497 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.497 15:33:14 #9 8.497 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.501 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.506 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.512 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-MessageType.h:80:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.512 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.512 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.512 15:33:14 #9 8.512 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.512 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.516 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.516 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.525 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.529 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-Parameters.h:57:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.529 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.529 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.529 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.529 15:33:14 #9 8.529 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.545 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-Parameters.h:83:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.545 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.545 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.545 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.545 15:33:14 #9 8.551 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddModList.c  15:33:14 #9 8.553 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.553 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.553 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.553 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.553 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.553 15:33:14 #9 8.553 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.555 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthUM.h:53:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.555 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthUM.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.555 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.555 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.555 15:33:14 #9 8.555 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.561 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.561 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabUE-Identity.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.561 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabUE-Identity.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.561 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.561 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.561 15:33:14 #9 8.561 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.568 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation.h:88:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.568 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.568 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.568 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.568 15:33:14 #9 8.569 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC.c  15:33:14 #9 8.572 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.h:82:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.572 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RangeToBestCell.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.572 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RangeToBestCell.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.572 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.572 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.572 15:33:14 #9 8.576 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.576 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Config.h:17, 15:33:14 #9 8.576 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.576 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.576 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.576 15:33:14 #9 8.576 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.577 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.c  15:33:14 #9 8.577 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCatList.c  15:33:14 #9 8.585 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-Parameters.c  15:33:14 #9 8.599 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TxSwitch.h:55:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.599 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TxSwitch.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.599 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.599 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.599 15:33:14 #9 8.604 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResumeCause.h:67:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.604 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResumeCause.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.604 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.604 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.604 15:33:14 #9 8.605 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Container.c  15:33:14 #9 8.606 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombinationId.c  15:33:14 #9 8.607 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.611 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListEUTRA.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.611 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.611 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.611 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.611 15:33:14 #9 8.611 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.617 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqSeparationClass.c  15:33:14 #9 8.618 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.621 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Parameters.c  15:33:14 #9 8.621 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck.c  15:33:14 #9 8.622 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.625 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format1.c  15:33:14 #9 8.626 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.c  15:33:14 #9 8.626 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex.c  15:33:14 #9 8.633 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.641 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.654 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListEUTRA.c  15:33:14 #9 8.656 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkCommon.c  15:33:14 #9 8.656 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantity.c  15:33:14 #9 8.657 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceMapping.c  15:33:14 #9 8.658 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1.c  15:33:14 #9 8.665 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.665 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-List.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.665 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-List.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.665 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.665 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.665 15:33:14 #9 8.665 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.666 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndexList.c  15:33:14 #9 8.666 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.666 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkPreemption.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.666 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkPreemption.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.666 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.666 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.666 15:33:14 #9 8.666 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.669 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.669 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-Identity.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.669 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.669 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.669 15:33:14 #9 8.670 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo.c  15:33:14 #9 8.671 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA.c  15:33:14 #9 8.672 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ToMeasure.c  15:33:14 #9 8.673 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SuspendConfig.c  15:33:14 #9 8.673 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-ParametersMRDC.c  15:33:14 #9 8.678 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-UCI-OnPUSCH.c  15:33:14 #9 8.679 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reassembly.c  15:33:14 #9 8.680 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-Message.c  15:33:14 #9 8.680 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange.c  15:33:14 #9 8.681 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToRemoveList.c  15:33:14 #9 8.682 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA.c  15:33:14 #9 8.696 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-Codebook.h:67:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.696 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeII-Codebook.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.696 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.696 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.696 15:33:14 #9 8.714 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MNC.c  15:33:14 #9 8.724 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ConfigCommon.h:57:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.724 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.724 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.724 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.724 15:33:14 #9 8.724 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.733 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.752 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.752 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.752 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.752 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.752 15:33:14 #9 8.752 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.756 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.756 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResults.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.756 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport-IEs.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.756 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementReport-IEs.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.756 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.756 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.756 15:33:14 #9 8.756 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.760 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex2.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.760 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex2.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.760 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.760 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.760 15:33:14 #9 8.760 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.761 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.764 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-MessageType.h:79:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.764 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.764 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.764 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.764 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.764 15:33:14 #9 8.764 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.770 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.770 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.770 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.770 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.770 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.770 15:33:14 #9 8.770 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.771 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.771 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasIdToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.771 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.771 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.771 15:33:14 #9 8.771 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.773 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.773 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.773 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.773 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.773 15:33:14 #9 8.776 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.h:93:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.776 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigCommon.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.776 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.776 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.776 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.776 15:33:14 #9 8.787 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.787 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CarrierSwitching.h:20, 15:33:14 #9 8.787 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CarrierSwitching.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.787 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.787 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.787 15:33:14 #9 8.788 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.788 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigSIB1.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.788 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIB.h:18, 15:33:14 #9 8.788 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIB.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.788 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.788 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.788 15:33:14 #9 8.788 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.788 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.790 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-StateId.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.790 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-StateId.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.790 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.790 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.790 15:33:14 #9 8.790 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.796 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthUM.h:53:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.796 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-UM-RLC.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.796 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-UM-RLC.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.796 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.796 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.796 15:33:14 #9 8.796 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.811 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.811 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-Info.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.811 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-Info.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.811 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.811 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.811 15:33:14 #9 8.811 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.812 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:14 #9 8.815 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:14 #9 8.815 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry.h:15, 15:33:14 #9 8.815 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry.c:8: 15:33:14 #9 8.815 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:14 #9 8.815 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:14 #9 8.815 15:33:15 #9 8.820 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.820 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-Resource.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.820 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-Resource.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.820 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.820 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.820 15:33:15 #9 8.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.829 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC.c  15:33:15 #9 8.830 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellListSFTD.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.830 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultCellListSFTD.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.830 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.830 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.830 15:33:15 #9 8.830 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.832 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-Resource.c  15:33:15 #9 8.832 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.834 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-InfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.834 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck-IEs.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.834 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck-IEs.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.834 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.834 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.834 15:33:15 #9 8.834 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.842 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.842 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultNR.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.842 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultNR.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.842 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.842 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.842 15:33:15 #9 8.842 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.849 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation-IEs.h:101:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.849 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.849 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.849 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.849 15:33:15 #9 8.853 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioBearerConfig.h:60:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.853 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup-IEs.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.853 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup-IEs.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.853 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.853 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.853 15:33:15 #9 8.860 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetsPerBand.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.860 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetsPerBand.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.860 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.860 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.860 15:33:15 #9 8.865 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCatList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.865 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerCatList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.865 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.865 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.865 15:33:15 #9 8.870 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPattern.c  15:33:15 #9 8.875 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingScheme.h:55:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.875 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingConfig.h:16, 15:33:15 #9 8.875 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapSharingConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.875 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.875 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.875 15:33:15 #9 8.883 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.883 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.883 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.883 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.883 15:33:15 #9 8.883 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.884 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.884 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelConfig.h:17, 15:33:15 #9 8.884 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.884 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.884 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.884 15:33:15 #9 8.885 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AggregatedBandwidth.c  15:33:15 #9 8.886 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:15 #9 8.892 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 8.894 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.894 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.894 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.894 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.894 15:33:15 #9 8.894 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.894 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC.c  15:33:15 #9 8.895 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetList.c  15:33:15 #9 8.897 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.906 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-Range.c  15:33:15 #9 8.906 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.906 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioBearerConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 8.907 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.907 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.907 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA.c  15:33:15 #9 8.907 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Request.c  15:33:15 #9 8.908 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.913 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupId.c  15:33:15 #9 8.914 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.914 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.914 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.914 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.914 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.914 15:33:15 #9 8.920 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-Capability.c  15:33:15 #9 8.933 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.934 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.942 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL-SIB.c  15:33:15 #9 8.948 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-Parameters.h:50:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.948 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.948 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.948 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.948 15:33:15 #9 8.949 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellIndexRrc.c  15:33:15 #9 8.958 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-Index.c  15:33:15 #9 8.959 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombination.c  15:33:15 #9 8.962 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThreshold.c  15:33:15 #9 8.967 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resource.c  15:33:15 #9 8.969 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH.c  15:33:15 #9 8.970 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DataInactivityTimer.c  15:33:15 #9 8.970 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 8.970 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS.c  15:33:15 #9 8.982 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.c  15:33:15 #9 8.983 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete.c  15:33:15 #9 8.983 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoSN.c  15:33:15 #9 8.984 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.984 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 8.984 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheck.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.984 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.984 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.984 15:33:15 #9 8.994 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ScramblingId.c  15:33:15 #9 8.996 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombinationId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 8.996 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombinationId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 8.996 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 8.996 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 8.996 15:33:15 #9 9.002 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-FreqInfo.c  15:33:15 #9 9.014 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAT-Type.h:58:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.014 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Container.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.014 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Container.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.014 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.014 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.014 15:33:15 #9 9.020 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.024 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format1.h:43:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.024 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format1.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.024 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.024 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.024 15:33:15 #9 9.028 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqSeparationClass.h:57:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.028 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqSeparationClass.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.028 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.028 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.028 15:33:15 #9 9.035 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PresenceAntennaPort1.c  15:33:15 #9 9.036 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.036 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Parameters.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.036 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.036 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.036 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.036 15:33:15 #9 9.038 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.038 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.038 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.038 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.038 15:33:15 #9 9.038 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.038 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.050 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.050 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MNC.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.050 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MNC.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.050 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.050 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.050 15:33:15 #9 9.050 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.053 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.059 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MasterKeyUpdate.c  15:33:15 #9 9.062 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.062 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.062 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.062 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.062 15:33:15 #9 9.062 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.069 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.069 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SuspendConfig.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.069 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SuspendConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.069 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.069 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.069 15:33:15 #9 9.069 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.069 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.077 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ToMeasure.h:54:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.077 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ToMeasure.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.077 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.077 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.077 15:33:15 #9 9.077 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.077 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.082 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.082 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndexList.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.082 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndexList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.082 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.082 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.082 15:33:15 #9 9.082 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.089 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.089 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1-IEs.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.089 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.089 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest1.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.089 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.089 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.089 15:33:15 #9 9.089 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.091 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-FrequencyOccupation.h:45:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.091 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceMapping.h:17, 15:33:15 #9 9.091 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceMapping.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.091 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.091 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.091 15:33:15 #9 9.091 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.098 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.098 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.098 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.098 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.098 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.098 15:33:15 #9 9.098 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.100 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP.h:16, 15:33:15 #9 9.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkCommon.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.100 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkCommon.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.100 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.100 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.100 15:33:15 #9 9.100 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.106 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.h:93:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.106 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.106 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.106 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.106 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.106 15:33:15 #9 9.106 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.107 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListEUTRA.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.107 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.107 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.107 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.107 15:33:15 #9 9.107 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.117 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.117 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantity.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.117 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantity.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.117 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.117 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.117 15:33:15 #9 9.122 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-MessageType.h:78:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.122 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-Message.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.122 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-Message.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.122 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.122 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.122 15:33:15 #9 9.122 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.126 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommon.c  15:33:15 #9 9.135 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkId.c  15:33:15 #9 9.135 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.c  15:33:15 #9 9.136 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigSIB1.c  15:33:15 #9 9.144 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-RangeEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.144 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.144 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.144 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.144 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.144 15:33:15 #9 9.144 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback.c  15:33:15 #9 9.151 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:15 #9 9.151 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSet.c  15:33:15 #9 9.158 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-UCI-OnPUSCH.h:61:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.158 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-UCI-OnPUSCH.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.158 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.158 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.158 15:33:15 #9 9.169 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.175 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reassembly.h:83:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.175 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reassembly.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.175 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.175 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.175 15:33:15 #9 9.176 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.211 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.211 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.211 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.211 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.211 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.211 15:33:15 #9 9.212 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.217 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.218 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.218 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.220 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.220 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToRemoveList.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.220 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToRemoveList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.220 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.220 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.220 15:33:15 #9 9.220 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.225 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.225 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringInfoSetList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.225 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.225 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.225 15:33:15 #9 9.225 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.234 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellInfo.c  15:33:15 #9 9.235 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddModList.c  15:33:15 #9 9.238 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QFI.c  15:33:15 #9 9.239 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-ParametersPerBand.c  15:33:15 #9 9.241 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest.c  15:33:15 #9 9.253 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.253 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPattern.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.253 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPattern.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.253 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.253 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.253 15:33:15 #9 9.254 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParameters.c  15:33:15 #9 9.261 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfo.c  15:33:15 #9 9.262 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-v1540-IEs.c  15:33:15 #9 9.265 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.265 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.265 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.265 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.265 15:33:15 #9 9.269 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.269 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.269 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.269 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.269 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.269 15:33:15 #9 9.269 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.272 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DataInactivityTimer.h:67:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.272 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DataInactivityTimer.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.272 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.272 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.272 15:33:15 #9 9.272 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.280 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ConfigCommon.h:56:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.280 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.280 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.280 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.280 15:33:15 #9 9.285 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombination.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.285 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetCombination.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.285 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.285 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.285 15:33:15 #9 9.291 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioBearerConfig.h:60:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.291 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioBearerConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.291 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.291 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.291 15:33:15 #9 9.293 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-ParametersMRDC.h:51:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.293 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-ParametersMRDC.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.293 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.293 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.293 15:33:15 #9 9.293 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.297 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.297 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.297 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.297 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.297 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.297 15:33:15 #9 9.297 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.300 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RF-ParametersMRDC.h:48:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.300 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-Capability.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.300 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-MRDC-Capability.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.300 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.300 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.300 15:33:15 #9 9.300 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.302 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.302 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasConfig.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.302 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.302 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.302 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.302 15:33:15 #9 9.302 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.303 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AggregatedBandwidth.h:67:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.303 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AggregatedBandwidth.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.303 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.303 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.303 15:33:15 #9 9.309 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.309 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.310 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.310 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-FreqInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.310 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-FreqInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.310 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.310 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.310 15:33:15 #9 9.310 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.314 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentInfo.c  15:33:15 #9 9.314 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.320 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RAT-Type.h:58:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.320 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Request.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.320 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-Request.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.320 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.320 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.320 15:33:15 #9 9.320 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.321 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.321 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-Resource.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.321 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-Resource.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.321 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.321 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.321 15:33:15 #9 9.321 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.322 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.322 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCellIndexRrc.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.322 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.322 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.322 15:33:15 #9 9.335 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndexFor8Ranks.c  15:33:15 #9 9.335 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.336 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff.c  15:33:15 #9 9.345 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.346 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.346 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DownlinkConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 9.346 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.357 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 9.361 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.361 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.361 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.361 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.361 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.361 15:33:15 #9 9.362 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.364 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.364 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.364 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.364 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.364 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.364 15:33:15 #9 9.370 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.370 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.370 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.370 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.370 15:33:15 #9 9.370 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.383 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback.h:166:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.383 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.383 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.383 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.383 15:33:15 #9 9.383 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.392 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.392 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.392 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.392 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.392 15:33:15 #9 9.392 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.393 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-CommandConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 9.393 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.394 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecordList.c  15:33:15 #9 9.397 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectId.c  15:33:15 #9 9.398 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfiguredGrantConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 9.399 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.c  15:33:15 #9 9.399 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictInfoSCG.c  15:33:15 #9 9.405 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CC-SetIndex.c  15:33:15 #9 9.410 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSets.c  15:33:15 #9 9.420 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.420 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-Index.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.420 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerSSB-Index.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.420 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.420 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.420 15:33:15 #9 9.420 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.431 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.431 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.431 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.431 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.431 15:33:15 #9 9.437 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL-SIB.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.437 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL-SIB.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.437 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.437 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.437 15:33:15 #9 9.438 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThreshold.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.438 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReselectionThreshold.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.438 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.438 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.438 15:33:15 #9 9.438 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.453 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.467 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.467 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.467 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.467 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.467 15:33:15 #9 9.467 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.470 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-Range.c  15:33:15 #9 9.471 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassNR.c  15:33:15 #9 9.472 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject.c  15:33:15 #9 9.477 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.477 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.477 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.477 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.477 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.477 15:33:15 #9 9.478 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NULL.c  15:33:15 #9 9.478 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-Info.c  15:33:15 #9 9.479 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.c  15:33:15 #9 9.480 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddModList.c  15:33:15 #9 9.482 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.482 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-Range.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.482 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-Range.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.482 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.482 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.482 15:33:15 #9 9.482 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.483 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RejectWaitTime.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.483 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-v1540-IEs.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.483 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-v1540-IEs.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.483 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.483 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.483 15:33:15 #9 9.483 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.487 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ScramblingId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.487 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ScramblingId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.487 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.487 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.487 15:33:15 #9 9.487 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.487 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.493 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PresenceAntennaPort1.h:45:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.493 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PresenceAntennaPort1.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.493 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.493 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.493 15:33:15 #9 9.493 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.509 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.509 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.509 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.509 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.509 15:33:15 #9 9.509 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.512 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resource.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.512 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resource.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.512 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.512 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.512 15:33:15 #9 9.514 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.514 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRB-ToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.514 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.514 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.514 15:33:15 #9 9.514 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.514 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.528 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParameters.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.528 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParameters.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.528 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.528 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.528 15:33:15 #9 9.532 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.532 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.532 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.532 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.532 15:33:15 #9 9.537 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL.c  15:33:15 #9 9.537 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.541 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.558 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id.c  15:33:15 #9 9.560 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.560 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoSN.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.560 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoSN.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.560 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.560 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.560 15:33:15 #9 9.560 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.563 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.563 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.563 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.563 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.563 15:33:15 #9 9.565 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NextHopChainingCount.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.565 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MasterKeyUpdate.h:16, 15:33:15 #9 9.565 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MasterKeyUpdate.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.565 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.565 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.565 15:33:15 #9 9.577 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CC-SetIndex.h:41:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.577 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-CC-SetIndex.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.577 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.577 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.577 15:33:15 #9 9.578 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.578 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.578 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestablishmentInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.578 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.578 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.578 15:33:15 #9 9.578 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.583 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex8.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.583 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndexFor8Ranks.h:16, 15:33:15 #9 9.583 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndexFor8Ranks.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.583 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.583 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.583 15:33:15 #9 9.583 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.585 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete.c  15:33:15 #9 9.585 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.590 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.590 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.590 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.590 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.590 15:33:15 #9 9.590 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.591 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellInfo.c  15:33:15 #9 9.593 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Cell.c  15:33:15 #9 9.601 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DownlinkConfig.h:68:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.601 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DownlinkConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.601 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.601 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.601 15:33:15 #9 9.601 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.601 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.609 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.611 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommon.h:48:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.611 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.611 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.611 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.611 15:33:15 #9 9.613 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.613 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSet.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.613 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSet.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.613 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.613 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.613 15:33:15 #9 9.621 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.621 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigSIB1.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.621 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigSIB1.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.621 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.621 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.621 15:33:15 #9 9.622 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.628 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NULL.c:5:0: 15:33:15 #9 9.628 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.628 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.628 15:33:15 #9 9.629 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex8.c  15:33:15 #9 9.629 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.629 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.632 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommon.c  15:33:15 #9 9.633 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-Config.c  15:33:15 #9 9.633 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.633 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombEUTRA.c  15:33:15 #9 9.636 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL-SIB.c  15:33:15 #9 9.637 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationList.c  15:33:15 #9 9.641 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.c  15:33:15 #9 9.642 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersEUTRA.c  15:33:15 #9 9.645 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset.c  15:33:15 #9 9.646 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TrackingAreaCode.c  15:33:15 #9 9.648 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.649 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id.c  15:33:15 #9 9.666 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.h:65:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.666 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.666 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.666 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.666 15:33:15 #9 9.666 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.667 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QFI.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.667 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QFI.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.667 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.667 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.667 15:33:15 #9 9.673 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.673 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictInfoSCG.h:16, 15:33:15 #9 9.673 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictInfoSCG.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.673 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.673 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.673 15:33:15 #9 9.673 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.674 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecordList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.674 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecordList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.674 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.674 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.674 15:33:15 #9 9.674 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.676 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.676 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.676 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.676 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.676 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.676 15:33:15 #9 9.684 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSets.h:74:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.684 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSets.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.684 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.684 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.684 15:33:15 #9 9.684 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.688 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.695 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-CommandConfig.h:51:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.695 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-TPC-CommandConfig.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.695 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.695 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.695 15:33:15 #9 9.695 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.696 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortI-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.696 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.696 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.696 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeRequest.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.696 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.696 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.696 15:33:15 #9 9.696 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.698 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.698 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.698 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.698 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.698 15:33:15 #9 9.706 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.706 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRQ-Range.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.706 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.706 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.706 15:33:15 #9 9.706 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.706 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.712 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs.c  15:33:15 #9 9.714 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestToAddMod.c  15:33:15 #9 9.715 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLF-TimersAndConstants.c  15:33:15 #9 9.718 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortI-RNTI-Value.c  15:33:15 #9 9.726 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.726 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-Info.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.726 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-Info.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.726 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.726 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.726 15:33:15 #9 9.726 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.726 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.753 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-ParametersPerBand.h:254:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.753 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MIMO-ParametersPerBand.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.753 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.753 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.753 15:33:15 #9 9.757 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.762 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.762 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.762 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.762 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.762 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.762 15:33:15 #9 9.762 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.763 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.763 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectId.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.763 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.763 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.763 15:33:15 #9 9.763 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.765 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject.h:63:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.765 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReject.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.765 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.765 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.765 15:33:15 #9 9.765 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.772 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.772 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.772 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.772 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.772 15:33:15 #9 9.782 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfig.c  15:33:15 #9 9.788 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternId.c  15:33:15 #9 9.791 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete-IEs.c  15:33:15 #9 9.792 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-IEs.c  15:33:15 #9 9.793 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortMAC-I.c  15:33:15 #9 9.795 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.795 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellInfo.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.795 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellInfo.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.795 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.795 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.795 15:33:15 #9 9.795 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.795 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest.c  15:33:15 #9 9.798 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-CellMobility.c  15:33:15 #9 9.800 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.800 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Cell.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.800 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Cell.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.800 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.800 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.800 15:33:15 #9 9.800 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.806 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.815 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.815 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.815 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.815 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.815 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.815 15:33:15 #9 9.815 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.820 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.820 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.820 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.820 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.820 15:33:15 #9 9.820 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.833 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationList.h:44:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.833 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationList.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.833 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.833 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.833 15:33:15 #9 9.837 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-IEs.c  15:33:15 #9 9.841 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.841 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:15 #9 9.841 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.841 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.841 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.841 15:33:15 #9 9.841 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.c  15:33:15 #9 9.842 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:15 #9 9.842 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id.c:8: 15:33:15 #9 9.842 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:15 #9 9.842 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:15 #9 9.842 15:33:15 #9 9.842 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.853 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:15 #9 9.857 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.878 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 9.878 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-UplinkConfig.h:114:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.878 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfiguredGrantConfig.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 9.878 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfiguredGrantConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.878 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.878 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.878 15:33:16 #9 9.880 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TrackingAreaCode.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.880 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TrackingAreaCode.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.880 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.880 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.880 15:33:16 #9 9.880 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.881 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.888 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AdditionalSpectrumEmission.c  15:33:16 #9 9.890 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceZero.c  15:33:16 #9 9.893 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-CellGroupConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 9.896 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassNR.h:71:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.896 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-BandwidthClassNR.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.896 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.896 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.896 15:33:16 #9 9.902 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.902 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-ToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.902 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.902 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.902 15:33:16 #9 9.905 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 9.907 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortI-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.907 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortI-RNTI-Value.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.907 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.907 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.907 15:33:16 #9 9.907 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.910 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.910 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.910 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.910 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.910 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.910 15:33:16 #9 9.914 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-MaxCodeRate.c  15:33:16 #9 9.916 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortMAC-I.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.916 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ShortMAC-I.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.916 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.916 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.916 15:33:16 #9 9.916 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.917 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.919 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.921 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.921 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.921 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.921 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.921 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.921 15:33:16 #9 9.921 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.929 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.936 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB2.c  15:33:16 #9 9.936 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 9.941 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Config.c  15:33:16 #9 9.942 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-MeasConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 9.942 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format3.c  15:33:16 #9 9.943 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList.c  15:33:16 #9 9.945 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.h:53:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.945 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfig.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.945 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.945 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.945 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.945 15:33:16 #9 9.949 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-IEs.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.949 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.949 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.949 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.949 15:33:16 #9 9.949 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.950 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.955 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLF-TimersAndConstants.h:98:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.955 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLF-TimersAndConstants.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.955 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.955 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.955 15:33:16 #9 9.955 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.963 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.963 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-CellMobility.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.963 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-CellMobility.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.963 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.963 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.963 15:33:16 #9 9.963 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.969 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InitialUE-Identity.h:52:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.969 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.969 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 9.969 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupRequest.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.969 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.969 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.969 15:33:16 #9 9.969 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.985 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersEUTRA.h:68:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.985 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.985 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.985 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.985 15:33:16 #9 9.989 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB3.c  15:33:16 #9 9.990 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.990 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.990 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.990 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.990 15:33:16 #9 9.990 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 9.996 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 9.996 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternId.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 9.996 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 9.996 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 9.996 15:33:16 #9 10.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Alpha.c  15:33:16 #9 10.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.c  15:33:16 #9 10.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex8.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex8.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.01 15:33:16 #9 10.03 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG.c  15:33:16 #9 10.03 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-IEs.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.03 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.03 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.03 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.03 15:33:16 #9 10.03 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.03 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.03 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-PollRetransmit.c  15:33:16 #9 10.03 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-TimersAndConstants.c  15:33:16 #9 10.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset.h:74:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.04 15:33:16 #9 10.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommon.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.04 15:33:16 #9 10.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AdditionalSpectrumEmission.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AdditionalSpectrumEmission.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.04 15:33:16 #9 10.04 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.04 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-Config.h:17, 15:33:16 #9 10.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.04 15:33:16 #9 10.04 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB8.c  15:33:16 #9 10.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.05 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List.c  15:33:16 #9 10.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.05 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.06 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.06 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.06 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL-SIB.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.06 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL-SIB.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.06 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.06 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.06 15:33:16 #9 10.07 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DataInactivityTimer.h:67:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.07 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-CellGroupConfig.h:18, 15:33:16 #9 10.07 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-CellGroupConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.07 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.07 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.07 15:33:16 #9 10.07 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.07 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc-IEs.h:47:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.07 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.07 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.07 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.07 15:33:16 #9 10.07 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.07 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.08 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.09 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.09 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig.h:17, 15:33:16 #9 10.09 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.09 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.09 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.09 15:33:16 #9 10.10 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceZero.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.10 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceZero.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.10 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.10 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.10 15:33:16 #9 10.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Parameters.c  15:33:16 #9 10.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-InfoList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-UplinkConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRB-Id.c  15:33:16 #9 10.11 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationNR.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationNR.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.11 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.11 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.11 15:33:16 #9 10.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.12 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfig.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.12 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.12 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.12 15:33:16 #9 10.12 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.12 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.12 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.12 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.12 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.12 15:33:16 #9 10.12 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.13 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.13 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.13 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.13 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.13 15:33:16 #9 10.13 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.14 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OverheatingAssistance.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommon.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format3.h:42:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.14 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format3.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.14 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.14 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.14 15:33:16 #9 10.14 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersCommon.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup.c  15:33:16 #9 10.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id.c  15:33:16 #9 10.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId.c  15:33:16 #9 10.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Config.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 10.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Config.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.15 15:33:16 #9 10.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.16 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Alpha.h:59:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.16 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Alpha.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.16 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.16 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.16 15:33:16 #9 10.16 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.16 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-MaxCodeRate.h:58:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.16 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-MaxCodeRate.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.16 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.16 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.16 15:33:16 #9 10.17 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.17 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-MeasConfig.h:18, 15:33:16 #9 10.17 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-MeasConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.17 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.17 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.17 15:33:16 #9 10.17 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.17 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.17 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.17 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.17 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.17 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.17 15:33:16 #9 10.17 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.19 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.19 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SupportedBandwidth.c  15:33:16 #9 10.19 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.21 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplink.c  15:33:16 #9 10.22 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInfoRLC-Bearer.c  15:33:16 #9 10.22 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common.c  15:33:16 #9 10.22 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.22 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.22 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.22 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.22 15:33:16 #9 10.22 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.h:82:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.22 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RangeToBestCell.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.22 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB2.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 10.22 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB2.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.22 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.22 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.22 15:33:16 #9 10.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-FrequencyOccupation.c  15:33:16 #9 10.23 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerListRRC.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.23 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.23 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.23 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.23 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.23 15:33:16 #9 10.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex4.c  15:33:16 #9 10.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:16 #9 10.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH-Id.c  15:33:16 #9 10.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternGroup.c  15:33:16 #9 10.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRrc.c  15:33:16 #9 10.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest.c  15:33:16 #9 10.25 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.25 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.25 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.26 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB3.h:50:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.26 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB3.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.26 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.26 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.26 15:33:16 #9 10.26 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.28 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.28 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.28 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.28 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.28 15:33:16 #9 10.28 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.29 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCS-SpecificCarrier.c  15:33:16 #9 10.29 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff.c  15:33:16 #9 10.29 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR1.c  15:33:16 #9 10.29 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.29 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationInfoList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.29 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.29 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.29 15:33:16 #9 10.29 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-UM-RLC.c  15:33:16 #9 10.29 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB8.h:61:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.29 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB8.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.29 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.29 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.29 15:33:16 #9 10.30 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.30 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.30 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TAG.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.30 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.30 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.30 15:33:16 #9 10.30 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.31 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.31 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-TimersAndConstants.h:127:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.31 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-TimersAndConstants.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.31 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.31 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.31 15:33:16 #9 10.31 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.31 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.31 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-PollRetransmit.h:115:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.31 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-PollRetransmit.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.31 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.31 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.31 15:33:16 #9 10.31 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId.c  15:33:16 #9 10.34 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-AM-RLC.c  15:33:16 #9 10.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.35 15:33:16 #9 10.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-Message.c  15:33:16 #9 10.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Parameters.h:111:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.35 15:33:16 #9 10.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResults.c  15:33:16 #9 10.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-InfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-InfoList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.35 15:33:16 #9 10.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete-IEs.h:17, 15:33:16 #9 10.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.35 15:33:16 #9 10.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.36 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersCommon.h:75:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.36 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersCommon.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.36 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.36 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.36 15:33:16 #9 10.36 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.37 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeAlignmentTimer.h:59:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.37 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommon.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.37 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.37 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.37 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.37 15:33:16 #9 10.37 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.39 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.39 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqNeighCellList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.39 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.39 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.39 15:33:16 #9 10.39 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.39 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.43 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingCycle.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-Info.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultList2NR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reselection.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-Info.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NAICS-Capability-Entry.c  15:33:16 #9 10.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.45 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-UplinkConfig.h:114:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.45 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-UplinkConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.45 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.45 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.45 15:33:16 #9 10.45 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex4.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.45 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PortIndex4.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.45 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.45 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.45 15:33:16 #9 10.45 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC.c  15:33:16 #9 10.45 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.45 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.45 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.45 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.45 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.45 15:33:16 #9 10.45 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.45 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Config.c  15:33:16 #9 10.45 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.45 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.45 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.45 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.45 15:33:16 #9 10.45 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.46 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs.h:67:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.46 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.46 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.46 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.46 15:33:16 #9 10.46 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.48 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-FrequencyOccupation.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-FrequencyOccupation.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.48 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.48 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.48 15:33:16 #9 10.48 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.48 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabUE-Identity.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.48 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.48 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.48 15:33:16 #9 10.49 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetup.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.49 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.49 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.49 15:33:16 #9 10.49 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.49 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.49 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.49 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.49 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.49 15:33:16 #9 10.49 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.49 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.50 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.50 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReducedAggregatedBandwidth.h:63:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OverheatingAssistance.h:17, 15:33:16 #9 10.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/OverheatingAssistance.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.50 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.50 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.50 15:33:16 #9 10.50 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB5.c  15:33:16 #9 10.51 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentitY.c  15:33:16 #9 10.51 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxValue.c  15:33:16 #9 10.51 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SupportedBandwidth.h:73:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.51 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SupportedBandwidth.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.51 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.51 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.51 15:33:16 #9 10.51 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.51 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.52 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfoList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.52 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.52 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.52 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.52 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.52 15:33:16 #9 10.52 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.52 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.53 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRrc.h:49:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.53 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRrc.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.53 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.53 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.53 15:33:16 #9 10.53 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRB-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.53 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRB-Id.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.53 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.53 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.53 15:33:16 #9 10.53 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.54 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.54 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.54 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.54 15:33:16 #9 10.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.55 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.55 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInfoRLC-Bearer.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.55 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInfoRLC-Bearer.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.55 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.55 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.55 15:33:16 #9 10.55 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.55 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.55 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.55 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.55 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.55 15:33:16 #9 10.55 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.55 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUCCH-Id.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.57 15:33:16 #9 10.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternGroup.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 10.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternGroup.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.57 15:33:16 #9 10.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.58 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqSeparationClass.h:57:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplink.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetUplink.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.58 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.58 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.58 15:33:16 #9 10.58 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandNR.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandNR.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.58 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.58 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.58 15:33:16 #9 10.58 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthUM.h:53:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-UM-RLC.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-UM-RLC.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.58 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.58 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.58 15:33:16 #9 10.58 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff.h:75:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.58 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.58 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.58 15:33:16 #9 10.58 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.58 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.59 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.59 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResults.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.59 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResults.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.59 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.59 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.59 15:33:16 #9 10.59 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddModList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format0.c  15:33:16 #9 10.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PowerControl.c  15:33:16 #9 10.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-Config.c  15:33:16 #9 10.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ThresholdNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.c  15:33:16 #9 10.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.60 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.60 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.60 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.60 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.60 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.60 15:33:16 #9 10.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff.c  15:33:16 #9 10.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-Message.c  15:33:16 #9 10.61 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR1.h:66:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFR1.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.61 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.61 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.61 15:33:16 #9 10.61 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecord.c  15:33:16 #9 10.61 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.61 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.h:70:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterConfig.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.61 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.61 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.61 15:33:16 #9 10.61 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.62 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.c  15:33:16 #9 10.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.62 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.62 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.62 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.62 15:33:16 #9 10.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.62 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCS-SpecificCarrier.h:16, 15:33:16 #9 10.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SCS-SpecificCarrier.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.62 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.62 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.62 15:33:16 #9 10.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.h:53:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-AM-RLC.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-AM-RLC.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.63 15:33:16 #9 10.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.66 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-MessageType.h:114:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.66 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.66 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.66 15:33:16 #9 10.66 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.66 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.66 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.66 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.66 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.66 15:33:16 #9 10.66 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.66 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff.c  15:33:16 #9 10.68 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.68 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.68 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.68 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.68 15:33:16 #9 10.68 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.69 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NAICS-Capability-Entry.h:67:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.69 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NAICS-Capability-Entry.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.69 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.69 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.69 15:33:16 #9 10.69 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.69 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-NS-PmaxList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.69 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.69 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.69 15:33:16 #9 10.70 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultList2NR.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.70 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultList2NR.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.70 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.70 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.70 15:33:16 #9 10.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.71 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-Info.h:136:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.71 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-Info.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.71 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.71 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.71 15:33:16 #9 10.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.71 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.71 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.71 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.71 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.71 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.71 15:33:16 #9 10.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.73 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.73 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.73 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-FreqNeighCellList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.73 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.73 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.73 15:33:16 #9 10.73 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-RangeEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RegisteredAMF.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingInfo.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand-IEs.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.c  15:33:16 #9 10.74 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer.h:63:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.74 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ULInformationTransfer.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.74 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.74 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.74 15:33:16 #9 10.74 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.75 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingCycle.h:55:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.75 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Config.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.75 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.75 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.75 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.75 15:33:16 #9 10.75 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.76 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 10.76 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollPDU.c  15:33:16 #9 10.76 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.77 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.77 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeAlignmentTimer.c  15:33:16 #9 10.77 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMO.c  15:33:16 #9 10.78 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PowerControl.c  15:33:16 #9 10.78 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListNR.c  15:33:16 #9 10.78 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapConfigRrc.c  15:33:16 #9 10.79 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-RangeEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 10.79 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format0.h:42:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.79 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format0.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.79 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.79 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.79 15:33:16 #9 10.79 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.79 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-Info.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.79 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FR-Info.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.79 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.79 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.79 15:33:16 #9 10.79 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.79 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-StateId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.79 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-Config.h:21, 15:33:16 #9 10.79 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.79 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.79 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.79 15:33:16 #9 10.80 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqBlackCellList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.80 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList.c  15:33:16 #9 10.80 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.81 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.81 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxValue.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.81 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxValue.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.81 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.81 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.81 15:33:16 #9 10.81 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.82 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NextHopChainingCount.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment-IEs.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.82 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.82 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.82 15:33:16 #9 10.82 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reselection.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reselection.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.82 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.82 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.82 15:33:16 #9 10.82 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfoList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.82 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.82 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.82 15:33:16 #9 10.82 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.83 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingCycle.h:55:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.83 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingCycle.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.83 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.83 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.83 15:33:16 #9 10.83 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.83 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddModList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.83 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigToAddModList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.83 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.83 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.83 15:33:16 #9 10.83 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.84 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.84 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.84 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.c  15:33:16 #9 10.84 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReferenceSignalConfig.c  15:33:16 #9 10.85 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityStateParameters.c  15:33:16 #9 10.85 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.86 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand-IEs.h:45:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.86 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverCommand-IEs.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.86 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.86 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.86 15:33:16 #9 10.86 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.86 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.86 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceConfig.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.86 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceConfig.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.86 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.86 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.86 15:33:16 #9 10.87 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NG-5G-S-TMSI.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingUE-Identity.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecord.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingRecord.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.87 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.87 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.87 15:33:16 #9 10.87 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.87 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxList.h:44:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-NS-PmaxList.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.87 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.87 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.87 15:33:16 #9 10.87 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:16 #9 10.88 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiBandInfoListEUTRA.c  15:33:16 #9 10.88 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.h:46:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MNC.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentitY.h:15, 15:33:16 #9 10.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentitY.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.88 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.88 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.88 15:33:16 #9 10.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.h:50:0, 15:33:16 #9 10.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.c:8: 15:33:16 #9 10.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:16 #9 10.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:16 #9 10.90 15:33:17 #9 10.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PowerControl.h:74:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-PowerControl.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.90 15:33:17 #9 10.90 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.h:93:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestConfig.h:16, 15:33:17 #9 10.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SI-RequestConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.91 15:33:17 #9 10.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ThresholdNR.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 10.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ThresholdNR.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.91 15:33:17 #9 10.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.92 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-Reselection.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB5.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 10.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB5.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.92 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.92 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.92 15:33:17 #9 10.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfig.h:55:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.93 15:33:17 #9 10.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.h:93:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RACH-ConfigGeneric.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.93 15:33:17 #9 10.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-MessageType.h:110:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 10.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.93 15:33:17 #9 10.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigId.c  15:33:17 #9 10.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-MessageType.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfo-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSet.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VictimSystemType.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTiming.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceId.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsTriggeredList.c  15:33:17 #9 10.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ConfigMobility.c  15:33:17 #9 10.95 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Config.c  15:33:17 #9 10.95 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSet.c  15:33:17 #9 10.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 10.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandInformationEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.95 15:33:17 #9 10.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff.h:65:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.95 15:33:17 #9 10.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.97 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.98 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AMF-Identifier.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RegisteredAMF.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 10.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RegisteredAMF.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.98 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.98 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.98 15:33:17 #9 10.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 10.99 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceId.c  15:33:17 #9 10.99 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 10.99 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 10.99 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 10.99 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 10.99 15:33:17 #9 10.99 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.00 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersCommon.c  15:33:17 #9 11.00 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication.c  15:33:17 #9 11.00 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-InfoList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff.h:50:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.01 15:33:17 #9 11.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-RangeEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-RangeEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.01 15:33:17 #9 11.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.01 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-SSB-Resource.c  15:33:17 #9 11.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-Mapping.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingInfo.h:16, 15:33:17 #9 11.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingInfo.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.01 15:33:17 #9 11.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.02 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB9.c  15:33:17 #9 11.02 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.05 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.h:62:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.05 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityAlgorithmConfig.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.05 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfigSMC.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.05 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand-IEs.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.05 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand-IEs.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.05 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.05 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.05 15:33:17 #9 11.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.05 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToRemoveList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.06 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommonSIB.c  15:33:17 #9 11.06 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-MessageType.c  15:33:17 #9 11.07 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSet.c  15:33:17 #9 11.07 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.c  15:33:17 #9 11.07 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-CSIRS-Resource.c  15:33:17 #9 11.07 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-DownlinkConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.07 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.07 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.07 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.07 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.07 15:33:17 #9 11.08 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-Parameters.c  15:33:17 #9 11.08 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility.c  15:33:17 #9 11.09 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.c  15:33:17 #9 11.09 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.09 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.10 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReferenceSignalConfig.h:62:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.10 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReferenceSignalConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.10 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.10 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.10 15:33:17 #9 11.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS.c  15:33:17 #9 11.10 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-MessageType.c  15:33:17 #9 11.11 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityStateParameters.h:68:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityStateParameters.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.11 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.11 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.11 15:33:17 #9 11.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListNR.c  15:33:17 #9 11.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-QualMin.c  15:33:17 #9 11.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollPDU.h:83:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollPDU.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.12 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.12 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.12 15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCell.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResultsEUTRA.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Parameters.c  15:33:17 #9 11.12 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-RangeEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.12 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-RangeEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.12 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.12 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.12 15:33:17 #9 11.12 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.13 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.13 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.13 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.13 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.13 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.13 15:33:17 #9 11.13 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.14 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.14 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMO.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.14 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultServMO.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.14 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.14 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.14 15:33:17 #9 11.14 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.14 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqBlackCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.14 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqBlackCellList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.14 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.14 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.14 15:33:17 #9 11.14 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-AssistanceInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 11.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.15 15:33:17 #9 11.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Alpha.h:59:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PowerControl.h:16, 15:33:17 #9 11.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-PowerControl.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.15 15:33:17 #9 11.15 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.c  15:33:17 #9 11.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelIdentity.c  15:33:17 #9 11.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.15 15:33:17 #9 11.15 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-Config.c  15:33:17 #9 11.15 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReport.c  15:33:17 #9 11.16 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListNR.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.16 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqPriorityListNR.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.16 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.16 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.16 15:33:17 #9 11.16 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.16 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.16 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.16 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC2.c  15:33:17 #9 11.17 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.18 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.18 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombNR.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.18 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AffectedCarrierFreqCombNR.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.18 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.18 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.18 15:33:17 #9 11.18 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.18 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-FormatConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.19 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CGI-Info.c  15:33:17 #9 11.19 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddMod.c  15:33:17 #9 11.19 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-BearerConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.19 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigMN.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format4.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfigInterRAT.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerState.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NG-5G-S-TMSI.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigCommon.c  15:33:17 #9 11.20 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse.c  15:33:17 #9 11.21 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-MessageType.c  15:33:17 #9 11.21 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.22 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff.c  15:33:17 #9 11.23 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapConfigRrc.h:99:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.23 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasGapConfigRrc.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.23 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.23 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.23 15:33:17 #9 11.23 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeAlignmentTimer.h:59:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.23 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TimeAlignmentTimer.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.23 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.23 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.23 15:33:17 #9 11.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.24 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.25 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.27 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.h:53:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.27 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.27 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.27 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.27 15:33:17 #9 11.27 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.27 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resources.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Config.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommonSIB.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Hysteresis.c  15:33:17 #9 11.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombination.c  15:33:17 #9 11.30 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictModReqSCG.c  15:33:17 #9 11.30 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigSN.c  15:33:17 #9 11.31 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.31 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RejectWaitTime.c  15:33:17 #9 11.31 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-DownlinkConfig.h:85:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.31 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DMRS-DownlinkConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.31 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.31 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.31 15:33:17 #9 11.31 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-StatusProhibit.c  15:33:17 #9 11.31 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 11.32 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation.h:63:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SystemInformation.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.32 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.32 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.32 15:33:17 #9 11.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.32 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityAlgorithmConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.32 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC.c  15:33:17 #9 11.32 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.h:53:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-AM-RLC.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Config.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Config.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.32 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.32 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.32 15:33:17 #9 11.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.32 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiBandInfoListEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiBandInfoListEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.32 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.32 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.32 15:33:17 #9 11.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.33 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.33 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToRemoveList.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.33 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectToRemoveList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.33 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.33 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.33 15:33:17 #9 11.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand.c  15:33:17 #9 11.33 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-MessageType.h:74:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.33 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.33 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.33 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.33 15:33:17 #9 11.33 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.34 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ServingCellConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.34 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.34 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility.c  15:33:17 #9 11.34 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL.c  15:33:17 #9 11.34 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC.c  15:33:17 #9 11.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.35 15:33:17 #9 11.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.35 15:33:17 #9 11.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-CSIRS-Resource.c  15:33:17 #9 11.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.36 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.36 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.36 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.36 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.36 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.36 15:33:17 #9 11.36 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.36 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.36 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.36 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRangeList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.36 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndexList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.36 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-Capability.c  15:33:17 #9 11.37 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ConfigCommon.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.37 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.37 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.37 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.37 15:33:17 #9 11.37 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.37 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment.c  15:33:17 #9 11.37 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersNR.c  15:33:17 #9 11.37 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell.c  15:33:17 #9 11.37 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.37 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs.h:47:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.37 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.37 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.37 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.37 15:33:17 #9 11.38 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.38 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.h:50:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.38 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.38 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.38 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.38 15:33:17 #9 11.40 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VictimSystemType.h:71:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.40 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VictimSystemType.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.40 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.40 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.40 15:33:17 #9 11.40 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.40 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.40 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsTriggeredList.h:16, 15:33:17 #9 11.40 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsTriggeredList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.40 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.40 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.40 15:33:17 #9 11.40 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Context.c  15:33:17 #9 11.41 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-InfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.41 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-RSTD-InfoList.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.41 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.41 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.41 15:33:17 #9 11.41 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.41 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.42 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfo-IEs.h:82:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.42 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-ConfigInfo-IEs.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.42 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.42 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.42 15:33:17 #9 11.42 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigRS.c  15:33:17 #9 11.42 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersCommon.c  15:33:17 #9 11.42 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-Range.c  15:33:17 #9 11.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType.c  15:33:17 #9 11.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfoList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.44 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.46 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersCommon.h:82:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.46 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersCommon.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.46 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.46 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.46 15:33:17 #9 11.46 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.47 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.47 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTiming.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.47 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasTiming.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.47 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.47 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.47 15:33:17 #9 11.47 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.47 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.47 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/I-RNTI-Value.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.47 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.47 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.47 15:33:17 #9 11.47 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.47 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth.c  15:33:17 #9 11.47 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.48 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SearchSpaceId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.48 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.48 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.48 15:33:17 #9 11.48 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.48 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DedicatedNAS-Message.h:45:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs.h:17, 15:33:17 #9 11.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.48 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.48 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.48 15:33:17 #9 11.48 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.48 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.48 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.48 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.48 15:33:17 #9 11.49 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.50 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.50 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.50 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.h:18, 15:33:17 #9 11.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.50 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.50 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.50 15:33:17 #9 11.51 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.51 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.51 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.51 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.51 15:33:17 #9 11.52 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-MessageType.h:78:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.52 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH1-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.52 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.52 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.52 15:33:17 #9 11.53 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.53 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.53 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.53 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.53 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.53 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.53 15:33:17 #9 11.53 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.53 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-Parameters.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.53 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MAC-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.53 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.53 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.53 15:33:17 #9 11.54 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB9.h:56:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB9.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.54 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.54 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.54 15:33:17 #9 11.54 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS.h:76:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.54 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.54 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.54 15:33:17 #9 11.54 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-SSB-Resource.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-SSB-Resource.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.54 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.54 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.54 15:33:17 #9 11.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigNR.c  15:33:17 #9 11.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CodebookConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.55 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.55 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.55 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.55 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestResourceId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.55 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.55 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.55 15:33:17 #9 11.56 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication.h:63:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.56 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LocationMeasurementIndication.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.56 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.56 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.56 15:33:17 #9 11.56 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.56 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.56 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.56 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.56 15:33:17 #9 11.56 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.56 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.57 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.c  15:33:17 #9 11.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.59 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeElement.c  15:33:17 #9 11.59 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ServingCellConfig.c  15:33:17 #9 11.59 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.60 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EstablishmentCause.c  15:33:17 #9 11.61 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.61 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.61 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DataSplitThreshold.c  15:33:17 #9 11.62 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs.h:61:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.62 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.62 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.62 15:33:17 #9 11.63 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommonSIB.c  15:33:17 #9 11.64 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfig.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.64 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.64 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.64 15:33:17 #9 11.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.66 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-ResourceId.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.66 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.66 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.66 15:33:17 #9 11.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ConfigMobility.h:68:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-ConfigMobility.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.67 15:33:17 #9 11.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoUL-SIB.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommonSIB.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkConfigCommonSIB.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.67 15:33:17 #9 11.67 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff.h:75:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.67 15:33:17 #9 11.68 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.68 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete.c  15:33:17 #9 11.70 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.73 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff.c  15:33:17 #9 11.74 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.74 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.74 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.74 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.74 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.74 15:33:17 #9 11.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarPendingRNA-Update.c  15:33:17 #9 11.74 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-InfoList.c  15:33:17 #9 11.75 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-TypeInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 11.75 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config-IEs.c  15:33:17 #9 11.75 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo.c  15:33:17 #9 11.75 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-MaxCodeRate.h:58:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.75 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-FormatConfig.h:16, 15:33:17 #9 11.75 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-FormatConfig.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.75 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.75 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.75 15:33:17 #9 11.76 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.76 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfo.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.76 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MultiBandInfo.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.76 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.76 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.76 15:33:17 #9 11.76 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.77 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.77 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelIdentity.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.77 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.77 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.77 15:33:17 #9 11.77 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.78 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.80 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.81 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P-Max.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.81 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictModReqSCG.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.81 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ConfigRestrictModReqSCG.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.81 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.81 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.81 15:33:17 #9 11.82 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCell.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaCell.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.82 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.82 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.82 15:33:17 #9 11.82 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:17 #9 11.82 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationId.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombination.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.82 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombination.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.82 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.82 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.82 15:33:17 #9 11.83 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.h:44:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.83 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL-SIB.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.83 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommonSIB.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.83 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommonSIB.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.83 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.83 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.83 15:33:17 #9 11.84 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:17 #9 11.84 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility.h:15, 15:33:17 #9 11.84 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility.c:8: 15:33:17 #9 11.84 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:17 #9 11.84 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:17 #9 11.84 15:33:17 #9 11.84 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.84 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ServingCellConfig.c  15:33:18 #9 11.84 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-SSB-Resource.c  15:33:18 #9 11.84 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-MessageType.h:110:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.84 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-DCCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.84 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.84 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.84 15:33:18 #9 11.85 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl.c  15:33:18 #9 11.85 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfo.c  15:33:18 #9 11.85 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 11.85 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigSN.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.85 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigSN.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.85 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.85 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.85 15:33:18 #9 11.85 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.85 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.85 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.85 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.85 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.85 15:33:18 #9 11.85 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-IEs.c  15:33:18 #9 11.85 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.86 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigMN.h:80:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.86 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigMN.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.86 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.86 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.86 15:33:18 #9 11.86 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.86 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NG-5G-S-TMSI.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.86 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NG-5G-S-TMSI.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.86 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.86 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.86 15:33:18 #9 11.87 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-MessageType.c  15:33:18 #9 11.87 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.87 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.87 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.87 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.87 15:33:18 #9 11.87 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-Config.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.87 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-Config.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.87 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.87 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.87 15:33:18 #9 11.87 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.88 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityAlgorithmConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityAlgorithmConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.88 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.88 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.88 15:33:18 #9 11.88 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeCommand.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.88 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.88 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.88 15:33:18 #9 11.88 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL.h:49:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.88 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.88 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.88 15:33:18 #9 11.88 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-RangeEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResultsEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.88 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasQuantityResultsEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.88 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.88 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.88 15:33:18 #9 11.88 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.89 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SubcarrierSpacing.h:59:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.89 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.89 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.89 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.89 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.89 15:33:18 #9 11.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete-IEs.h:45:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityModeComplete-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.90 15:33:18 #9 11.90 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.90 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-PhysCellId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.90 15:33:18 #9 11.90 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqListEUTRA.c  15:33:18 #9 11.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-AssistanceInfo.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MRDC-AssistanceInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.90 15:33:18 #9 11.90 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-QualMin.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-QualMin.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.90 15:33:18 #9 11.90 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:18 #9 11.90 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.90 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SlotFormatCombinationId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.90 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.90 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.90 15:33:18 #9 11.90 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BSR-Config.c  15:33:18 #9 11.91 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfo.c  15:33:18 #9 11.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ServingCellConfig.h:16, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-ServingCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.91 15:33:18 #9 11.91 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InitialUE-Identity.c  15:33:18 #9 11.91 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration.c  15:33:18 #9 11.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resources.h:79:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRS-Resources.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.91 15:33:18 #9 11.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishment.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.91 15:33:18 #9 11.91 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.91 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.91 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.91 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.91 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.91 15:33:18 #9 11.92 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestConfig.h:17, 15:33:18 #9 11.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SchedulingRequestConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.92 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.92 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.92 15:33:18 #9 11.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.92 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListNR.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResultListNR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.92 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.92 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.92 15:33:18 #9 11.92 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig.h:89:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.92 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.92 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.92 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.92 15:33:18 #9 11.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.92 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersCommon.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-ParametersCommon.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.93 15:33:18 #9 11.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.c  15:33:18 #9 11.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AccessStratumRelease.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-Capability.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UE-NR-Capability.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.93 15:33:18 #9 11.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.93 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.93 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.93 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.93 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.93 15:33:18 #9 11.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.93 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.95 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RejectWaitTime.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RejectWaitTime.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.95 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 11.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC2.h:16, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-MTC2.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.95 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format4.h:58:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-format4.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.95 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.95 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NR-RS-Type.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfigInterRAT.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.95 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EventTriggerConfigInterRAT.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.95 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.95 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.95 15:33:18 #9 11.95 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.96 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterCoefficient.h:70:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.96 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FilterConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.96 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigRS.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.96 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/QuantityConfigRS.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.96 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.96 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.96 15:33:18 #9 11.96 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.96 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList.c  15:33:18 #9 11.96 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.97 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI.c  15:33:18 #9 11.97 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.97 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.97 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.97 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.97 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.97 15:33:18 #9 11.97 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.97 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.97 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.97 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.97 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.97 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.97 15:33:18 #9 11.97 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.97 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-CSIRS-Resource.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.97 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CFRA-CSIRS-Resource.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.97 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.97 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.97 15:33:18 #9 11.97 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqCarrierFreqList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.98 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.98 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.98 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation.h:88:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UERadioPagingInformation.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.98 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.98 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.98 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DataSplitThreshold.h:83:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Config.h:21, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCP-Config.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.98 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.98 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.98 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.98 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigSIB1.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CGI-Info.h:16, 15:33:18 #9 11.98 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CGI-Info.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.98 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.98 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.98 15:33:18 #9 11.98 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.99 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/LogicalChannelIdentity.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.99 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-BearerConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.99 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-BearerConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.99 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.99 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.99 15:33:18 #9 11.99 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 11.99 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ReportConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 11.99 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerState.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 11.99 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerState.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 11.99 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 11.99 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 11.99 15:33:18 #9 11.99 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.00 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.00 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddMod.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.00 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellsToAddMod.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.00 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.00 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.00 15:33:18 #9 12.00 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.00 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Hysteresis.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Hysteresis.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.01 15:33:18 #9 12.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReport.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarMeasReport.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.01 15:33:18 #9 12.01 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.01 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfigId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.01 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-ResourceConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.01 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.01 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.01 15:33:18 #9 12.02 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.02 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.02 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CounterCheckResponse.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.02 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.02 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.02 15:33:18 #9 12.02 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.02 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth.h:57:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.02 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.02 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.02 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.02 15:33:18 #9 12.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.04 15:33:18 #9 12.04 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.h:82:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRangeList.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRangeList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.04 15:33:18 #9 12.04 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Parameters.h:60:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RLC-Parameters.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.04 15:33:18 #9 12.04 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType.h:74:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.04 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.04 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.04 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.04 15:33:18 #9 12.04 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.05 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.h:54:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.05 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.05 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.05 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.05 15:33:18 #9 12.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.05 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.06 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.06 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.06 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.06 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.06 15:33:18 #9 12.06 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.06 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR.c  15:33:18 #9 12.07 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-MessageType.h:114:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.07 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DCCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.07 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.07 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.07 15:33:18 #9 12.08 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndexList.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-CellIndexList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.08 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.08 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.08 15:33:18 #9 12.08 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.08 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.08 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AccessStratumRelease.c  15:33:18 #9 12.08 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ControlResourceSetZero.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigCommon.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ConfigCommon.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.08 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.08 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.08 15:33:18 #9 12.08 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.08 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-CSIRS-Resource.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.08 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-CSIRS-Resource.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.08 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.08 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.08 15:33:18 #9 12.09 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete.c  15:33:18 #9 12.09 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersMRDC.c  15:33:18 #9 12.09 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntegrityProtAlgorithm.c  15:33:18 #9 12.10 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.11 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-ConfigRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 12.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.11 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC-MNC-Digit.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MCC.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.11 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.11 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.11 15:33:18 #9 12.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.11 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Context.h:55:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AS-Context.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.11 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.11 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.11 15:33:18 #9 12.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.11 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RNTI-Value.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabUE-Identity.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.11 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.11 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.11 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.11 15:33:18 #9 12.11 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupConfigRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 12.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest-r15-IEs.c  15:33:18 #9 12.12 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT.c  15:33:18 #9 12.13 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandList.c  15:33:18 #9 12.13 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer.c  15:33:18 #9 12.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkDedicated.c  15:33:18 #9 12.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange.c  15:33:18 #9 12.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfigSMC.c  15:33:18 #9 12.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResult2NR.c  15:33:18 #9 12.14 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSet.c  15:33:18 #9 12.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FrequencyInfoDL-SIB.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DownlinkConfigCommonSIB.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommonSIB.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServingCellConfigCommonSIB.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.15 15:33:18 #9 12.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntraFreqNeighCellList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.15 15:33:18 #9 12.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-StatusProhibit.h:115:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/T-StatusProhibit.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.15 15:33:18 #9 12.15 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.15 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EstablishmentCause.h:67:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.15 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EstablishmentCause.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.15 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.15 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.15 15:33:18 #9 12.16 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersNR.h:87:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.16 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CA-ParametersNR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.16 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.16 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.16 15:33:18 #9 12.16 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.16 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.16 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SINR-Range.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.16 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.16 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.16 15:33:18 #9 12.16 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.17 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollByte.c  15:33:18 #9 12.18 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.18 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.18 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReestabNCellInfoList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.18 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.18 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.18 15:33:18 #9 12.18 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.18 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DataSplitThreshold.h:83:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.18 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-DataSplitThreshold.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.18 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.18 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.18 15:33:18 #9 12.19 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.20 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.20 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigNR.h:68:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.20 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportConfigNR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.20 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.20 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.20 15:33:18 #9 12.20 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.21 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-Resource.c  15:33:18 #9 12.22 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-InfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.22 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountMSB-InfoList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.22 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.22 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.22 15:33:18 #9 12.22 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.23 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-TypeInfo.h:71:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.23 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SIB-TypeInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.23 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.23 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.23 15:33:18 #9 12.23 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectEUTRA.c  15:33:18 #9 12.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Downlink.c  15:33:18 #9 12.23 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 12.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume-IEs.c  15:33:18 #9 12.24 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.24 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.24 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.24 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.24 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.24 15:33:18 #9 12.24 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP.c  15:33:18 #9 12.25 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpCellConfig.c  15:33:18 #9 12.26 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR.c  15:33:18 #9 12.26 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-SinglePanelCodebook.c  15:33:18 #9 12.26 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfoList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.26 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.26 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellAccessRelatedInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.26 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.26 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.26 15:33:18 #9 12.26 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.26 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId.c  15:33:18 #9 12.27 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpeedStateScaleFactors.c  15:33:18 #9 12.27 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.27 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.27 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config-IEs.h:61:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.27 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CG-Config-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.27 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.27 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.27 15:33:18 #9 12.27 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation-IEs.c  15:33:18 #9 12.27 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-Message.c  15:33:18 #9 12.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs.c  15:33:18 #9 12.28 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-MessageType.h:79:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.28 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DL-CCCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.28 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.28 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.28 15:33:18 #9 12.28 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqBlackCellList.c  15:33:18 #9 12.28 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TrackingAreaCode.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.28 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfo.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.28 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-IdentityInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.28 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.28 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.28 15:33:18 #9 12.29 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.29 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqListEUTRA.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.29 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CarrierFreqListEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.29 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.29 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.29 15:33:18 #9 12.29 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.30 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BSR-Config.h:97:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.30 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BSR-Config.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.30 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.30 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.30 15:33:18 #9 12.31 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.31 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.31 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfiguration.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.31 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.31 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.31 15:33:18 #9 12.31 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated.c  15:33:18 #9 12.32 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc.h:80:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/HandoverPreparationInformationRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.32 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.32 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.32 15:33:18 #9 12.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.32 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.32 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.32 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.32 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.32 15:33:18 #9 12.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.32 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-MessageType.c  15:33:18 #9 12.32 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-State.c  15:33:18 #9 12.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationIndex.c  15:33:18 #9 12.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigRrc.c  15:33:18 #9 12.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-Index.c  15:33:18 #9 12.33 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.c  15:33:18 #9 12.35 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc.h:80:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.35 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasurementTimingConfigurationRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.35 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.35 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.35 15:33:18 #9 12.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-AM-RLC.c  15:33:18 #9 12.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingUE-Identity.c  15:33:18 #9 12.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.35 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.35 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SDAP-Config.c  15:33:18 #9 12.36 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarPendingRNA-Update.h:38:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.36 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/VarPendingRNA-Update.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.36 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.36 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.36 15:33:18 #9 12.36 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.36 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.36 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.36 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.36 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.36 15:33:18 #9 12.40 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.41 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntegrityProtAlgorithm.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.41 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/IntegrityProtAlgorithm.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.41 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.41 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.41 15:33:18 #9 12.43 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SSB-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.43 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-SSB-Resource.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.43 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BFR-SSB-Resource.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.43 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.43 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.43 15:33:18 #9 12.43 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.44 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ServingCellConfig.h:86:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.44 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PUSCH-ServingCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.44 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.44 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.44 15:33:18 #9 12.44 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.46 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CodebookConfig.h:267:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.46 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CodebookConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.46 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.46 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.46 15:33:18 #9 12.46 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.46 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest-r15-IEs.h:41:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.46 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSystemInfoRequest-r15-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.46 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.46 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.46 15:33:18 #9 12.47 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.47 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupConfigRrc.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.47 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CellGroupConfigRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.47 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.47 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.47 15:33:18 #9 12.47 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.48 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.49 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff.h:210:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.49 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.49 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.49 15:33:18 #9 12.49 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.49 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResumeComplete.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.49 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.49 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.49 15:33:18 #9 12.50 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.50 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeElement.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PCI-RangeElement.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.50 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.50 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.50 15:33:18 #9 12.50 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.50 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.50 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.50 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.50 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.50 15:33:18 #9 12.51 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.51 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CipheringAlgorithm.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.51 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityAlgorithmConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.51 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfigSMC.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.51 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SecurityConfigSMC.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.51 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.51 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.51 15:33:18 #9 12.52 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.53 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.54 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-Resource.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.54 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NZP-CSI-RS-Resource.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.54 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.54 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.54 15:33:18 #9 12.54 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.55 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InitialUE-Identity.h:52:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.55 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InitialUE-Identity.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.55 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.55 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.55 15:33:18 #9 12.55 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.56 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.56 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpCellConfig.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.56 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.56 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.56 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.56 15:33:18 #9 12.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-IEs.h:72:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCRelease-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.57 15:33:18 #9 12.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.h:82:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Q-OffsetRange.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.57 15:33:18 #9 12.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RSRP-Range.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigRrc.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasConfigRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.57 15:33:18 #9 12.57 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-MessageType.h:80:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.57 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-CCCH-MessageType.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.57 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.57 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.57 15:33:18 #9 12.57 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.58 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.58 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.58 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-RS-Index.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-Index.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.58 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ResultsPerCSI-RS-Index.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.58 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.58 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.58 15:33:18 #9 12.58 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.59 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollByte.h:115:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.59 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PollByte.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.59 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.59 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.59 15:33:18 #9 12.59 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.59 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.59 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.59 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.59 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.59 15:33:18 #9 12.59 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.60 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueNR.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.60 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResult2NR.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.60 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasResult2NR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.60 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.60 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.60 15:33:18 #9 12.60 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange.h:82:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.60 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.60 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.60 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.60 15:33:18 #9 12.61 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ServingCellConfig.h:64:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDCCH-ServingCellConfig.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.61 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.61 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.61 15:33:18 #9 12.61 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.61 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.61 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DLInformationTransfer.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.61 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.61 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.61 15:33:18 #9 12.61 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.62 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-Identity.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfo.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRB-CountInfo.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.62 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.62 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.62 15:33:18 #9 12.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.62 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PhysCellId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.62 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportCGI.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.62 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.62 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.62 15:33:18 #9 12.62 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSet.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-IM-ResourceSet.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Downlink.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Downlink.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AccessStratumRelease.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/AccessStratumRelease.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BandCombinationIndex.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ARFCN-ValueEUTRA.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectEUTRA.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MeasObjectEUTRA.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-StateId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-State.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TCI-State.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRC-TransactionIdentifier.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.63 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCSetupComplete.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.63 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.63 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.63 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.63 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.64 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.64 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.64 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.64 15:33:18 #9 12.64 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-ConfigRrc.h:297:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/DRX-ConfigRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.64 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.64 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.64 15:33:18 #9 12.64 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.64 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume-IEs.h:60:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCResume-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.64 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.64 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.64 15:33:18 #9 12.64 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.64 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.64 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation-IEs.h:49:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.64 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FailureInformation-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.64 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.64 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.64 15:33:18 #9 12.65 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/NG-5G-S-TMSI.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.65 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingUE-Identity.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.65 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PagingUE-Identity.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.65 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.65 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.65 15:33:18 #9 12.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.65 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.65 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ServCellIndexRrc.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.65 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.65 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.65 15:33:18 #9 12.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.65 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.65 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.65 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.65 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.65 15:33:18 #9 12.65 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.65 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersMRDC.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.65 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/Phy-ParametersMRDC.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.65 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.65 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.65 15:33:18 #9 12.66 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-MessageType.h:59:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-Message.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BCCH-BCH-Message.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.66 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.66 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.66 15:33:18 #9 12.66 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.66 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/ReportInterval.h:65:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.66 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.66 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.66 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.66 15:33:18 #9 12.66 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR.h:55:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.67 15:33:18 #9 12.67 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkDedicated.h:128:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-UplinkDedicated.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.67 15:33:18 #9 12.67 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.67 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/BWP-Id.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.67 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.67 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.67 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.67 15:33:18 #9 12.67 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.67 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.68 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqBlackCellList.h:44:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.68 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/InterFreqBlackCellList.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.68 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.68 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.68 15:33:18 #9 12.68 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.68 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.68 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated.h:17, 15:33:18 #9 12.68 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.68 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.68 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.68 15:33:18 #9 12.68 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.69 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/FreqBandIndicatorNR.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.69 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.69 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/MultiFrequencyBandListNR.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.69 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.69 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.69 15:33:18 #9 12.69 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.69 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-SinglePanelCodebook.h:62:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.69 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/TypeI-SinglePanelCodebook.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.69 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.69 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.69 15:33:18 #9 12.70 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpeedStateScaleFactors.h:57:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.70 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SpeedStateScaleFactors.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.70 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.70 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.70 15:33:18 #9 12.70 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.70 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/PDU-SessionID.h:46:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.70 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SDAP-Config.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.70 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SDAP-Config.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.70 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.70 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.70 15:33:18 #9 12.70 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs.h:47:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.70 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.70 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.70 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.70 15:33:18 #9 12.70 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.71 In file included from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/SN-FieldLengthAM.h:53:0, 15:33:18 #9 12.71 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-AM-RLC.h:15, 15:33:18 #9 12.71 from /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/UL-AM-RLC.c:8: 15:33:18 #9 12.71 /opt/o-du-l2/src/codec_utils/RRC/../common/asn_internal.h:10:0: warning: "__EXTENSIONS__" redefined 15:33:18 #9 12.71 #define __EXTENSIONS__ /* for Sun */ 15:33:18 #9 12.71 15:33:18 #9 12.71 :0:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition 15:33:18 #9 12.80 -e Creating Archive  /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/lib/cu_stub/libasn_rrc.a  15:33:18 #9 12.90 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:19 #9 12.92 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_mem_wl.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/crg.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/rgr.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/mac_sch_interface.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_bdy5.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_inet.c  15:33:19 #9 12.92 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/lsctp.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_gen.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/lkw.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_llist.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/du_app_mac_inf.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_math.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_tpt.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_tkns.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/du_app_rlc_inf.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/rgu.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_lib.c  15:33:19 #9 12.93 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ckw.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_hash.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/rlc_mac_inf.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_tenb_stats.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/rgm.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_lte.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/legtp.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/ctf.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/cm_mblk.c  15:33:19 #9 12.94 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/common_def.c  15:33:19 #9 12.95 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/kwu.c  15:33:19 #9 12.95 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/cm/lrg.c  15:33:19 #9 13.52 -e Creating Archive  /opt/o-du-l2/build/odu/lib/cu_stub/libcm.a  15:33:19 #9 13.52 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:19 #9 13.53 make[1]: Entering directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:19 #9 13.53 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_strm.c  15:33:19 #9 13.53 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_gen.c  15:33:19 #9 13.53 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_rbuf.c  15:33:19 #9 13.53 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_task.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_drvr.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/mt_ss.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_pack.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_mem.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_timer.c  15:33:19 #9 13.54 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_msg.c  15:33:19 #9 13.57 -e Compiling  /opt/o-du-l2/src/mt/ss_queue.c  15:33:19 #9 13.77 make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/o-du-l2/build/odu' 15:33:20 #9 14.35 -e ***** CU STUB BUILD COMPLETE ***** 15:33:21 #9 DONE 14.8s 15:33:21 15:33:21 #10 exporting to image 15:33:21 #10 exporting layers 15:33:21 #10 exporting layers 0.7s done 15:33:21 #10 writing image sha256:493600d3ac54d054b7118961c419f55695a14d4e548546fc0104bf5ff151e6d7 done 15:33:21 #10 naming to nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:8.0.1 0.0s done 15:33:21 #10 DONE 0.7s 15:33:21 ---> docker-build.sh ends 15:33:21 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins16880054584606924344.sh 15:33:21 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. 15:33:21 [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 15:33:21 CONTAINER_PUSH_REGISTRY=nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004 15:33:21 15:33:21 [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. 15:33:21 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins18016557393250497767.sh 15:33:21 ---> docker-push.sh 15:33:21 Docker version 24.0.2, build cb74dfc 15:33:21 Pushing image: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:8.0.1 15:33:21 docker push nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub:8.0.1 15:33:21 The push refers to repository [nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2-cu-stub] 15:33:21 dd4c46ec07b7: Preparing 15:33:21 160b22d8d1b2: Preparing 15:33:21 5f70bf18a086: Preparing 15:33:21 3029a774b614: Preparing 15:33:21 03d718aad9c4: Preparing 15:33:21 cb678f9e67e1: Preparing 15:33:21 6345f75ef121: Preparing 15:33:21 db5648ca1602: Preparing 15:33:21 17c362cf614d: Preparing 15:33:21 1bf503e0c025: Preparing 15:33:21 6dae3dd4be3b: Preparing 15:33:21 9dfdc6c2cdae: Preparing 15:33:21 b6ac51ac7a06: Preparing 15:33:21 e2cf47ababd5: Preparing 15:33:21 fe6d8881187d: Preparing 15:33:21 23135df75b44: Preparing 15:33:21 b43408d5f11b: Preparing 15:33:21 cb678f9e67e1: Waiting 15:33:21 6345f75ef121: Waiting 15:33:21 db5648ca1602: Waiting 15:33:21 17c362cf614d: Waiting 15:33:21 1bf503e0c025: Waiting 15:33:21 6dae3dd4be3b: Waiting 15:33:21 9dfdc6c2cdae: Waiting 15:33:21 b6ac51ac7a06: Waiting 15:33:21 e2cf47ababd5: Waiting 15:33:21 fe6d8881187d: Waiting 15:33:21 23135df75b44: Waiting 15:33:21 b43408d5f11b: Waiting 15:33:22 03d718aad9c4: Layer already exists 15:33:22 cb678f9e67e1: Layer already exists 15:33:22 6345f75ef121: Layer already exists 15:33:22 5f70bf18a086: Pushed 15:33:22 db5648ca1602: Layer already exists 15:33:22 1bf503e0c025: Layer already exists 15:33:22 17c362cf614d: Layer already exists 15:33:22 9dfdc6c2cdae: Layer already exists 15:33:22 6dae3dd4be3b: Layer already exists 15:33:22 e2cf47ababd5: Layer already exists 15:33:22 b6ac51ac7a06: Layer already exists 15:33:22 fe6d8881187d: Layer already exists 15:33:22 23135df75b44: Layer already exists 15:33:22 b43408d5f11b: Layer already exists 15:33:24 160b22d8d1b2: Pushed 15:33:26 3029a774b614: Pushed 15:33:31 dd4c46ec07b7: Pushed 15:33:31 8.0.1: digest: sha256:f342f68ec7b7fd24f6850d1ee2cf283ee17cf98021b03c97bf23bbb6b17b2406 size: 3903 15:33:31 ---> docker-push.sh ends 15:33:31 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins18378472689456966268.sh 15:33:31 $ ssh-agent -k 15:33:31 unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK; 15:33:31 unset SSH_AGENT_PID; 15:33:31 echo Agent pid 2138 killed; 15:33:31 [ssh-agent] Stopped. 15:33:31 [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts. 15:33:31 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins5568578149493934858.sh 15:33:31 ---> sysstat.sh 15:33:32 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins7550541631479945182.sh 15:33:32 ---> package-listing.sh 15:33:32 ++ facter osfamily 15:33:32 ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' 15:33:32 + OS_FAMILY=debian 15:33:32 + workspace=/w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based 15:33:32 + START_PACKAGES=/tmp/packages_start.txt 15:33:32 + END_PACKAGES=/tmp/packages_end.txt 15:33:32 + DIFF_PACKAGES=/tmp/packages_diff.txt 15:33:32 + PACKAGES=/tmp/packages_start.txt 15:33:32 + '[' /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based ']' 15:33:32 + PACKAGES=/tmp/packages_end.txt 15:33:32 + case "${OS_FAMILY}" in 15:33:32 + dpkg -l 15:33:32 + grep '^ii' 15:33:32 + '[' -f /tmp/packages_start.txt ']' 15:33:32 + '[' -f /tmp/packages_end.txt ']' 15:33:32 + diff /tmp/packages_start.txt /tmp/packages_end.txt 15:33:32 + '[' /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based ']' 15:33:32 + mkdir -p /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/archives/ 15:33:32 + cp -f /tmp/packages_diff.txt /tmp/packages_end.txt /tmp/packages_start.txt /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/archives/ 15:33:32 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins16331662675082358864.sh 15:33:32 ---> capture-instance-metadata.sh 15:33:32 Setup pyenv: 15:33:32 system 15:33:32 3.8.13 15:33:32 3.9.13 15:33:32 * 3.10.6 (set by /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/.python-version) 15:33:32 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Reuse venv:/tmp/venv-VCI4 from file:/tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:33:34 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: lftools 15:33:44 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:33:44 INFO: Running in OpenStack, capturing instance metadata 15:33:45 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins7841427944442344051.sh 15:33:45 provisioning config files... 15:33:45 copy managed file [jenkins-log-archives-settings] to file:/w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based@tmp/config8370709539403507683tmp 15:33:45 Regular expression run condition: Expression=[^.*logs-s3.*], Label=[] 15:33:45 Run condition [Regular expression match] preventing perform for step [Provide Configuration files] 15:33:45 [EnvInject] - Injecting environment variables from a build step. 15:33:45 [EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 15:33:45 SERVER_ID=logs 15:33:45 15:33:45 [EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully. 15:33:45 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins17565571798895430761.sh 15:33:45 ---> create-netrc.sh 15:33:45 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins8306634250147999194.sh 15:33:45 ---> python-tools-install.sh 15:33:45 Setup pyenv: 15:33:45 system 15:33:45 3.8.13 15:33:45 3.9.13 15:33:45 * 3.10.6 (set by /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/.python-version) 15:33:45 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Reuse venv:/tmp/venv-VCI4 from file:/tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:33:46 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: lftools 15:33:55 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:33:55 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins9987249635468708403.sh 15:33:55 ---> sudo-logs.sh 15:33:55 Archiving 'sudo' log.. 15:33:55 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins9221799493404669994.sh 15:33:55 ---> job-cost.sh 15:33:55 Setup pyenv: 15:33:55 system 15:33:55 3.8.13 15:33:55 3.9.13 15:33:55 * 3.10.6 (set by /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/.python-version) 15:33:55 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Reuse venv:/tmp/venv-VCI4 from file:/tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:33:56 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: zipp==1.1.0 python-openstackclient urllib3~=1.26.15 15:34:01 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:34:01 INFO: No Stack... 15:34:01 INFO: Retrieving Pricing Info for: v2-highcpu-4 15:34:01 INFO: Archiving Costs 15:34:01 [o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based] $ /bin/bash -l /tmp/jenkins4864872849547794973.sh 15:34:01 ---> logs-deploy.sh 15:34:01 Setup pyenv: 15:34:01 system 15:34:01 3.8.13 15:34:01 3.9.13 15:34:01 * 3.10.6 (set by /w/workspace/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/.python-version) 15:34:01 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Reuse venv:/tmp/venv-VCI4 from file:/tmp/.os_lf_venv 15:34:02 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Installing: lftools 15:34:11 lf-activate-venv(): INFO: Adding /tmp/venv-VCI4/bin to PATH 15:34:11 INFO: Nexus URL https://nexus.o-ran-sc.org path production/vex-sjc-oran-jenkins-prod-1/o-du-l2-cu-stub-docker-merge-sch_slice_based/85 15:34:11 INFO: archiving workspace using pattern(s): 15:34:14 Archives upload complete. 15:34:14 INFO: archiving logs to Nexus 15:34:15 ---> uname -a: 15:34:15 Linux prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-6150 4.15.0-213-generic #224-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 19 13:30:12 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> lscpu: 15:34:15 Architecture: x86_64 15:34:15 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit 15:34:15 Byte Order: Little Endian 15:34:15 CPU(s): 4 15:34:15 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3 15:34:15 Thread(s) per core: 1 15:34:15 Core(s) per socket: 1 15:34:15 Socket(s): 4 15:34:15 NUMA node(s): 1 15:34:15 Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD 15:34:15 CPU family: 23 15:34:15 Model: 49 15:34:15 Model name: AMD EPYC-Rome Processor 15:34:15 Stepping: 0 15:34:15 CPU MHz: 2799.998 15:34:15 BogoMIPS: 5599.99 15:34:15 Virtualization: AMD-V 15:34:15 Hypervisor vendor: KVM 15:34:15 Virtualization type: full 15:34:15 L1d cache: 32K 15:34:15 L1i cache: 32K 15:34:15 L2 cache: 512K 15:34:15 L3 cache: 16384K 15:34:15 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-3 15:34:15 Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm rep_good nopl xtopology cpuid extd_apicid tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw topoext perfctr_core ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp vmmcall fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 rdseed adx smap clflushopt clwb sha_ni xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves clzero xsaveerptr arat npt nrip_save umip rdpid arch_capabilities 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> nproc: 15:34:15 4 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> df -h: 15:34:15 Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 15:34:15 udev 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /dev 15:34:15 tmpfs 395M 696K 394M 1% /run 15:34:15 /dev/vda1 20G 12G 7.8G 60% / 15:34:15 tmpfs 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /dev/shm 15:34:15 tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock 15:34:15 tmpfs 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup 15:34:15 /dev/vda15 105M 5.3M 100M 5% /boot/efi 15:34:15 tmpfs 395M 0 395M 0% /run/user/1001 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> free -m: 15:34:15 total used free shared buff/cache available 15:34:15 Mem: 3943 486 1262 0 2194 3174 15:34:15 Swap: 1023 0 1023 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> ip addr: 15:34:15 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 15:34:15 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 15:34:15 inet scope host lo 15:34:15 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 15:34:15 inet6 ::1/128 scope host 15:34:15 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 15:34:15 2: ens3: mtu 1450 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 15:34:15 link/ether fa:16:3e:91:b3:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 15:34:15 inet brd scope global dynamic ens3 15:34:15 valid_lft 86175sec preferred_lft 86175sec 15:34:15 inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe91:b3dd/64 scope link 15:34:15 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 15:34:15 3: docker0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 15:34:15 link/ether 02:42:1d:75:12:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 15:34:15 inet brd scope global docker0 15:34:15 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> sar -b -r -n DEV: 15:34:15 Linux 4.15.0-213-generic (prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-6150) 07/09/24 _x86_64_ (4 CPU) 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:30:32 LINUX RESTART (4 CPU) 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:31:02 tps rtps wtps bread/s bwrtn/s 15:34:15 15:32:01 149.48 66.73 82.75 4996.71 9570.17 15:34:15 15:33:01 318.98 86.76 232.22 6084.13 122504.58 15:34:15 15:34:01 87.54 51.64 35.89 4103.45 5215.40 15:34:15 Average: 185.56 68.39 117.17 5062.02 45982.64 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:31:02 kbmemfree kbavail kbmemused %memused kbbuffers kbcached kbcommit %commit kbactive kbinact kbdirty 15:34:15 15:32:01 1577736 3351392 2460916 60.93 52820 1872776 874792 17.20 585660 1689884 143736 15:34:15 15:33:01 159000 3271568 3879652 96.06 113424 3054884 1260124 24.77 582812 2974996 372 15:34:15 15:34:01 1392080 3320744 2646572 65.53 117792 1922524 924740 18.18 780416 1604108 16700 15:34:15 Average: 1042939 3314568 2995713 74.18 94679 2283395 1019885 20.05 649629 2089663 53603 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:31:02 IFACE rxpck/s txpck/s rxkB/s txkB/s rxcmp/s txcmp/s rxmcst/s %ifutil 15:34:15 15:32:01 docker0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:32:01 lo 0.88 0.88 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:32:01 ens3 454.63 318.10 2039.11 74.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:33:01 docker0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:33:01 lo 1.93 1.93 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:33:01 ens3 427.28 203.00 13630.67 17.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:34:01 docker0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:34:01 lo 2.85 2.85 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:34:01 ens3 187.95 233.38 49.62 1426.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 Average: docker0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 Average: lo 1.89 1.89 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 Average: ens3 356.09 251.11 5259.55 508.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15 ---> sar -P ALL: 15:34:15 Linux 4.15.0-213-generic (prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-6150) 07/09/24 _x86_64_ (4 CPU) 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:30:32 LINUX RESTART (4 CPU) 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:31:02 CPU %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 15:34:15 15:32:01 all 20.71 0.00 1.93 4.30 0.06 73.00 15:34:15 15:32:01 0 11.13 0.00 1.39 1.51 0.03 85.94 15:34:15 15:32:01 1 8.98 0.00 0.90 7.53 0.07 82.52 15:34:15 15:32:01 2 34.13 0.00 2.47 2.28 0.07 61.05 15:34:15 15:32:01 3 28.60 0.00 2.95 5.90 0.08 62.47 15:34:15 15:33:01 all 22.26 0.00 7.17 6.86 0.08 63.62 15:34:15 15:33:01 0 17.63 0.00 6.99 2.35 0.05 72.98 15:34:15 15:33:01 1 17.53 0.00 5.57 6.65 0.10 70.15 15:34:15 15:33:01 2 17.94 0.00 6.34 7.38 0.09 68.26 15:34:15 15:33:01 3 36.00 0.00 9.77 11.05 0.10 43.08 15:34:15 15:34:01 all 31.15 0.00 8.05 2.11 0.07 58.63 15:34:15 15:34:01 0 30.39 0.00 7.58 1.04 0.05 60.95 15:34:15 15:34:01 1 42.87 0.00 8.69 3.73 0.08 44.62 15:34:15 15:34:01 2 24.57 0.00 7.78 1.23 0.07 66.35 15:34:15 15:34:01 3 26.80 0.00 8.13 2.44 0.05 62.58 15:34:15 Average: all 24.74 0.00 5.73 4.41 0.07 65.05 15:34:15 Average: 0 19.77 0.00 5.33 1.63 0.05 73.22 15:34:15 Average: 1 23.23 0.00 5.08 5.96 0.08 65.65 15:34:15 Average: 2 25.54 0.00 5.55 3.62 0.07 65.23 15:34:15 Average: 3 30.44 0.00 6.95 6.43 0.08 56.10 15:34:15 15:34:15 15:34:15