Debug Log started at: 2024-12-07 12:05:27[2024-12-07 12:05:28:266] [] [main] DeviceConnectTest INFO : Starting DeviceConnectTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:28:270] [] [main] DeviceConnectTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:28:271] [] [main] DeviceConnectTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:32:758] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:32:758] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:32:758] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:34:350] [] [main] DeviceConnectTest INFO : Started DeviceConnectTest in 6.435 seconds (JVM running for 8.724) [2024-12-07 12:05:34:417] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] ConnectionReqEventHandler INFO : Received a JMS message from Request Processor for initiating connection request [2024-12-07 12:05:34:419] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] ConnectionReqEventProcessor INFO : Initiating connection request on the device. Connection request URL is : [2024-12-07 12:05:34:427] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] ConnectionReqEventProcessor DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for connection request initiation on device : 0005B9AAAA22 [2024-12-07 12:05:34:427] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] ConnectionReqEventHandler DEBUG: Sent TR069 connection request to device [2024-12-07 12:05:34:620] [] [main] AOOpResultTest INFO : Starting AOOpResultTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:34:620] [] [main] AOOpResultTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:34:621] [] [main] AOOpResultTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:35:344] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:35:344] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:35:344] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:35:908] [] [main] AOOpResultTest INFO : Started AOOpResultTest in 1.321 seconds (JVM running for 10.282) [2024-12-07 12:05:36:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:047] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@4a266adb1265561012019-07-08T18:15:42.030Z2019-07-08T18:15:42.030Z [2024-12-07 12:05:36:144] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: DownloadResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:145] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response DownloadResponse: Status = 1 StartTime 2019-07-08T18:15:42.030Z CompleteTime 2019-07-08T18:15:42.030Z [2024-12-07 12:05:36:153] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:154] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:159] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation DOWNLOAD [2024-12-07 12:05:36:161] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is DownloadResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:162] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:162] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:162] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:162] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:163] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:163] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:163] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:164] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:165] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:165] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:165] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:165] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:174] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:175] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:175] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:339] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:340] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:341] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:341] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:341] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:345] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@6cb51905914620 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:347] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: FactoryResetResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:347] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response org.commscope.tr069adapter.acs.cpe.rpc.FactoryResetResponse@6344efd4 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:348] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:348] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:349] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation FACTORY_RESET [2024-12-07 12:05:36:349] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is FRResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:349] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:350] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:351] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:352] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:352] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:352] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:352] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:353] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:353] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:369] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:370] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:370] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:370] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:370] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:371] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@2d1a022412653738 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:374] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: SetParameterAttributesResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:374] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response org.commscope.tr069adapter.acs.cpe.rpc.SetParameterAttributesResponse@7edb9957 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:374] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:375] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:376] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation SET_PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTES [2024-12-07 12:05:36:376] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is SPAResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:377] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:378] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:379] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:379] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:379] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:379] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:380] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:380] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:380] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:392] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:392] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:392] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:392] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:392] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:393] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@446b34112655897Device.Hosts.HostNumberOfEntries1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:396] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: GetParameterValuesResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:396] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response Device.Hosts.HostNumberOfEntries=1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:397] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:397] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:397] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation GET_PARAMETER_VALUES [2024-12-07 12:05:36:398] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is GPVResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:398] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:398] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:399] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:400] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:401] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:401] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:401] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:401] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:401] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:410] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:410] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:410] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:411] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:411] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:412] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@6aeab902133062910 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:414] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: DeleteObjectResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:414] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response org.commscope.tr069adapter.acs.cpe.rpc.DeleteObjectResponse@7d37e257 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:415] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:415] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:416] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation DELETE_OBJECT [2024-12-07 12:05:36:416] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is DOResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:416] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:416] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:416] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:417] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:418] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:419] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:419] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:419] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:428] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:428] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:428] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:428] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:428] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:429] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@1122d7a2913870 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:432] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: RebootResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:432] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response org.commscope.tr069adapter.acs.cpe.rpc.RebootResponse@5f91ad [2024-12-07 12:05:36:432] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:432] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:433] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation REBOOT [2024-12-07 12:05:36:433] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is RebootResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:433] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:434] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:435] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:436] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:436] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:436] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:436] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:436] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:445] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:36:445] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:36:446] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:36:446] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:36:446] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:447] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@1da5cdaf1265443140 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:449] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: AddObjectResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:449] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Received Operation Result response AddObjectResponse: status=0 instance=4 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:449] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:450] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists pending operation request for the session: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:450] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The pending operation request for the session is of operation ADD_OBJECT [2024-12-07 12:05:36:450] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCResponseBuilder DEBUG: Response Msg is AOResponse [2024-12-07 12:05:36:451] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:451] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the operation response from device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:451] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the device RPC response is: sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Marking the Device RPC request with operation id - 10002 as processed. [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:36:452] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10002 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device RPC Response to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device operation response [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:36:453] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:36:454] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:36:454] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:36:454] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:36:475] [] [main] InvokeRPCTest INFO : Starting InvokeRPCTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:36:475] [] [main] InvokeRPCTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:36:476] [] [main] InvokeRPCTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:37:118] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:37:119] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:37:119] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:37:730] [] [main] InvokeRPCTest INFO : Started InvokeRPCTest in 1.271 seconds (JVM running for 12.104) [2024-12-07 12:05:37:742] [] [main] MapperRequestRESTService DEBUG: Received a Device operation request from Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:37:742] [0005B95196D0] [main] ACSServiceAPIImpl INFO : Received request to perform device operation. OperationCode: SET_PARAMETER_VALUES [2024-12-07 12:05:37:743] [0005B95196D0] [main] ACSServiceAPIImpl DEBUG: The operation ID generated for processing the Device RPC request is - 1733573137743 [2024-12-07 12:05:37:743] [0005B95196D0] [main] ACSServiceAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully posted the Mapper Request to Queue with OperationId : 1733573137743 OperationCode : SET_PARAMETER_VALUES [2024-12-07 12:05:37:744] [] [main] MapperRequestRESTService DEBUG: Successfully initiated device operation, The operation id for the request is: 1733573137743 [2024-12-07 12:05:37:928] [] [main] RPCResponseForwarderTest INFO : Starting RPCResponseForwarderTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:37:929] [] [main] RPCResponseForwarderTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:37:929] [] [main] RPCResponseForwarderTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:38:467] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:38:468] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:38:468] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:49:064] [] [main] RPCResponseForwarderTest INFO : Started RPCResponseForwarderTest in 11.153 seconds (JVM running for 23.438) [2024-12-07 12:05:49:080] [] [main] DeviceRPCResponseForwarder DEBUG: NBIOperationResult message is received for deviceId : 0005B9519095, , OprationId: 1000 [2024-12-07 12:05:49:080] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:05:49:080] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Received Operation result from NBI [2024-12-07 12:05:49:081] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Posting the operation request to WebService: null [2024-12-07 12:05:49:081] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Successfully posted the NBI operation request to SBI Service [2024-12-07 12:05:49:081] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:05:49:082] [] [main] DeviceRPCResponseForwarder DEBUG: Successfully processed NBI operation result. [2024-12-07 12:05:49:251] [] [main] DeviceInformForwarder DEBUG: DeviceNotification message is received for deviceId : 0005B9519095 , Notification Type(s): [BOOTSTRAP] [2024-12-07 12:05:49:251] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:05:49:252] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Received Notification from NBI [2024-12-07 12:05:49:252] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Posting the Device Notification to WebService: null [2024-12-07 12:05:49:252] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Successfully posted the Device Notification to SBI Service [2024-12-07 12:05:49:252] [] [main] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:05:49:252] [] [main] DeviceInformForwarder DEBUG: Successfully processed device notification. [2024-12-07 12:05:49:271] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests INFO : Starting DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:49:272] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:49:272] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:49:612] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:49:613] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:49:613] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:50:178] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests INFO : Started DeviceRPCRequestHandlerTests in 0.922 seconds (JVM running for 24.552) [2024-12-07 12:05:50:191] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Received a JMS message from Mapper for TR069 Device RPC operation [2024-12-07 12:05:50:191] [0005B95196D0] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Received a TR069 operation request from Mapper with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:191] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : A Mapper request is received with operationID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:198] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:50:198] [0005B95196D0] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:50:199] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Successfully acquired the session lock for processing NBI request with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:199] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Persisting the Device RPC request, with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:244] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Successfully persisted the Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:50:244] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: No active session exists, hence requesting for Connection request [2024-12-07 12:05:50:244] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper INFO : Initiating Connection request on device: 0005B95196D0 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:245] [0005B95196D0] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to start timer for 0005B95196D0_10, listener bean=SessionTimeoutHandler [2024-12-07 12:05:50:246] [0005B95196D0] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job 0005B95196D0_10 started [2024-12-07 12:05:50:253] [0005B95196D0] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job 0005B95196D0_10 successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:05:50:253] [0005B95196D0] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully started timer for 0005B95196D0_10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:253] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device RPC request with operation ID : 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:253] [0005B95196D0] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Processed a TR069 operation request from Mapper with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:253] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Processed JMS message from Mapper for TR069 Device RPC operation [2024-12-07 12:05:50:390] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Received a JMS message from Mapper for TR069 Device RPC operation [2024-12-07 12:05:50:390] [0005B95196D0] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Received a TR069 operation request from Mapper with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:390] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : A Mapper request is received with operationID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:391] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:50:391] [0005B95196D0] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:50:391] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Successfully acquired the session lock for processing NBI request with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:391] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Persisting the Device RPC request, with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:393] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Successfully persisted the Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:50:393] [0005B95196D0] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Session is in processing state, Will be notified to session manager to pick the request on session availability [2024-12-07 12:05:50:394] [0005B95196D0] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Processed a TR069 operation request from Mapper with operation ID: 10 [2024-12-07 12:05:50:394] [] [main] DeviceRPCRequestHandler DEBUG: Processed JMS message from Mapper for TR069 Device RPC operation [2024-12-07 12:05:50:413] [] [main] BootstrapInformTest INFO : Starting BootstrapInformTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:50:414] [] [main] BootstrapInformTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:50:414] [] [main] BootstrapInformTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:50:816] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:50:816] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:50:817] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:51:264] [] [main] BootstrapInformTest INFO : Started BootstrapInformTest in 0.863 seconds (JVM running for 25.638) [2024-12-07 12:05:51:270] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:51:270] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:51:270] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:51:270] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:51:272] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@6b39d72310005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B94239100 BOOTSTRAP12020-06-10T11:27:26.054Z0Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion750742.00.13Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion4.3.00.229Device.DeviceInfo.ProvisioningCodeDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:05:51:277] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:51:277] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:05:51:277] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:05:51:277] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:05:51:277] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to stop the timer.0005B9423910_CONNECTION_REQUEST [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer.0005B9423910_CONNECTION_REQUEST [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing BOOTSTRAP Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:51:278] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:05:51:279] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:51:279] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '0 BOOTSTRAP' [2024-12-07 12:05:51:279] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:296] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Device Inform event received is BOOTSTRAP, hence aborting all the pending operations if any exists [2024-12-07 12:05:51:296] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving all the pending Device RPC requests [2024-12-07 12:05:51:296] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending RPC requests for the device: 0005B9423910 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:296] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:296] [0005B9423910] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:458] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper INFO : Device is contacting ACS for the first time, creating the new session ID for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:463] [0005B9423910] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Creating a new session for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:470] [0005B9423910] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:486] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:05:51:486] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9423910 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:491] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:496] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:496] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:51:496] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:51:499] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9423910 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:499] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:05:51:499] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:05:51:500] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:51:500] [] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to start timer for 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1, listener bean=SessionTimeoutHandler [2024-12-07 12:05:51:501] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 started [2024-12-07 12:05:51:503] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:05:51:503] [] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully started timer for 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:503] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:504] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:51:513] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:853] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:853] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:855] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:51:855] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:51:859] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:51:859] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:51:859] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:51:860] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:51:860] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:51:860] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:861] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:861] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:05:51:862] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:876] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:877] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:51:877] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:878] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:878] [0005B9423910] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:880] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:880] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:51:880] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:881] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:51:881] [0005B9423910] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9423910 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:881] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:51:882] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:51:882] [0005B9423910] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to stop the timer.9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:882] [0005B9423910] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 started [2024-12-07 12:05:51:883] [0005B9423910] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:05:51:883] [0005B9423910] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer.9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:883] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : 9a5b206a-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:05:51:884] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:51:884] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:51:885] [0005B9423910] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:51:888] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:51:888] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:51:888] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:51:888] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:52:052] [] [main] ConnRequestInformTest INFO : Starting ConnRequestInformTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:52:053] [] [main] ConnRequestInformTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:52:053] [] [main] ConnRequestInformTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:52:520] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:52:520] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:52:521] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:52:963] [] [main] ConnRequestInformTest INFO : Started ConnRequestInformTest in 0.923 seconds (JVM running for 27.337) [2024-12-07 12:05:52:974] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:52:974] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:52:974] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:52:974] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:52:978] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@494b53771Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190926 CONNECTION REQUEST12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:05:52:983] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:52:983] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:05:52:983] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing Connection Request Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:52:984] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:05:52:985] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:52:985] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '6 CONNECTION REQUEST' [2024-12-07 12:05:52:985] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:985] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:990] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:05:52:990] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9519092 [2024-12-07 12:05:52:994] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:05:52:996] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:52:996] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:52:996] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:52:997] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9519092 [2024-12-07 12:05:52:998] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:05:52:998] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:05:52:998] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:52:998] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:52:998] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:006] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:007] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:007] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:007] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:007] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:53:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:53:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:53:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:53:009] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:53:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:010] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:05:53:010] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:013] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:017] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:017] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:018] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:018] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:018] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:53:018] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:018] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:019] [0005B9519092] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519092 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:019] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:019] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:53:020] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid9 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:020] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:53:020] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:53:020] [0005B9519092] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:021] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:53:022] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:53:022] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:022] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:195] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:53:195] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:53:195] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:53:195] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:53:198] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@2325181e1Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190947 TRANSFER COMPLETE12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:05:53:205] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:53:205] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:205] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:05:53:206] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:05:53:206] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:206] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:206] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:207] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing Transfer Complete Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:53:207] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:05:53:208] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:208] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '7 TRANSFER COMPLETE' [2024-12-07 12:05:53:208] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:209] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:212] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:05:53:213] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9519094 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:216] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:219] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:219] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:53:219] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:53:222] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9519094 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:222] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:05:53:223] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:05:53:223] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:53:223] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:223] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:227] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:227] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:227] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:228] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:228] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:230] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:53:230] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:53:230] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:53:231] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:53:231] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:53:231] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:233] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:233] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:05:53:233] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:237] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:53:238] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:239] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:239] [0005B9519094] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519094 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:239] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:239] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:53:240] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:240] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:53:240] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:53:240] [0005B9519094] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:241] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:53:242] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:53:242] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:242] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:253] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:53:254] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:53:254] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:53:254] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:53:257] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@502f3b481Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190911 BOOT4 VALUE CHANGE12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:05:53:263] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:53:263] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:264] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:05:53:264] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:05:53:264] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:264] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:265] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:265] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing BOOT Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:53:265] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:05:53:266] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:266] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '1 BOOT' [2024-12-07 12:05:53:266] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:267] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Device Inform event received is BOOT, hence aborting all the pending operations if any exists [2024-12-07 12:05:53:267] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving all the pending Device RPC requests [2024-12-07 12:05:53:267] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519091 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:267] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:271] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:05:53:271] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9519091 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:274] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:277] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:278] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:53:278] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:53:280] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9519091 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:280] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:05:53:280] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:05:53:281] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:53:281] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:281] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:53:284] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:285] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:285] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:286] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:286] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:288] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:53:288] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:53:288] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:53:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:53:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:53:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:05:53:290] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:294] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:295] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:295] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:295] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:296] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:296] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:53:297] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:297] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:297] [0005B9519091] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519091 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:297] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:53:298] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:53:298] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:05:53:298] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:53:298] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:53:299] [0005B9519091] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:299] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:53:300] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:53:300] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:53:300] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:53:320] [] [main] TransferCompleteTest INFO : Starting TransferCompleteTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:53:320] [] [main] TransferCompleteTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:53:321] [] [main] TransferCompleteTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:53:672] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:53:672] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:53:673] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:05:54:192] [] [main] TransferCompleteTest INFO : Started TransferCompleteTest in 0.884 seconds (JVM running for 28.566) [2024-12-07 12:05:54:199] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:54:199] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:54:199] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:54:199] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:54:201] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@1eee33e300005B9AAAA2202019-07-08T18:15:43.032Z2019-07-08T18:15:43.032Z [2024-12-07 12:05:54:203] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: TransferComplete [2024-12-07 12:05:54:203] [] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Processing Transfer Complete [2024-12-07 12:05:54:203] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: TransferComplete inform received with Start time [2024-12-07 12:05:54:204] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:54:204] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '7 TRANSFER COMPLETE' [2024-12-07 12:05:54:204] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper WARN : Notification do not contains either connection request URL or swVer or hwVer of the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The device data like connection request URL/ Device SW/HW version has changed, hence updating the device details [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to start timer for newSessionId, listener bean=SessionTimeoutHandler [2024-12-07 12:05:54:205] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job newSessionId started [2024-12-07 12:05:54:206] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job newSessionId successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:05:54:206] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully started timer for newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:206] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:206] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:05:54:206] [] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Successfully processed the TRANSFER COMPLETE Inform [2024-12-07 12:05:54:207] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 0 [2024-12-07 12:05:54:208] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:54:208] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 1 [2024-12-07 12:05:54:208] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:54:208] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:05:54:209] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:210] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9AAAA22 [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to stop the timer.newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job newSessionId started [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job newSessionId successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer.newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : newSessionId [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [0005B9AAAA22] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:05:54:211] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:05:54:305] [] [main] InformSwVersionUpdatedTest INFO : Starting InformSwVersionUpdatedTest on prd-ubuntu1804-docker-4c-4g-12362 with PID 3053 (started by jenkins in /w/workspace/oam-tr069-adapter-sonar/acs/application-booter) [2024-12-07 12:05:54:306] [] [main] InformSwVersionUpdatedTest DEBUG: Running with Spring Boot v2.2.1.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.1.RELEASE [2024-12-07 12:05:54:306] [] [main] InformSwVersionUpdatedTest INFO : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default [2024-12-07 12:05:54:646] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init started [2024-12-07 12:05:54:651] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: Running on active server; hence marking quartz as active service [2024-12-07 12:05:54:651] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: init complete [2024-12-07 12:06:05:137] [] [main] InformSwVersionUpdatedTest INFO : Started InformSwVersionUpdatedTest in 10.846 seconds (JVM running for 39.511) [2024-12-07 12:06:05:144] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:144] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:144] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:144] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:147] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@5165e6c81Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190900 BOOTSTRAP12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:06:05:153] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:153] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:153] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:06:05:153] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:06:05:154] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:154] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:154] [0005B9519090] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to stop the timer.0005B9519090_CONNECTION_REQUEST [2024-12-07 12:06:05:154] [0005B9519090] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer.0005B9519090_CONNECTION_REQUEST [2024-12-07 12:06:05:154] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:155] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing BOOTSTRAP Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:155] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:06:05:156] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:156] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '0 BOOTSTRAP' [2024-12-07 12:06:05:156] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:159] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Device Inform event received is BOOTSTRAP, hence aborting all the pending operations if any exists [2024-12-07 12:06:05:159] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving all the pending Device RPC requests [2024-12-07 12:06:05:165] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Grouping the records based on operationId [2024-12-07 12:06:05:165] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists 0 pending NBI requests for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:165] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:165] [0005B9519090] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:169] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper INFO : Device is contacting ACS for the first time, creating the new session ID for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:189] [0005B9519090] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Creating a new session for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:196] [0005B9519090] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:202] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:202] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:202] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:06:05:202] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069EventNotificationService DEBUG: Device Inform Event received: '0 BOOTSTRAP' [2024-12-07 12:06:05:267] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069EventNotificationService DEBUG: Successfully posted the device inform event to DM to forward to NBI [2024-12-07 12:06:05:267] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Device details are changed [2024-12-07 12:06:05:267] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : The device data like connection request URL/ Device SW/HW version has changed, hence updating the device details [2024-12-07 12:06:05:267] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:06:05:267] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:273] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to start timer for a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1, listener bean=SessionTimeoutHandler [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 started [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: scheduleJob : Scheduing job a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully started timer for a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:274] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:288] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:289] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:290] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:290] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:06:05:293] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:294] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:294] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:06:05:294] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:306] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:308] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:309] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:309] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:309] [0005B9519090] [main] SessionManager DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:315] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:317] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:321] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:321] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519090 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Requested to stop the timer.a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 started [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] QuartzSchedulerManager DEBUG: deleteSchedule : Deleting schedule for job a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 successfully completed [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TimerServiceManagerAPIImpl DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer.a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : a2898c4b-b493-11ef-8509-0242337fcbe1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:323] [0005B9519090] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:325] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceInformForwarder DEBUG: DeviceNotification message is received for deviceId : 0005B9519090 , Notification Type(s): [BOOTSTRAP] [2024-12-07 12:06:05:325] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:06:05:325] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Received Notification from NBI [2024-12-07 12:06:05:326] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Posting the Device Notification to WebService: null [2024-12-07 12:06:05:328] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:06:05:328] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:06:05:328] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:328] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:328] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: Successfully posted the Device Notification to SBI Service [2024-12-07 12:06:05:330] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceEventsMapperNotificationService DEBUG: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2024-12-07 12:06:05:331] [] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] DeviceInformForwarder DEBUG: Successfully processed device notification. [2024-12-07 12:06:05:520] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:521] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:521] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:521] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:523] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@32a866391Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190932 PERIODIC12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:529] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing PERIODIC Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:530] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:06:05:530] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:530] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '2 PERIODIC' [2024-12-07 12:06:05:530] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:530] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:532] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:06:05:533] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9519093 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:536] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:538] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:538] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:538] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:06:05:539] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9519093 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:540] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:06:05:540] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:540] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:540] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:540] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:543] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:543] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:543] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:543] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:543] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:545] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:06:05:546] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:547] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519093 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid10 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:548] [0005B9519093] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:549] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:06:05:549] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:06:05:549] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:549] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:557] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:557] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:557] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:557] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:559] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl@3051e5ce1Airvana0005B9LTE_Enterprise_C-RANSC_Cntrl0005B95190954 VALUE CHANGE12018-04-27T07:09:160Device.ManagementServer.ParameterKeyNoneDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURLhttp:// [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Event notified by the device is of type: Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Processing the device Inform event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Authorization header received in the request -> basic [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler INFO : Is device authentication successful: true [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: The root element is: Device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Canceling the Connection initiation timer, as Inform is been sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Building Device Inform event based on the event codes sent by the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceInformBuilder DEBUG: Constructing VALUECHANGE Inform [2024-12-07 12:06:05:563] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceEventHandler DEBUG: Sending the device inform to TR069 Request Processor to process [2024-12-07 12:06:05:564] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:564] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the Device Inform Event: '4 VALUE CHANGE' [2024-12-07 12:06:05:564] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Getting the existing Session Object for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:564] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:566] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Creating the device record in TR069_DEVICE_ table, as the device is authenticated successfully. [2024-12-07 12:06:05:566] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Updating the TR069 device: 0005B9519095 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:570] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceOperationManager DEBUG: Successfully updated the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:572] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id generated to process the device notification request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:572] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:572] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Sending the Device Inform Event to the Mapper [2024-12-07 12:06:05:573] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Setting connection status as true for device: 0005B9519095 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:573] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session for the device with newly generated session id [2024-12-07 12:06:05:573] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to LOCKED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:573] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:574] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully started the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:574] [] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Device Inform Event [2024-12-07 12:06:05:576] [] [main] TR069RPC DEBUG: Key element is: 1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:577] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:577] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : 11 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:577] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:577] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: A device event occurred [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Content-Type [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Accept [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Authorization [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Request Headers Cookie [2024-12-07 12:06:05:578] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: The session id is sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:579] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Next char is -1 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:579] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : Received Empty Device response [2024-12-07 12:06:05:579] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Fetching Operation request details for session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: There exists no pending operation request for the session: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Processing Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : Processing the empty request from device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Acquiring the session lock for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: The session id used to process the empty device request is: sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessorCacheUtil DEBUG: Entering put [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Checking if any pending Device RPC requests exists for the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: Retrieving the oldest pending Device RPC request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] DeviceRPCRequestRepositoryHelper DEBUG: There exists no pending Device RPC requests for the device: 0005B9519095 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine INFO : No pending Device RPC request exists for the device, hence empty device response will be sent to the device [2024-12-07 12:06:05:581] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngine DEBUG: Updating the session to terminated state [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Successfully stopped the timer task for Device request with session ID : sessionid5 [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Changing the session state from PROCESSING to TERMINATED [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069RequestProcessEngineHelper DEBUG: Updating the session [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [0005B9519095] [main] TR069DeviceEventHandlerImpl DEBUG: Successfully processed Empty request [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: Clearing the cookies [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [] [main] CPEManagementService INFO : [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing [2024-12-07 12:06:05:582] [] [main] CPEManagementService DEBUG: End of processing the HTTP post request