Relationship: Equipment RAN

module o-ran-smo-teiv-equipment-to-ran {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "urn:o-ran:smo-teiv-equipment-to-ran";
    prefix or-teiv-equiptoran;

    import o-ran-smo-teiv-common-yang-types {prefix or-teiv-types; }

    import o-ran-smo-teiv-common-yang-extensions {prefix or-teiv-yext; }

    import o-ran-smo-teiv-equipment {prefix or-teiv-equip; }

    import o-ran-smo-teiv-ran {prefix or-teiv-ran; }

    organization "ORAN";
    contact "The Authors";
    "RAN Equipment to Logical topology model.

    This model contains the RAN Equipment to Logical topology
    entities and relations.

    Copyright (C) 2024 Ericsson
    Modifications Copyright (C) 2024 OpenInfra Foundation Europe

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

    SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0";

    revision "2024-05-02" {
        description "Initial revision.";
        or-teiv-yext:label 0.3.0;

    or-teiv-yext:domain EQUIPMENT_TO_RAN;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship PHYSICALNF_SERVES_GNBDUFUNCTION { // 0..1 to 0..n

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list serviced-gnbduFunction {
            description "gNodeB-DU Function serviced by this Physical NF.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-equip:PhysicalNF;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf serving-physicalNF {
            description "Physical NF serves this gNodeB-DU Function.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-ran:GNBDUFunction;
            type instance-identifier;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship PHYSICALNF_SERVES_GNBCUCPFUNCTION { // 0..1 to 0..n

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list serviced-gnbcucpFunction {
            description "gNodeB-CUCP Function serviced by this Physical NF.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-equip:PhysicalNF;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf serving-physicalNF {
            description "Physical NF serves this gNodeB-CUCP Function.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-ran:GNBCUCPFunction;
            type instance-identifier;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship PHYSICALNF_SERVES_GNBCUUPFUNCTION { // 0..1 to 0..n

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list serviced-gnbcuupFunction {
            description "gNodeB-CUUP Function serviced by this Physical NF.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-equip:PhysicalNF;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf serving-physicalNF {
            description "Physical NF serves this gNodeB-CUUP Function.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-ran:GNBCUUPFunction;
            type instance-identifier;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship PHYSICALNF_SERVES_ENODEBFUNCTION { // 0..1 to 0..n

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list serviced-enodebFunction {
            description "eNodeB Function serviced by this Physical NF.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-equip:PhysicalNF;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf serving-physicalNF {
            description "Physical NF serves this eNodeB Function.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-ran:ENodeBFunction;
            type instance-identifier;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship ANTENNAMODULE_SERVES_ANTENNACAPABILITY { // 0..n to 0..m

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list serviced-antennaCapability {
            description "Antenna Capability serviced by this Antenna Module.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-equip:AntennaModule;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf-list serving-antennaModule {
            description "Antenna Module serves this Antenna Capability.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-ran:AntennaCapability;
            type instance-identifier;

    or-teiv-yext:biDirectionalTopologyRelationship SECTOR_GROUPS_ANTENNAMODULE { // 0..1 to 0..n

        uses or-teiv-types:Top_Grp_Type;
        key id;

        leaf-list grouped-antennaModule {
            description "Sector groups Antenna Module.";
            or-teiv-yext:aSide or-teiv-ran:Sector;
            type instance-identifier;

        leaf grouped-by-sector {
            description "Antenna Module grouped by Sector.";
            or-teiv-yext:bSide or-teiv-equip:AntennaModule;
            type instance-identifier;