Developer Guide
This document provides a quickstart for developers of the Non-RT RIC rApp Manager.
Additional developer guides are available on the O-RAN SC NONRTRIC Developer wiki.
The rApp Manager is a Java 17 web application built using the Spring Framework. Using Spring Boot dependencies, it runs as a standalone application.
Its main functionality is to lifecycle manage rApps.
Start standalone
The project uses Maven. To start the rApp Manager as a freestanding application, run the following command in the rappmanager/rapp-manager-application directory:
mvn spring-boot:run
There are a few service endpoints that needs to be available to run. These are referred to from the application.yaml file. The following properties have to be modified:
Start in Docker
To build and deploy the rApp Manager, go to the rappmanager folder and run the following command:
mvn clean install
The rApp packages for the unit tests are generated as part of the build process at the rappmanager level. If you have already generated the rApp packages, then for a faster build you can use the same command in rappmanager/rapp-manager-application.
Then start the container by running the following command:
docker run o-ran-sc/nonrtric-plt-rappmanager
Kubernetes deployment
Non-RT RIC can be also deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, it/dep repository. hosts deployment and integration artifacts. Instructions and helm charts to deploy the Non-RT-RIC functions in the OSC NONRTRIC integrated test environment can be found in the ./nonrtric directory.
The scripts located in rappmanager/scripts/install can be used for an automatic installation in the Kubernetes Cluster, see Automatic Installation in Kubernetes.
For more information on installation of NonRT-RIC in Kubernetes, see Deploy NONRTRIC in Kubernetes.
For more information see Integration and Testing documentation in the O-RAN-SC.