Common YANG types

module o-ran-smo-teiv-common-yang-types {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "urn:o-ran:smo-teiv-common-yang-types";
    prefix or-teiv-types;

    import o-ran-smo-teiv-common-yang-extensions { prefix or-teiv-yext; }

    import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }

  organization "ORAN";
  contact "The Authors";
  "Topology and Inventory common types model

  This model contains re-usable data types that topology and inventory models
  will frequently use as part of types and relationships.

  Copyright (C) 2024 Ericsson
  Modifications Copyright (C) 2024 OpenInfra Foundation Europe

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0";

    revision "2024-05-24" {
        description "Initial revision.";
        or-teiv-yext:label 0.3.0;

    grouping Top_Grp_Type {
        description "Grouping containing the key attribute common to all types.
            All types MUST use this grouping.";

        leaf id {
            type string;
            description "Unique identifier of topology entities. Represents the
                Entity Instance Identifier.";

    container decorators {
            "This container serves as extension point for applications wishing
            to define their own decorators. This is done via augmentations. They
            can only be defined in name value pair.

            This is a consumer data and can be attached to Topology Entity or
            Topology Relation instance, outside of the declared Topology Entity
            or Topology Relationship's attributes. This cannot be instantiated,
            and it MUST NOT be augmented or deviated in any way, unless stated

    leaf-list classifiers {
            "Consumer defined tags to topology entities and relationships.

            This is a consumer data and can be attached to Topology Entity or
            Topology Relation instance, outside of the declared Topology Entity
            or Topology Relationship's attributes. This cannot be instantiated,
            and it MUST NOT be augmented or deviated in any way, unless stated

        type identityref { base classifier; }

    leaf-list sourceIds {
            "An ordered list of identities that represent the set of native
            source identifiers for participating entities.

            This is a consumer data and can be attached to Topology Entity or
            Topology Relation instance, outside of the declared Topology Entity
            or Topology Relationship's attributes. This cannot be instantiated,
            and it MUST NOT be augmented or deviated in any way, unless stated

        type string;
        ordered-by user;

    container metadata {
            "This container serves as extension point to define metadata. They
            can only be defined in name value pair.

            This is a consumer data and can be attached to Topology Entity or
            Topology Relation instance, outside of the declared Topology Entity
            or Topology Relationship's attributes. This cannot be instantiated,
            and it MUST NOT be augmented or deviated in any way, unless stated

    identity classifier{
        description "The classifier is used as a base to provide all classifiers
            with identity. ";