Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Swagger OpenAPI document for the INF O2 Services
{- "apiVersions": [
- {
- "version": "1.0.0"
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalCloudId": "10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a",
- "globalcloudId": "10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a",
- "name": "95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1",
- "description": "An ocloud",
- "extensions": ""
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalCloudId": "10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a",
- "globalcloudId": "10a07219-4201-4b3e-a52d-81ab6a755d8a",
- "name": "95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1",
- "description": "An ocloud",
- "extensions": ""
{- "apiVersions": [
- {
- "version": "1.0.0"
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "deploymentManagerId": "c765516a-a84e-30c9-b954-9c3031bf71c8",
- "name": "95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1.kubernetes",
- "description": "A DMS",
- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "supportedLocations": "string",
- "capabilities": {
- "OS": "low_latency"
}, - "capacity": {
- "cpu": "32",
- "hugepages-2Mi": "2048",
- "hugepages-1Gi": "2048"
}, - "profileSupportList": [
- "native_k8sapi"
], - "extensions": ""
deploymentManagerID required | string ID of the deployment manager |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
profile | string DMS profile: value supports "native_k8sapi" |
{- "deploymentManagerId": "c765516a-a84e-30c9-b954-9c3031bf71c8",
- "name": "95b818b8-b315-4d9f-af37-b82c492101f1.kubernetes",
- "description": "A DMS",
- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "supportedLocations": "string",
- "capabilities": {
- "OS": "low_latency"
}, - "capacity": {
- "cpu": "32",
- "hugepages-2Mi": "2048",
- "hugepages-1Gi": "2048"
}, - "extensions": {
- "profileName": "",
- "profileData": {
- "cluster_ca_cert": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUZEakNDQX.....",
- "admin_user": "kubernetes-admin",
- "admin_client_cert": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUVJRENDQW.....",
- "admin_client_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpNSUlFcE.....",
- "helmcli_host_with_port": "",
- "helmcli_username": "helm",
- "helmcli_password": "password",
- "helmcli_kubeconfig": "/share/kubeconfig_c765516a.config"
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalLocationId": "",
- "name": "RegionOne",
- "description": "A Resource Pool",
- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "location": "",
- "extensions": ""
resourcePoolID required | string ID of the resource pool |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalLocationId": "",
- "name": "RegionOne",
- "description": "A Resource Pool",
- "oCloudId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "location": "",
- "extensions": ""
resourcePoolID required | string ID of the resource pool |
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "resourceId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "resourceTypeId": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalAssetId": "",
- "parentId": "None",
- "description": "id:1;hostname:controller-0;mgmt_mac:00:00:00:00:00:00;mgmt_ip:;personality:controller;subfunctions:controller,worker;administrative:unlocked;operational:enabled;availability:available;clock_synchronization:ntp;capabilities:{'is_max_cpu_configurable': 'configurable', 'stor_function': 'monitor', 'Personality': 'Controller-Active'};boot_device:/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-scsi-0:1:0:0;rootfs_device:/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-scsi-0:1:0:0;software_load:22.12;install_state:None;max_cpu_mhz_allowed:None",
- "extensions": { }
resourceID required | string ID of the resource |
resourcePoolID required | string ID of the resource pool |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "resourceId": "eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906",
- "resourceTypeId": "a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c",
- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalAssetId": "",
- "parentId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "description": "cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0",
- "extensions": { },
- "elements": [
- {
- "resourceId": "eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906",
- "resourceTypeId": "a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c",
- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalAssetId": "",
- "parentId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "description": "cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0",
- "extensions": { },
- "elements": [
- {
- "resourceId": "eee8b101-6b7f-4f0a-b54b-89adc0f3f906",
- "resourceTypeId": "a45983bb-199a-30ec-b7a1-eab2455f333c",
- "resourcePoolId": "f078a1d3-56df-46c2-88a2-dd659aa3f6bd",
- "globalAssetId": "",
- "parentId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "description": "cpu:0;core:0;thread:0;cpu_family:6;cpu_model:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz;allocated_function:Platform;numa_node:0",
- "extensions": { }
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "resourceTypeId": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "name": "pserver",
- "description": "The Physical Server resource type",
- "vendor": "",
- "model": "",
- "version": "",
- "alarmDictionary": {
- "id": "7e1e59c3-c99e-3d1c-9934-21548a3a699a",
- "alarmDictionaryVersion": "0.1",
- "alarmDictionarySchemaVersion": "0.1",
- "entityType": "pserver",
- "vendor": "",
- "managementInterfaceId": "O2IMS",
- "pkNotificationField": "",
- "alarmDefinition": ""
}, - "extensions": ""
resourceTypeID required | string ID of the resource type |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "resourceTypeId": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "name": "pserver",
- "description": "The Physical Server resource type",
- "vendor": "",
- "model": "",
- "version": "",
- "alarmDictionary": {
- "id": "7e1e59c3-c99e-3d1c-9934-21548a3a699a",
- "alarmDictionaryVersion": "0.1",
- "alarmDictionarySchemaVersion": "0.1",
- "entityType": "pserver",
- "vendor": "",
- "managementInterfaceId": "O2IMS",
- "pkNotificationField": "",
- "alarmDefinition": ""
}, - "extensions": ""
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "subscriptionId": "0bea3e71-d2f7-4bf3-9c06-41d8d35806f9",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
callback required | string Identifier for the Subscription. |
consumerSubscriptionId | string Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. |
filter | string Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported. |
{- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
{- "subscriptionId": "0bea3e71-d2f7-4bf3-9c06-41d8d35806f9",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
subscriptionID required | string ID of the subscription |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "subscriptionId": "0bea3e71-d2f7-4bf3-9c06-41d8d35806f9",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
{- "apiVersions": [
- {
- "version": "1.0.0"
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "alarmSubscriptionId": "e320da6d-27a8-4948-8b52-3bf3355b45f3",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
callback required | string The fully qualified URI to a consumer procedure which can process a Post of the InventoryEventNotification. |
consumerSubscriptionId | string Identifier for the consumer of events sent due to the Subscription. |
filter | string Criteria for events which do not need to be reported or will be filtered by the subscription notification service. Therefore, if a filter is not provided then all events are reported. |
{- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
{- "alarmSubscriptionId": "e320da6d-27a8-4948-8b52-3bf3355b45f3",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
alarmSubscriptionID required | string ID of the Alarm Subscription |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "alarmSubscriptionId": "e320da6d-27a8-4948-8b52-3bf3355b45f3",
- "consumerSubscriptionId": "3F20D850-AF4F-A84F-FB5A-0AD585410361",
- "filter": ""
filter | string Filter of the query. |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
nextpage_opaque_marker | string Default: 1 Page number of the results to fetch. Default: 1 |
[- {
- "alarmEventRecordId": "97cc2b01-0e71-4a93-a911-2e87f04d996f",
- "resourceTypeId": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "resourceTypeID": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "resourceId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "resourceID": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "alarmDefinitionId": "1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069",
- "alarmDefinitionID": "1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069",
- "probableCauseId": "f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3",
- "probableCauseID": "f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3",
- "alarmRaisedTime": "2022-12-22 09:42:53",
- "alarmChangedTime": "",
- "alarmAcknowledgeTime": "",
- "alarmAcknowledged": false,
- "perceivedSeverity": "1",
- "extensions": { }
alarmEventRecordId required | string ID of the alarm event record |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
alarmAcknowledged | boolean Boolean value indication of a management system has acknowledged the alarm. |
perceivedSeverity | string indicate that the alarm record is requested to be cleared. Only the value "5" for "CLEARED" is permitted in a request message content. |
{- "alarmAcknowledged": true,
- "perceivedSeverity": "5"
{- "alarmAcknowledged": true,
- "perceivedSeverity": "5"
alarmEventRecordId required | string ID of the alarm event record |
exclude_default | string Exclude showing all default fields, Set "true" to enable. |
exclude_fields | string Set fields to exclude showing, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exclude_default". |
fields | string Set fields to show, split by comma, "/" for parent and children. Like "name,parent/children". This value will cover "exculde_fields". |
all_fields | string Set any value for show all fields. This value will cover "fields" and "all_fields". |
{- "alarmEventRecordId": "97cc2b01-0e71-4a93-a911-2e87f04d996f",
- "resourceTypeId": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "resourceTypeID": "60cba7be-e2cd-3b8c-a7ff-16e0f10573f9",
- "resourceId": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "resourceID": "5b3a2da8-17da-466c-b5f7-972590c7baf2",
- "alarmDefinitionId": "1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069",
- "alarmDefinitionID": "1197f463-b3d4-3aa3-9c14-faa493baa069",
- "probableCauseId": "f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3",
- "probableCauseID": "f52054c9-6f3c-39a0-aab8-e00e01d8c4d3",
- "alarmRaisedTime": "2022-12-22 09:42:53",
- "alarmChangedTime": "",
- "alarmAcknowledgeTime": "",
- "alarmAcknowledged": false,
- "perceivedSeverity": "1",
- "extensions": { }
[- {
- "apiVersions": [
- {
- "version": "1.0.0"