.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 How to use Fault Management =========================== This user guide shows how to create subscription on DMS-ETSI for FM and how DMS-ETSI set alert rules in monitoring tool (prometheus). .. contents:: :depth: 3 :local: Prerequisites ------------- #. To create PaaS environment for FM that can be integrated with INF O2 service, the following software need to be installed. * OpenStack * Prometheus * Alert Manager * Node Exporter * Kube-state-metrics * Notification server #. In PaaS environment containerized VNF should be installed, deployed and instantiated according to the steps below. https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/latest/user/v2/cnf/deployment_using_helm/index.html Abbreviations ------------- * FM : Fault Management * DMS-ETSI : Deployment Management Services of ETSI like tacker * NF FM : NF FM may be human in this version or a component part of SMO Procedure --------- #. Create FM subscription NF FM sends a request to DMS-ETSI to create FM subscription. In this FM subscription, multiple filter conditions can be set for fault like compute, storage, network etc mentioned in create subscription sample file sample_param_file.json. Follow the below steps to create a subscription for fault: * Confirm "ID" of the instantiated VNF by executing below command. .. code-block:: console $ openstack vnflcm list --os-tacker-api-version 2 +--------------------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ID | VNF Instance Name | Instantiation State | VNF Provider | VNF Software Version | VNF Product Name | VNFD ID | +--------------------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+ | d2e61392-14dc-4b23-8d33-a19456de65c4 | | INSTANTIATED | Company | 1.0 | Sample VNF | b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177 | +--------------------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+ * Change the following values in subscription sample file sample_param_file.json to the actual values confirmed from above and save the file. * "vnfdIds" : Set the value of "VNFD ID" * "vnfProvider" : Set the string of "VNF Provider" * "vnfProductName" : Set the string of "VNF Product Name" * "vnfSoftwareVersion" : Set the value of "VNF Software Version" * "vnfInstanceIds" : Set the value of "ID" The content of the subscription sample sample_param_file.json is as follows: .. code-block:: console { "filter": { "vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter": { "vnfdIds": [ "b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177" ], "vnfProductsFromProviders": [ { "vnfProvider": "Company", "vnfProducts": [ { "vnfProductName": "Sample VNF", "versions": [ { "vnfSoftwareVersion": 1.0, "vnfdVersions": [1.0, 2.0] } ] } ] } ], "vnfInstanceIds": [ "d2e61392-14dc-4b23-8d33-a19456de65c4" ] }, "notificationTypes": [ "AlarmNotification", "AlarmClearedNotification", "AlarmListRebuiltNotification" ], "faultyResourceTypes": [ "COMPUTE", "STORAGE", "NETWORK" ], "perceivedSeverities": [ "CRITICAL", "MAJOR", "MINOR", "WARNING", "INDETERMINATE", "CLEARED" ], "eventTypes": [ "EQUIPMENT_ALARM", "COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM", "PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM", "ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM", "QOS_ALARM" ], "probableCauses": [ "The server cannot be connected." ] }, "callbackUri": "", "authentication": { "authType": [ "BASIC" ], "paramsBasic": { "userName": "nfv_user", "password": "devstack" } } } * Execute below command to create FM subscription. .. code-block:: console $ openstack vnffm sub create sample_param_file.json --os-tacker-api-version 2 * Verify FM subscription by executing following command. .. code-block:: console $ openstack vnffm sub list --os-tacker-api-version 2 +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ID | Callback Uri | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | 724b6752-b782-48e8-a8bb-a20a0fdb8d9f | | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ #. Create alert rules on Monitoring tool * Prometheus configuration has two files. #. deployment.yaml which contains all the configurations to discover pods and services running in the Kubernetes cluster dynamically. No need to change in deployment.yaml #. configmap.yaml which contains all the alert rules for sending alerts to the Alert manager. The content of the sample configmap.yaml is as follow: .. code-block:: console apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: prometheus-config namespace: monitoring data: prometheus.rules: |- groups: - name: example rules: - alert: KubePodCrashLooping annotations: probable_cause: The server cannot be connected. fault_type: Server Down fault_details: fault details expr: | increase(kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total[10m]) > 0 for: 1m labels: receiver_type: tacker function_type: vnffm vnf_instance_id: 8c93a232-92fb-461a-a5b4-60efa2dd5f81 pod: vdu2-798d577c96-6t42j perceived_severity: CRITICAL event_type: EQUIPMENT_ALARM * After add/delete/modify alert rule in sample configmap.yaml, perform following steps to make it effective. #. Delete old Prometheus ConfigMap .. code-block:: console $ kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml #. Delete old Prometheus Deployment File .. code-block:: console $ kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml #. Delete Prometheus Service .. code-block:: console $ kubectl delete -f service.yaml #. Create Prometheus ConfigMap with updated ConfigMap .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml #. Create Prometheus Deployment File .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml #. Create Prometheus Service .. code-block:: console $ kubectl apply -f service.yaml Requirements ------------ #. Receiving Notification * The NF FM sends a create subscription request to the DMS-ETSI. * After sending the create subscription request, DMS-ETSI will send a GET request to the callback_uri in NF FM to verify its correctness. NF FM should receive this request and then return HTTP 204 to DMS-ETSI. #. Sending Heal Request * When a fault occurs in a CNF and matches subscribed alarm condition, DMS-ETSI will send an Alarm Notification to NF FM. * NF FM should receive the notification, get VNF/VNFC information (vnfInstanceId, vnfcInstanceId) from it, and then send Heal CNF request to NF-LCM, which further sends heal request to DMS-ETSI. References ---------- .. [1] ETSI NFV-SOL CNF Auto Healing with Prometheus via FM Interfaces [1]_. https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/zed/user/etsi_cnf_auto_healing_fm.html .. [2] ORAN-SC Wiki [2]_. https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/13570027/SMO%20Functions%20v4.docx?api=v2 .. [3] Tacker API Document for Receiving Notification [3]_. https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/nfv-orchestration/v2/vnflcm.html#create-a-new-subscription-v2 .. [4] Tacker API Document for Heal Request [4]_. https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/nfv-orchestration/v2/vnflcm.html#heal-a-vnf-instance-v2