Installation Guide


This document describes how to install AIMLFW, demo scenarios, it’s dependencies and required system resources.

Version history







First draft



Joseph Thaliath

H Release



Joseph Thaliath

H Maintenance release



Joseph Thaliath

I release



Rajdeep Singh

K release


This document describes the supported software and hardware configurations for the reference component as well as providing guidelines on how to install and configure such reference system.

The audience of this document is assumed to have good knowledge in AI/ML tools, Kubernetes and Linux system.

Hardware Requirements

Below are the minimum requirements for installing the AIMLFW

  1. OS: Ubuntu 22.04 server

  2. 16 cpu cores

  3. 32 GB RAM

  4. 60 GB harddisk

Software Installation and Deployment

git clone ""
cd aimlfw-dep

Update recipe file RECIPE_EXAMPLE/example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml which includes update of VM IP and datalake details.

Note: In case the Influx DB datalake is not available, this can be skipped at this stage and can be updated after installing datalake.


Check running state of all pods and services using below command

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces

Check the AIMLFW dashboard by using the following url


In case of any change required in the RECIPE_EXAMPLE/example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml file after installation, the following steps can be followed to reinstall with new changes.

bin/ -f RECIPE_EXAMPLE/example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml

Software Uninstallation


Install Influx DB as datalake (Optional)

Standalone Influx DB installation can be used if DME is not used as a data source.

helm repo add bitnami
helm install my-release bitnami/influxdb --version 5.13.5
kubectl exec -it <pod name> bash

From below command we can get username, org name, org id and access token

cat bitnami/influxdb/influxd.bolt | tr -cd "[:print:]"

eg: {“id”:”0a576f4ba82db000”,”token”:”xJVlOom1GRUxDNkldo1v”,”status”:”active”,”description”:”admin’s Token”,”orgID”:”783d5882c44b34f0”,”userID”:”0a576f4b91edb000”,”permissions” …

Use the tokens further in the below configurations and in the recipe file.

Following are the steps to add qoe data to Influx DB.

Execute below from inside Influx DB container to create a bucket:

influx bucket create -n UEData -o primary -t <token>

Install the following dependencies

sudo pip3 install pandas
sudo pip3 install influxdb_client

Use the in ric-app/qp repository to upload the qoe data in Influx DB

git clone -b f-release
cd qp/qp

Update file with the following content:

import pandas as pd
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS
import datetime


   def __init__(self):
        self.client = InfluxDBClient(url = "http://localhost:8086", token="<token>")

def explode(df):
     for col in df.columns:
             if isinstance(df.iloc[0][col], list):
                     df = df.explode(col)
             d = df[col].apply(pd.Series)
             df[d.columns] = d
             df = df.drop(col, axis=1)
     return df

def jsonToTable(df):
     df.index = range(len(df))
     cols = [col for col in df.columns if isinstance(df.iloc[0][col], (dict, list))]
     if len(cols) == 0:
             return df
     for col in cols:
             d = explode(pd.DataFrame(df[col], columns=[col]))
             d = d.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
             df = pd.concat([df, d], axis=1)
             df = df.drop(col, axis=1).dropna()
     return jsonToTable(df)

def time(df):
     df.index = pd.date_range(, freq='10ms', periods=len(df))
     df['measTimeStampRf'] = df['measTimeStampRf'].astype(str)
     return df

def populatedb():
     df = pd.read_json('cell.json.gz', lines=True)
     df = df[['cellMeasReport']].dropna()
     df = jsonToTable(df)
     df = time(df)
     db = INSERTDATA()
     write_api = db.client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
     write_api.write(bucket="UEData",record=df, data_frame_measurement_name="liveCell",org="primary")


Update <token> in file

Follow below command to port forward to access Influx DB

kubectl port-forward svc/my-release-influxdb 8086:8086

To insert data:


To check inserted data in Influx DB , execute below command inside the Influx DB container:

influx query  'from(bucket: "UEData") |> range(start: -1000d)' -o primary -t <token>

Prepare Non-RT RIC DME as data source for AIMLFW (optional)

Bring up the RANPM setup by following the steps mentioned in the file install/ present in the repository RANPM repository

Once all the pods are in running state, follow the below steps to prepare ranpm setup for AIMLFW qoe usecase data access

The scripts files are present in the folder demos/hrelease/scripts of repository AIMLFW repository

Note: The following steps need to be performed in the VM where the ranpm setup is installed.

git clone ""
cd aimlfw-dep/demos/hrelease/scripts

Output of ./ can be used during feature group creation step.

Execute the below script


Add feature group from AIMLFW dashboard, example on how to create a feature group is shown in this demo video: Feature group creation demo

Execute below script to push qoe data into ranpm setup

./  <source name mentioned when creating feature group> <Number of rows> <Cell Identity>

Example for executing above script

./  gnb300505 30 c4/B2

Steps to check if data is upload correctly

kubectl exec -it influxdb2-0 -n nonrtric -- bash
influx query 'from(bucket: "pm-logg-bucket") |> range(start: -1000000000000000000d)' |grep pdcpBytesDl

Steps to clear the data in InfluxDB

kubectl exec -it influxdb2-0 -n nonrtric -- bash
influx delete --bucket pm-logg-bucket --start 1801-01-27T05:00:22.305309038Z   --stop 2023-11-14T00:00:00Z

Feature group creation

From AIMLFW dashboard create feature group (Training Jobs-> Create Feature Group ) Or curl

NOTE: Here is a curl request to create feature group using curl

curl --location 'http://<VM IP where AIMLFW is installed>:32002/featureGroup' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
                "featuregroup_name": "<Name of the feature group>",
                "feature_list": "<Features in a comma separated format>",
                "datalake_source": "InfluxSource",
                "enable_dme": <True for DME use, False for Standalone Influx DB>,
                "host": "<IP of VM where Influx DB is installed>",
                "port": "<Port of Influx DB>",",
                "dme_port": "",
                "bucket": "<Bucket Name>",
                "token": "<INFLUX_DB_TOKEN>",
                "source_name": "<any source name. but same needs to be given when running>",
                "measured_obj_class": "",
                "measurement": "<Measurement of the db>",
                "db_org": "<Org of the db>"

NOTE: Below are some example values to be used for the DME based feature group creation for qoe usecase

curl --location '<AIMLFW-Ip>:32002/featureGroup' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
        "featuregroup_name": "<FEATURE_GROUP_NAME>",
        "feature_list": "x,y,pdcpBytesDl,pdcpBytesUl",
        "datalake_source": "InfluxSource",
        "enable_dme": true,
        "host": "<RANPM-IP>",
        "port": "8086",
        "dme_port": "31823",
        "bucket": "pm-logg-bucket",
        "token": "<INFLUX_DB_TOKEN>",
        "source_name": "",
        "measured_obj_class": "NRCellDU",
        "measurement": "test,ManagedElement=nodedntest,GNBDUFunction=1004,NRCellDU=c4_B13",
        "db_org": "est"
} '

NOTE: Below are some example values to be used for the standalone influx DB creation for qoe usecase. Dme is not used in this example.

curl --location 'http://<VM IP where AIMLFW is installed>:32002/featureGroup' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
                "featuregroup_name": "<Feature Group name>",
                "feature_list": "pdcpBytesDl,pdcpBytesUl",
                "datalake_source": "InfluxSource",
                "enable_dme": false,
                "host": "my-release-influxdb.default",
                "port": "8086",
                "dme_port": "",
                "bucket": "UEData",
                "token": "<INFLUX_DB_TOKEN>",
                "source_name": "",
                "measured_obj_class": "",
                "measurement": "liveCell",
                "db_org": "primary"

Register Model (optional)

Register the model using the below steps if using Model management service for training.

curl --location 'http://<VM IP where AIMLFW is installed>:32006/registerModel' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
            "modelId": {
                "modelName": "modeltest1",
                "modelVersion": "1"
            "description": "This is a test model.",
            "modelInformation": {
                "metadata": {
                    "author": "John Doe"
                "inputDataType": "pdcp",
                "outputDataType": "pdcp"

Training job creation with DME or Standalone InfluxDB as data source

  1. AIMLFW should be installed by following steps in section Software Installation and Deployment

  2. RANPM setup should be installed and configured as per steps mentioned in section Prepare Non-RT RIC DME as data source for AIMLFW

  3. After training job is created and executed successfully, model can be deployed using steps mentioned in section Deploy trained qoe prediction model on Kserve or Steps to deploy model using Kserve adapter

NOTE: The QoE training function does not come pre uploaded, we need to go to training function, create training function and run the qoe-pipeline notebook.

curl --location 'http://<VM IP where AIMLFW is installed>:32002/training-jobs' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
                    "modelname": "modeltest15",
                    "modelversion": "1"
                "model_location": "",
                "training_config": {
                    "description": "trainingjob for testing",
                    "dataPipeline": {
                        "feature_group_name": "testing_influxdb_01",
                        "query_filter": "",
                        "arguments": "{'epochs': 1}"
                    "trainingPipeline": {
                            "training_pipeline_name": "qoe_Pipeline_testing_1",
                            "training_pipeline_version": "qoe_Pipeline_testing_1",
                "training_dataset": "",
                "validation_dataset": "",
                "notification_url": "",
                "consumer_rapp_id": "",
                "producer_rapp_id": ""

Obtain Model URL for deploying trained models

URL for deployment can be obainted from AIMFW dashboard (Training Jobs-> Training Job status -> Select Info for a training job -> Model URL) Or You can curl the following API endpoint to obtain Model URL for deployment. Replace <TrainingjobId> with the ID of the training job.

curl --location 'http://localhost:32002/ai-ml-model-training/v1/training-jobs/<TrainingjobId>'


  1. Installing Kserve

  1. Verify Installation

~$ kubectl get pods -n kserve

NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kserve-controller-manager-5d995bd58-9pf6x   2/2     Running   0          6d18h
  1. Deploy trained qoe prediction model on Kserve

# Create namespace
kubectl create namespace kserve-test

Create qoe.yaml file with below contents

apiVersion: ""
kind: "InferenceService"
  name: "qoe-model"
  namespace: kserve-test
        name: tensorflow
      storageUri: "<MODEL URL>"

To deploy model update the Model URL in the qoe.yaml file and execute below command to deploy model Refer Obtain Model URL for deploying trained models

kubectl apply -f qoe.yaml

Verify Model-Deployment

~$ kubectl get InferenceService -n kserve-test

NAME        URL                                              READY   PREV   LATEST   PREVROLLEDOUTREVISION   LATESTREADYREVISION         AGE
qoe-model   http://qoe-model.kserve-test.svc.cluster.local   True           100                              qoe-model-predictor-00001   42s

~$ kubectl get pods -n kserve-test

NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
qoe-model-predictor-00001-deployment-86d9db6cb-5r8st   2/2     Running   0          93s
  1. Test predictions using model deployed on Kserve

In order to test our deployed-model, we will query the InferenceService from a curl-pod.

# Deploy a curl-pod
kubectl run curl-pod --image=curlimages/curl:latest --command sleep 3600
# Query Inference-Service
kubectl exec -it curl-pod -- \
        curl   \
        --location http://qoe-model.kserve-test.svc.cluster.local/v1/models/qoe-model:predict \
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{
                "signature_name": "serving_default",
                "instances": [[
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56],
                        [2.56, 2.56]]
Note: We can change which deployed-model to query by changing the location as:
location = <KSERVE_HOST>/v1/models/<MODEL_NAME>:predict, where
a. MODEL_NAME: Refers to the Name of Inference-Service
b. KSERVE_HOST: Refers to the URL of Inference-Service
  1. Uninstall Kserve


For Advanced usecases, Please refer to official kserve-documentation here

Install both Kserve and Kserve adapter for deploying models

To install Kserve run the below commands Please note to update the DMS IP in example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml before installation


Uninstall both Kserve and Kserve adapter for deploying models

To uninstall Kserve run the below commands


Steps to deploy model using Kserve adapter


  1. Install chart museum

  2. Build ricdms binary

  3. Run ric dms

    export RIC_DMS_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/config/config-test.yaml
  4. Create sample_config.json

    Create sample_config.json file with the following contents

       "xapp_name": "sample-xapp",
       "xapp_type": "inferenceservice",
       "version": "2.2.0",
       "sa_name": "default",
       "inferenceservice": {
           "engine": "tensorflow",
           "storage_uri": "<Model URL>",
           "runtime_version": "2.5.1",
           "api_version": "",
           "min_replicas": 1,
           "max_replicas": 1
    Refer :ref:`Obtain Model URL for deploying trained models <reference5>`
  5. Copy sample_config.json

    Update the below command with kserve adapter pod name

    kubectl cp sample_config.json ricips/<kserve adapter pod name>:pkg/helm/data/sample_config.json
  6. Generating and upload helm package

    curl --request POST --url ''
  7. Check uploaded charts

  8. Deploying the model

    curl --request POST --url ''
  9. Check deployed Inference service

    kubectl get InferenceService -n ricips