Fault Management
To operate a network, it is important to get an overview about the currently raised alarms. The application offers basic fault management of devices supporting ONF-TR-532. The alarms are classified according to the severity level (warning, minor, major, critical).
The graphical user interface is separated into three views.
Current Problem List
Lists all current active faults in the network. In addition, it also lists alarms sent by the SDN controller itself, which detects connection losses to the NetConf server (connectionLossOAM) or to a device via a mediator to a device (connectionLossNeOAM).
Alarm Notifications
As long as the view is open, all alarm notifications received by the SDN Controller are listed. Please note that refreshing the view will start the collection again. Previous alarm notification can be viewed in the alarm log.
The application has two parts. While the server is listening for NetConf notifications to store them in the database, the client retrieves the information from the database and displays them in a table.
The server synchronizes with the current alarm lists of the devices. Based on raised and cleared notifications, the current alarm status of the network is calculated. The current alarms are stored in a database. In addition, all Problem Notifications received by the SDN controller are stored. There is no logic implemented on the client side.
An alarm status bar in the header of the web application informs the operator about the health status of the network.
The ODLUX web application uses web sockets to update the graphical user interface of the Alarm Notifications (devices) and Connection Status Notifications in real-time.