- Summary
- NONRTRIC components
- Non-RT-RIC Control Panel / NONRTRIC Dashboard
- Information Coordination Service
- A1 Policy Management Service (from ONAP CCSDK)
- A1/SDNC Controller & A1 Adapter (Controller plugin)
- A1 Interface / Near-RT-RIC Simulator
- (Spring Cloud) Service Gateway
- Service Exposure Security Architecture Prototyping
- DMaaP Information Producer Adapters (Kafka)
- Initial App Catalogue
- Initial Kubernetes Helm Chart LCM Manager
- Service Management and Exposure (CAPIF)
- Authentication Support (Keycloak)
- RApp Manager Service
- RAN Performance Monitoring Functions (File-based PM)
- Non-RT-RIC Test Framework
- Non-RT-RIC Use Cases
- Developer Guide
- API-Docs
- Use Cases
- Requirements for the Non-RT RIC project
- Installation Guide
- Release-Notes
- Security Architecture Prototyping