
Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) OAM Deployment and Configuration

This document focuses on a docker-compose deployment solution for SMO/OAM Components. Such deployment should be used for research and development.


With respect to Operation and Maintenance (OAM), the SMO implements the O1-interface and OpenFronthaul Management-Plane consumers. According to the O-RAN OAM Architecture and the O-RAN OAM Interface Specification, the SMO implements a NETCONF Client for configuration and a HTTP/REST/VES server for receiving all kinds of events in VES format.

The O-RAN-SC OAM deployment contains an OpenDaylight-based NETCONF client and an ONAP VES Collector. Kafka is used as a message router for communication between the components. The Keycloak implementation offers an Identity service, while traefik acts as a reverse proxy to terminate all incoming https traffic. For storing data in a persistent way, the implementation of the mariaDB project is used.

SMO OAM Components

This docker-compose file starts a pre-configured, self-contained SDN-R solution with the following components:

  • Identity … representing a Keycloak-based identity service for centralized user management. Please note that the implementation does not support IPv6. Therefore, its own network is required called DMZ.

  • Controller single node instance … representing the NETCONF consumer on the Service Management and Orchestration framework (SMO) for O-RAN O1 interface and/or O-RAN OpenFronthaul Management Plane and/or other NETCONF/YANG schemas implemented by the OpenDaylight project.

  • VES collector … representing the VES (REST) provider at SMO for all kinds of events.

  • Messages … representing the SMO MessageRouter component, includes message-router.

  • Gateway … representing a reverse proxy terminating TLS traffic (https, NETCONF).



The solution was tested on a VM with:

  • 4x Core

  • 16 GBit RAM

  • 50 Gbit Storage

Operating (HOST) System

$ cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS"


$ docker --version
Docker version 27.5.1, build 9f9e405

Docker configuration for IPv6

In case you prefer IPv6 support the docker configuration must be modified.

Please see:

  1. Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json, set the ipv6 key to true and the fixed-cidr-v6 key to your IPv6 subnet. In this example we are setting it to 2001:db8:1::/64.

"registry-mirrors": [
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
   "max-size": "10m",
   "max-file": "3"
"ipv6": true,
"fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"
  1. Reload the Docker configuration file.

$ systemctl reload docker

Docker Compose

$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.32.4


$ git --version
git version 2.43.0

Please clone the following repositories: -,general -,general


$ python3 --version
Python 3.12.3

A python parser package is required:

python3 -m venv .oam
source .oam/bin/activate
pip3 install requirements.txt

ETC Host (DNS function)

Your local IP and your used interface are required. Use the following script to modify all .env and other configuration files accordingly. The script will find automatically the interface and its IP address to the internet. You can check its usage with the option -h:

python3 ./ -h

Please run the script with your preferred fully qualified domain name you would like to use in your browser address bar:

python3 ./ -d <your-smo-fqdn>

You can revert the settings in the modified .env and configuration files using the option -r:

python3 ./ -d <your-smo-fqdn> -r

It is beneficial (but not mandatory) to add the following line at the end of your ~/.bashrc file. It will suppress warnings when Python scripts do not verify self-signed certificates for HTTPS communication.

export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Unverified HTTPS request"

Please modify the /etc/hosts of your system or modify the DNS of your environment:

  • <your-system>: hostname of the system where the browser is started

  • <deployment-system-ipv4>: IP address of the system where the solution will be deployed

$ cat /etc/hosts                localhost                <your-system>

# SMO OAM development system


Bring Up Solution

Short story

The following commands should be invoked. More details can be found in the next chapters.

source .oam/bin/activate

Simulated network

Before starting the simulated network, you need to locally build the docker images. This is because of copyright issues with the 3GPP YANG models.

The build should be straightforward. The repository containing the PyNTS code needs to be cloned, and then you run a command to build the images. Run this in another terminal, in another folder (not in this repo):

git clone ""
cd o1-ofhmp-interfaces
make build-all

After everything is built successfully, you can return to your solution folder here and start the network:

docker compose -f network/docker-compose.yaml up -d
docker compose -f network/docker-compose.yaml restart pynts-o-du-o1

Check (adjust if required) environment variables

nano smo/common/.env
nano smo/oam/.env
nano network/.env

Startup solution

Please note that it is necessary to configure the identity service first, before starting additional docker images.

The several docker-compose yaml files must be started in the right order as listed below:

docker compose -f infra/docker-compose.yaml up -d
docker compose -f smo/common/docker-compose.yaml up -d
python smo/common/identity/

The python script will configure the users within the identity service (Keycloak). A system user (%USER) is also created with administration rights.

docker compose -f smo/oam/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Looking into the ONAP SDN-R logs will show the startup procedure:

docker logs -f controller

If you see the login page (, you are good to go and can start the (simulated) network:

docker compose -f network/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Usually the first ves:event gets lost. Please restart the O-DU Docker container(s) to send a second ves:pnfRegistration:

docker compose -f network/docker-compose.yaml restart pynts-o-du-o1

The simulated O-DU and O-RUs are pre-configured according to O-RAN hybrid architecture.

  • O-RU - NETCONF Call HOME and NETCONF notifications

  • O-DU - ves:pnfRegistration and ves:fault, ves:heartbeat

ves:pnfRegistration in ODLUX

ves:fault events are processed and finally visible in ODLUX:

ves:fault in ODLUX

Log files and karaf console

ODL karaf.logs

docker exec -it controller tail -f /opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log

ves-collector logs

docker logs -f ves-collector

Customizing Solution

.env file contains various customizing parameters.

Verification Solution

Access to SDN-R ODLUX

Access the following URL in your browser:

  • User: admin

  • Password: (see .env file)

In case of trouble, please update your customized .env file.

Access to Node Red Flows

  • User: admin

  • Password: (see .env file)

Again, update the commands with your customized .env file if needed.

Terminate solution

To stop all containers, please respect the following order:

docker compose -f network/docker-compose.yaml down
docker compose -f smo/apps/docker-compose.yaml down
docker compose -f smo/oam/docker-compose.yaml down
docker compose -f smo/common/docker-compose.yaml down
docker compose -f infra/docker-compose.yaml down





Be careful if other stopped containers are on the same system.

docker system prune -a -f


In most cases, the .env settings do not fit the environment and need to be adjusted. Please ensure that the network settings do not overlap with other networks.

Use commands like:

docker ps -a
docker compose ps
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)